• good morning all - hope everyone is doing well and thanks to everyone who has been so supportive of me
    good morning all - hope everyone is doing well and thanks to everyone who has been so supportive of me
    2 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1556 Visualizações
  • About me..

    Hi all, first of all I hope everyone is living their best life.
    Introductions feel awkward to me for whatever reasons. I will be brief to start out but you will soon find out I can be a chatty Patty, sometimes.
    So I'm Danielle Cross (sometimes), I live in Jacksonville Florida, I am 62 & I am an avid MtF crossdresser. And have been doing so for the majority of my life, started in my adolescent years actually. I've been active more so over the past 25 years. For me it's like a light switch, I turn it on and turn it off when I get that itch. If you know what I mean

    Dressing feminine has always thrilled me, enlightened me, excited me & empowered me. From doing my own makeup, wearing wigs, skirts, dresses, short shorts, tight jeans, heels to bras, panties, garter belts, stockings and anything else fashionably feminine.
    I've been in public fully fem'd out, bars, restaurants, either with other crossdressers, females/girlfriends. And I have had encounters with the male species a handful of times. All of which were very exciting times without a doubt.

    I've become so involved, so engulfed in the whole experience at times that it scared me. Because I loved it so much that I started changing the course of my life as far as who I was as a whole. I've lived this double life for so long that I don't really believe I wanted to be a girl full time. I still enjoy the male side of me for many reasons.

    It's been a year now since I flipped the switch and now I've got that itch again. I'm feeling the urge, the desire to dress & it's going to happen again. As some may relate, this life we lead and what we do, namely we purge. We wind up getting rid of everything we bought & collected, all the clothes, heels, makeup, wigs and pics and videos, gone sadly.

    So I will begin to build my collection once again and as I do I will share more with you all as I go along this journey yet again.

    Love & kisses to all...
    About me.. Hi all, first of all I hope everyone is living their best life. Introductions feel awkward to me for whatever reasons. I will be brief to start out but you will soon find out I can be a chatty Patty, sometimes. So I'm Danielle Cross (sometimes), I live in Jacksonville Florida, I am 62 & I am an avid MtF crossdresser. And have been doing so for the majority of my life, started in my adolescent years actually. I've been active more so over the past 25 years. For me it's like a light switch, I turn it on and turn it off when I get that itch. If you know what I mean 😉 Dressing feminine has always thrilled me, enlightened me, excited me & empowered me. From doing my own makeup, wearing wigs, skirts, dresses, short shorts, tight jeans, heels to bras, panties, garter belts, stockings and anything else fashionably feminine. I've been in public fully fem'd out, bars, restaurants, either with other crossdressers, females/girlfriends. And I have had encounters with the male species a handful of times. All of which were very exciting times without a doubt. I've become so involved, so engulfed in the whole experience at times that it scared me. Because I loved it so much that I started changing the course of my life as far as who I was as a whole. I've lived this double life for so long that I don't really believe I wanted to be a girl full time. I still enjoy the male side of me for many reasons. It's been a year now since I flipped the switch and now I've got that itch again. I'm feeling the urge, the desire to dress & it's going to happen again. As some may relate, this life we lead and what we do, namely we purge. We wind up getting rid of everything we bought & collected, all the clothes, heels, makeup, wigs and pics and videos, gone sadly. So I will begin to build my collection once again and as I do I will share more with you all as I go along this journey yet again. Love & kisses to all... Danielle
    12 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1686 Visualizações
  • One of these lunatics who have no self control and want to start calling you names- I bet you're like them Hillbillies
    and I said yeah but I can't make you scream like a pig cuz you're not my sister

    You don't want to play the insult game with me because I don't have feelings to hurt and I'm just going to hurt yours really bad and trust me I know you have feelings cuz that's how you all base your decisions is off your feelings instead of with logic reason and fact
    One of these lunatics who have no self control and want to start calling you names- I bet you're like them Hillbillies and I said yeah but I can't make you scream like a pig cuz you're not my sister🤣 You don't want to play the insult game with me because I don't have feelings to hurt and I'm just going to hurt yours really bad and trust me I know you have feelings cuz that's how you all base your decisions is off your feelings instead of with logic reason and fact
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1544 Visualizações
  • This is probably my favorite trans influencer her name is Blair White if you don't know who she is I highly recommend you look her up on YouTube and listen to her because she's going to tell you the truth whether you like it or not and I align with her and I'm the same way I'm not going to cuddle your feelings for some f****** lies I'm going to tell you to blunt truth whether you like it or not
    This is probably my favorite trans influencer her name is Blair White if you don't know who she is I highly recommend you look her up on YouTube and listen to her because she's going to tell you the truth whether you like it or not and I align with her and I'm the same way I'm not going to cuddle your feelings for some f****** lies I'm going to tell you to blunt truth whether you like it or not
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 709 Visualizações
  • #Sissy
    Whore studio
    #Sissy #Sissyslut #Bdsm #Tattoo #Cosplay Whore studio 💋🍆🍑
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 774 Visualizações
  • Whoamanandwouldgivemesexanytimeiwanttohavesexandwillmarriedmewhohasbecomeagirloffofhrreandbemygirlfriendtome
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1271 Visualizações
  • Any maletofemalewhowilldatemeorshemaleortranssexitualortransgirlormanwhohasbecomeagirl
    Any maletofemalewhowilldatemeorshemaleortranssexitualortransgirlormanwhohasbecomeagirl
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1340 Visualizações
  • Anymanwhohasbecomeacrossdressandlooklikeawomenandwilldatemeandmakemetkemethemloveto
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1384 Visualizações
  • Arethemanymanwhobecomeafemaleorliketobewomanandwearwomenclothersandand does look like a woman and has been and does sound like a woman when they talk andwilldatemeoffofhereandhashadasexchangethemsexgenderintogirl
    Arethemanymanwhobecomeafemaleorliketobewomanandwearwomenclothersandand does look like a woman and has been and does sound like a woman when they talk andwilldatemeoffofhereandhashadasexchangethemsexgenderintogirl
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1246 Visualizações
  • Whohasbecomeasisyormaletofemaleorcrossdresswhowilldateme
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1262 Visualizações
  • I am serious about trying to find someone Whousedtobeamanandhasbecomeafemalewhowoulddateme
    I am serious about trying to find someone Whousedtobeamanandhasbecomeafemalewhowoulddateme
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1196 Visualizações
  • I might be a degenerate freak but I was raised with some morals and standards like you don't lie cheat and steal.

    I live by these values so strong that I won't even jump the turnstile to get on the subway even if I don't have it

    But I'll have people accuse me of lying and stealing, if anything call me an asshole for being blunt honest

    Maybe I should just be a sweet liar maybe that will help me get ahead instead it's just not who I am
    I might be a degenerate freak but I was raised with some morals and standards like you don't lie cheat and steal. I live by these values so strong that I won't even jump the turnstile to get on the subway even if I don't have it But I'll have people accuse me of lying and stealing, if anything call me an asshole for being blunt honest Maybe I should just be a sweet liar maybe that will help me get ahead instead it's just not who I am
    2 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 943 Visualizações
  • My second post. I'm gaining the courage to be who I want to be. Very thankful to the one who guides me.
    My second post. I'm gaining the courage to be who I want to be. Very thankful to the one who guides me.
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1214 Visualizações
  • Who willbemyfriendanddatemeto and its willingtodatingmewhousedtobeamanandhasbecomeawomanoritsashemaleortransgirlifnoonegotodatingmeyoucanlevermealoneillwanttobeawomanwithsomeonewhowantstodatemeforreallookiamsingleandtryingtofindsomeonetobeinmylifewithmeandwhowantsmeastheyloveofffhereanditsstilllookingforsomebodytobewiththemtoanditsgaygirlanditsayoundertowhousedtobeamanandhasbecomeawomenandanylesbian who is single and looking for someone to date
    Who willbemyfriendanddatemeto and its willingtodatingmewhousedtobeamanandhasbecomeawomanoritsashemaleortransgirlifnoonegotodatingmeyoucanlevermealoneillwanttobeawomanwithsomeonewhowantstodatemeforreallookiamsingleandtryingtofindsomeonetobeinmylifewithmeandwhowantsmeastheyloveofffhereanditsstilllookingforsomebodytobewiththemtoanditsgaygirlanditsayoundertowhousedtobeamanandhasbecomeawomenandanylesbian who is single and looking for someone to date
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1155 Visualizações
  • Welliguest nobody goto datingme offofherewhousedtobeamanandbecomeagirloritsamanwholikestodressupasawomanoritsatransgenderortranssexitualwhowilldatesomeonewhoamanandhasbecomeawomannoworasisygirl
    Welliguest nobody goto datingme offofherewhousedtobeamanandbecomeagirloritsamanwholikestodressupasawomanoritsatransgenderortranssexitualwhowilldatesomeonewhoamanandhasbecomeawomannoworasisygirl
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 940 Visualizações
  • Ok isee no one go to dateme or its want to turn me into girlwiththey and dateme offofhereorany man who would be my girland gohave them sex changes from beinga man intoagirl for me who not married outherenoworwhohas become awomanforrealorabouttobeawomanonherenowanditsheretofindsomeonetowiththemtolikemeouttherenow
    Ok isee no one go to dateme or its want to turn me into girlwiththey and dateme offofhereorany man who would be my girland gohave them sex changes from beinga man intoagirl for me who not married outherenoworwhohas become awomanforrealorabouttobeawomanonherenowanditsheretofindsomeonetowiththemtolikemeouttherenow
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 770 Visualizações
  • Who a single crossdress or shemale or trans girl whowillbe my loveand will marriedme forrealanddatemeoranymaletofemaletranssexuital ortransgenderinusaorwilldateamanorfemboyorladyboywhobecomeawomenoffofhererightnowwhowilldatemeonhereandwillrideaothedmandicklikeawomanwoulddoandwhohastransformintoagirlfrombeingamanintoafemaleanditslookforadateonhere
    Who a single crossdress or shemale or trans girl whowillbe my loveand will marriedme forrealanddatemeoranymaletofemaletranssexuital ortransgenderinusaorwilldateamanorfemboyorladyboywhobecomeawomenoffofhererightnowwhowilldatemeonhereandwillrideaothedmandicklikeawomanwoulddoandwhohastransformintoagirlfrombeingamanintoafemaleanditslookforadateonhere
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 974 Visualizações
  • Iam after someone that used to be a man and become a woman who would date me marry me and turn me into a girl and that's both big girls together or someone who likes to dress up a man who has become a girl from being a man that would date me for who I am enter me into a girl and would marry me and come to Kentucky has been the rest of their life with me
    Iam after someone that used to be a man and become a woman who would date me marry me and turn me into a girl and that's both big girls together or someone who likes to dress up a man who has become a girl from being a man that would date me for who I am enter me into a girl and would marry me and come to Kentucky has been the rest of their life with me
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 969 Visualizações
  • I am after someone to date who has become a girl from being a man and has turned into a girl and will ride my **** to and will be my love to and be from usa in ohio or kentucky in usa who used tobe a man and has turned into a female from being a man for real who would be my girlfriend to me and married me who gay girl or trans girl or transsexual or transgender or male to female or man who has a sex change d one to be a girl from being a man who has changes them sex gender into a girl from being a man now on here off this web site here who on line here now
    I am after someone to date who has become a girl from being a man and has turned into a girl and will ride my cock to and will be my love to and be from usa in ohio or kentucky in usa who used tobe a man and has turned into a female from being a man for real who would be my girlfriend to me and married me who gay girl or trans girl or transsexual or transgender or male to female or man who has a sex change d one to be a girl from being a man who has changes them sex gender into a girl from being a man now on here off this web site here who on line here now
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 932 Visualizações
  • Any singlemanwho has become a girl from has a sex changes who now its a woman from being a man whos turn into a women andits atransgender maletofemale oryranssexuital or man who become agirl whowilldateme
    Any singlemanwho has become a girl from has a sex changes who now its a woman from being a man whos turn into a women andits atransgender maletofemale oryranssexuital or man who become agirl whowilldateme
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 880 Visualizações
  • Iamlookingforrealpeoplewho aretransgendermaletofemalewhowilldatemanlikemeoranysisygirlormanwhobecomeawomenforrealorhasbecomeawomenorwillturnmeintoonewhohadasexchangesforrealoffofherenownearohioorkentuckyinusa
    Iamlookingforrealpeoplewho aretransgendermaletofemalewhowilldatemanlikemeoranysisygirlormanwhobecomeawomenforrealorhasbecomeawomenorwillturnmeintoonewhohadasexchangesforrealoffofherenownearohioorkentuckyinusa
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1020 Visualizações
  • Whyits sothatnoonewilldatemeoffofhereforrealiamdontcareofthemusetobeamanjustaslongtherearegirlnowandnolongamananditsafulltimegirlfrombeingamanwhohaschangesthemsexgenderthatalliwantitatransgendergirlwhousetobeamananditsanymoreoramanwhoitsbecomeawomanandhasbecomeagirlandwilldatemefromhereandfromusaandfromohioorkyandoffofherewhowilldatemenow
    Whyits sothatnoonewilldatemeoffofhereforrealiamdontcareofthemusetobeamanjustaslongtherearegirlnowandnolongamananditsafulltimegirlfrombeingamanwhohaschangesthemsexgenderthatalliwantitatransgendergirlwhousetobeamananditsanymoreoramanwhoitsbecomeawomanandhasbecomeagirlandwilldatemefromhereandfromusaandfromohioorkyandoffofherewhowilldatemenow
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 748 Visualizações
  • Who a manbecome awomen and has become a girl and has become agirl already now andwilldateme whoits27yearoldwithAuburn RedBrandy hair andallreadybecomeagirlfrombeingamanfromohioinusaorkentuckyorshemaleortranssexuitalortransgendermaletofemaleorcrossdressoramanwhoitsbeturnintoawomenwhoallreadylooklikeawomenouttherewhowilldatemeandlikeweardressandhighheelsnowtowhowillputthemdressonmetoorasisygirlandwillturnmeintoonetointillthemhavemefixsintoafemaleandwholiketohavesexallthetimeandridedicklikeawomentowhohasapussynownotadickanymorewhoadoctorornursetowhowillcometokentuckyandwantstobeinmylifewithmenow
    Who a manbecome awomen and has become a girl and has become agirl already now andwilldateme whoits27yearoldwithAuburn RedBrandy hair andallreadybecomeagirlfrombeingamanfromohioinusaorkentuckyorshemaleortranssexuitalortransgendermaletofemaleorcrossdressoramanwhoitsbeturnintoawomenwhoallreadylooklikeawomenouttherewhowilldatemeandlikeweardressandhighheelsnowtowhowillputthemdressonmetoorasisygirlandwillturnmeintoonetointillthemhavemefixsintoafemaleandwholiketohavesexallthetimeandridedicklikeawomentowhohasapussynownotadickanymorewhoadoctorornursetowhowillcometokentuckyandwantstobeinmylifewithmenow
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1010 Visualizações
  • Yay it’s the weekend at last, it’s been a long week but rewarded at the end by getting promotion again. From a week Monday I will be the new line manager and in charge of the ones I work with. I dressed conservative and was told I came across as very positive with the right drive that is needed. My boss who is a woman has no issues what so ever about how I choose to live my life and it shows how confident I am.
    Yay it’s the weekend at last, it’s been a long week but rewarded at the end by getting promotion again. From a week Monday I will be the new line manager and in charge of the ones I work with. I dressed conservative and was told I came across as very positive with the right drive that is needed. My boss who is a woman has no issues what so ever about how I choose to live my life and it shows how confident I am.
    3 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1012 Visualizações
  • Whowantsme tobethemwomantothemandwillgivemeloveandsexallofthetimeandwillputmeinadressandhighheelsandthemhavetobeawomantoandwillbemygirltomeandridemycockallthetimeandhavenodickanymorenowonlyapussynowandlooklikeagirlnow
    Whowantsme tobethemwomantothemandwillgivemeloveandsexallofthetimeandwillputmeinadressandhighheelsandthemhavetobeawomantoandwillbemygirltomeandridemycockallthetimeandhavenodickanymorenowonlyapussynowandlooklikeagirlnow
    3 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1172 Visualizações
  • Who use to be aman and become a woman from usa in ohio near kentucky who will date me transsexual male to female or shemale or a man who be come a women and will date me off of here now
    Who use to be aman and become a woman from usa in ohio near kentucky who will date me transsexual male to female or shemale or a man who be come a women and will date me off of here now
    2 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1253 Visualizações
  • Sorry. I have to look after myself right now. Important changes soon. I just need to love myself for whom I really am and embrace fully who I really believe I was always supposed to be. I love you all so much. Your like sisters to me and I can't thank you all enough for your love and support.
    I'll check in from time to time to see how you all are doing.
    Lots of love and hugs.
    Sorry. I have to look after myself right now. Important changes soon. I just need to love myself for whom I really am and embrace fully who I really believe I was always supposed to be. I love you all so much. Your like sisters to me and I can't thank you all enough for your love and support. I'll check in from time to time to see how you all are doing. Lots of love and hugs. Gina.🤭👄
    5 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1047 Visualizações
  • Are they any only male who has become a female who will date me off of here and its transsexual or shemale or male who like to wear women clothes and thanks they are women or male to female
    Are they any only male who has become a female who will date me off of here and its transsexual or shemale or male who like to wear women clothes and thanks they are women or male to female
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1098 Visualizações
  • Aretheyanybodywhogotodatemeornotand is in usa who will date me off of here who was a male to female and has be come a woman from its who will date me for real on here
    Aretheyanybodywhogotodatemeornotand is in usa who will date me off of here who was a male to female and has be come a woman from its who will date me for real on here
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 971 Visualizações
  • Who gone todatemeoffofherethistimeifnotiamleverifnoonegoingtodatemeorwillbemyloveandstartuparelationshipwithmeatistimeanddatemeandisashemaleoramaletofemalewhoissingle
    Who gone todatemeoffofherethistimeifnotiamleverifnoonegoingtodatemeorwillbemyloveandstartuparelationshipwithmeatistimeanddatemeandisashemaleoramaletofemalewhoissingle
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1331 Visualizações
  • Whowouldmindifillfuckthemlikegirlandwouldletmefuckthemandisgayandwoulddatemeoffofherenowandforrealturnmeintoafemalefrombeingamanforreal
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1379 Visualizações
  • Iwanttodatesomeonewhoacrossdressoramaletofemaleorashemaleorsomeonewhousedtobeamanandhasbeingturnedintoawomenfrombeingamanforrealwhowilldatemeandfuckmeforreal
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1468 Visualizações
  • Whoitsherelookingforsomebodytodatethemwhostillisashemaleortranssexuitalortransgendermaletofemalenotfakepeopleonhereonlyrealpeopleorabotoragaslighterandisherelikeiamtofindsomebodytobewithandstartuoarelationshipwithorstillhavethemcockandwillusedisonmeoramanwholooklikeagirlnotamananymorewhowillcometokentuckyandbewithmeforrealinusaonlinehere
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1460 Visualizações
  • Spent the whole afternoon in a little t shirt dress and fluffy socks showing off my hairy legs.

    And it’s the best cd experience I’ve had!’ I feel ace…..

    Happy Wednesday girls x

    Spent the whole afternoon in a little t shirt dress and fluffy socks showing off my hairy legs. And it’s the best cd experience I’ve had!’ I feel ace….. Happy Wednesday girls x
    5 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2034 Visualizações
  • Genuine question who wants to meet on here x
    Genuine question who wants to meet on here x
    14 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1616 Visualizações
  • I'm really in love with this skirt, it's a little snug....but who cares
    I'm really in love with this skirt, it's a little snug....but who cares 😍
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1605 Visualizações
  • Iamlookingforfulltranssexuital mtfandhasbeingturnintofemaleandwilldatemeonhereandwilldatemeandbemygirlfriendandlovetomeormaletofemalewhoshadsasurgery operation surgery switched the mac sex Genderaroundandhasbecomeafemalefullingfrombeingamanorshemalewhowilldatemeonlinehereoffthiswebsitehereinusanearohionearkentuckyforreal
    Iamlookingforfulltranssexuital mtfandhasbeingturnintofemaleandwilldatemeonhereandwilldatemeandbemygirlfriendandlovetomeormaletofemalewhoshadsasurgery operation surgery switched the mac sex Genderaroundandhasbecomeafemalefullingfrombeingamanorshemalewhowilldatemeonlinehereoffthiswebsitehereinusanearohionearkentuckyforreal
    7 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2022 Visualizações
  • Whoops my bloody stocking won’t stay up
    Whoops my bloody stocking won’t stay up
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1251 Visualizações
  • Morning ladies, looks like a gorgeous day for those of us in the UK (who don't take sunshine for granted!)

    Will soon be receiving my high-v neck type size F breast plate, and have a random question..

    I've noticed with some silicone forms, chicken fillets etc that they can promote a little odour after a long period, of wearing (say a few hours or more).

    So with a full plate arriving, was wondering if any of you gurls had any tips or experience with this? Or am I making something out of nothing?

    Oh and here's a tip.. that 6-7" looking dildo on Temu, that looks a hybrid between a penis and a corn-on-the-cob !! Bizarre.. but holy crap, effective! I'll maybe start a tot thread so share faves?

    Anyway, for now.. breast plates.. do they smell? I know I'll need to wipe it down with a 'slightly damp cloth', do any of you just jump in the bath or shower? Hood so as that opens further ideas for play 🫢

    Have a good one ladies, catch thee Ron, as we say up north.
    (I'll catch you later on... for US members who don't get Uk slang;)
    Morning ladies, looks like a gorgeous day for those of us in the UK (who don't take sunshine for granted!) Will soon be receiving my high-v neck type size F breast plate, and have a random question.. I've noticed with some silicone forms, chicken fillets etc that they can promote a little odour after a long period, of wearing (say a few hours or more). So with a full plate arriving, was wondering if any of you gurls had any tips or experience with this? Or am I making something out of nothing? Oh and here's a tip.. that 6-7" looking dildo on Temu, that looks a hybrid between a penis and a corn-on-the-cob !! Bizarre.. but holy crap, effective! I'll maybe start a tot thread so share faves? Anyway, for now.. breast plates.. do they smell? I know I'll need to wipe it down with a 'slightly damp cloth', do any of you just jump in the bath or shower? Hood so as that opens further ideas for play 🫢😜😍 Have a good one ladies, catch thee Ron, as we say up north. (I'll catch you later on... for US members who don't get Uk slang;)
    3 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1588 Visualizações
  • I'm trying to find someone to dating me for real who will let me eat them out and make sweet love to them and yes i will date any one who shemale or crossdress or male to female or dressing up like a woman as long them will let me of them will let me stuck them dick and them **** me like a girl and dress me up like a girl to and them have to be from usa in ohio or kentucky and its gay girl or has being turned into a girl from being aman into girl have they sex changes into a girl from being a male and changes they gender and if they are married lever they man and be gay with me and us both be girls together for real and willing to date me off this web site here who on line here now and 27 year old
    I'm trying to find someone to dating me for real who will let me eat them out and make sweet love to them and yes i will date any one who shemale or crossdress or male to female or dressing up like a woman as long them will let me of them will let me stuck them dick and them fuck me like a girl and dress me up like a girl to and them have to be from usa in ohio or kentucky and its gay girl or has being turned into a girl from being aman into girl have they sex changes into a girl from being a male and changes they gender and if they are married lever they man and be gay with me and us both be girls together for real and willing to date me off this web site here who on line here now and 27 year old
    2 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2788 Visualizações
  • Any gay woman or male to female who wants to dating me or women who will leave them man for me who wants to be gay with me and us be love s to and from usa in ohio or kentucky who was aman and become girl and would let me **** them or a man who likes to dress up as a girl and its across dress or trans gender or transsexual male to female or she male who would hookupwithme
    Any gay woman or male to female who wants to dating me or women who will leave them man for me who wants to be gay with me and us be love s to and from usa in ohio or kentucky who was aman and become girl and would let me fuck them or a man who likes to dress up as a girl and its across dress or trans gender or transsexual male to female or she male who would hookupwithme
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2867 Visualizações
  • Who its single shemale orgaywomenwhousedtobeamanandbecomeawomennfromisandwilldatemeandlikeshavingthemasssmart onandwouldbemygirlfriendandlovetomeandlevethemmanformesowecanbegaygirlstogether
    Who its single shemale orgaywomenwhousedtobeamanandbecomeawomennfromisandwilldatemeandlikeshavingthemasssmart onandwouldbemygirlfriendandlovetomeandlevethemmanformesowecanbegaygirlstogether
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2943 Visualizações
  • For those who want to see me in a dress - Look at some of my profile photos already posted. Really shows how I fit into size 8 and some size 6 dresses. When I can I will go for a drive wearing these outfits. Really like wearing women's sportswear when I go to the store or to a restaurant. I just blend in better as a women this way. But for really going out, I do not show off my favorite dresses often. I do have about 20 really fun dresses to wear. Here is one of my own favorites in a short dress. Me at about 162 pounds. A bit heavy for me, but was two years ago, now that I am mid -150's working my weight down to 138 again (My best low weight) - but still a past photo I like to share. I have several newer really good photos of me in a dress coming soon. Thanks for your comments.
    For those who want to see me in a dress - Look at some of my profile photos already posted. Really shows how I fit into size 8 and some size 6 dresses. When I can I will go for a drive wearing these outfits. Really like wearing women's sportswear when I go to the store or to a restaurant. I just blend in better as a women this way. But for really going out, I do not show off my favorite dresses often. I do have about 20 really fun dresses to wear. Here is one of my own favorites in a short dress. Me at about 162 pounds. A bit heavy for me, but was two years ago, now that I am mid -150's working my weight down to 138 again (My best low weight) - but still a past photo I like to share. I have several newer really good photos of me in a dress coming soon. Thanks for your comments.
    6 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 3021 Visualizações
  • Happy Sunday all of you gorgeous creatures. Have a new outfit and I am feeling divine. Who will take me out?
    Happy Sunday all of you gorgeous creatures. Have a new outfit and I am feeling divine. Who will take me out? 💋💋💋
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2110 Visualizações
  • i am a master dom male who is in love with feminine cds. I am looking for a very feminine boys willing to be extremely feminized sissified and turned into full time housewives.
    i am a master dom male who is in love with feminine cds. I am looking for a very feminine boys willing to be extremely feminized sissified and turned into full time housewives.
    4 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2051 Visualizações
  • The woman who likes me in sexy lingerie
    The woman who likes me in sexy lingerie
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1830 Visualizações
  • Who is ready to role with me?
    Who is ready to role with me?
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1810 Visualizações
  • Let me tell you a little about my life, as my story is also the story of TransLingerie.

    Since I was very young, I dreamed of being a princess, and my school notebooks were filled only with sketches of women's bodies wearing feminine garments.

    When I turned 18, I decided to move to Madrid to study fashion design and to see what life was like outside of the Canary Islands. In my third year of university, I decided—fearfully—to begin my transition. I felt somewhat lost, as there was no information, guidance, role models, or clothing for our community.

    I searched the internet for garments that could replace adhesive tape or the three pairs of panties layered on top of each other, but I found nothing. So, I started researching fabrics and patterns that would fit my body and make me feel comfortable with my appearance. One day, I discovered a shape and fabric that adapted perfectly and concealed everything in a comfortable way. After using it for some time, this panty that I had created held me in place, provided support, and discreetly covered my genitalia.

    I showed it to my friends, who then showed it to their friends. Through word of mouth, people started placing orders, and without even realizing it, TransLingerie was born.

    Over time, I learned about trans men and the challenges they faced in finding clothing that suited their bodies. Talking to them, I discovered that many used adhesive tape to flatten their chest and achieve a more masculine torso appearance. That’s when I started designing binders—the garment used to compress the chest.

    By 2016, orders were coming in from all over Europe, thanks to pioneering websites and magazines within our community.

    In 2018, seeing the social progress and the increasing demand from parents supporting their children from an early age, I decided to create TLMermaids, a product line for the little ones. I was happy to address the needs of the future generations of our community.

    Today, we reach every country in the world, bringing comfort and confidence to all corners of the globe.

    We have had American models from RuPaul’s Drag Race, such as Carmen Carrera, Gia Gunn (who even launched her own lingerie line with TransLingerie), and Laganja Estranja, as well as Latin figures like Mexican influencer Victoria Volkova and Chilean model Florencia Bascolis. Spanish personalities such as Carmen Jedet, Alma Gormedino, Violeta (daughter of Nacho Vidal), and Alex Delacroix have also been part of our journey.

    In 2020, we organized the world's first transgender lingerie fashion show, and in 2023, we presented our swimwear collection on the runway.

    As of 2024, Silvia Matos is stepping down as the director of TransLingerie, with a private company now managing the brand. However, Silvia Matos remains on the board of directors, now with more time for herself—something well deserved after 11 years leading the brand.

    Every day, thanks to you, we continue working to support and protect the needs of my people—my community.

    Our job is to make you happy every day.

    video link
    Let me tell you a little about my life, as my story is also the story of TransLingerie. Since I was very young, I dreamed of being a princess, and my school notebooks were filled only with sketches of women's bodies wearing feminine garments. When I turned 18, I decided to move to Madrid to study fashion design and to see what life was like outside of the Canary Islands. In my third year of university, I decided—fearfully—to begin my transition. I felt somewhat lost, as there was no information, guidance, role models, or clothing for our community. I searched the internet for garments that could replace adhesive tape or the three pairs of panties layered on top of each other, but I found nothing. So, I started researching fabrics and patterns that would fit my body and make me feel comfortable with my appearance. One day, I discovered a shape and fabric that adapted perfectly and concealed everything in a comfortable way. After using it for some time, this panty that I had created held me in place, provided support, and discreetly covered my genitalia. I showed it to my friends, who then showed it to their friends. Through word of mouth, people started placing orders, and without even realizing it, TransLingerie was born. Over time, I learned about trans men and the challenges they faced in finding clothing that suited their bodies. Talking to them, I discovered that many used adhesive tape to flatten their chest and achieve a more masculine torso appearance. That’s when I started designing binders—the garment used to compress the chest. By 2016, orders were coming in from all over Europe, thanks to pioneering websites and magazines within our community. In 2018, seeing the social progress and the increasing demand from parents supporting their children from an early age, I decided to create TLMermaids, a product line for the little ones. I was happy to address the needs of the future generations of our community. Today, we reach every country in the world, bringing comfort and confidence to all corners of the globe. We have had American models from RuPaul’s Drag Race, such as Carmen Carrera, Gia Gunn (who even launched her own lingerie line with TransLingerie), and Laganja Estranja, as well as Latin figures like Mexican influencer Victoria Volkova and Chilean model Florencia Bascolis. Spanish personalities such as Carmen Jedet, Alma Gormedino, Violeta (daughter of Nacho Vidal), and Alex Delacroix have also been part of our journey. In 2020, we organized the world's first transgender lingerie fashion show, and in 2023, we presented our swimwear collection on the runway. As of 2024, Silvia Matos is stepping down as the director of TransLingerie, with a private company now managing the brand. However, Silvia Matos remains on the board of directors, now with more time for herself—something well deserved after 11 years leading the brand. Every day, thanks to you, we continue working to support and protect the needs of my people—my community. Our job is to make you happy every day. video link https://www.mtmad.es/yasss/silvia-matos-translingerie-ropa-interior-transgenero_18_2853120272.html
    Silvia Matos: "Me rechazaron en muchísimos trabajos porque mi aspecto no correspondía con mi DNI"
    Silvia Matos es canaria, tiene 32 años y se ha convertido en un referente dentro del colectivo LGTBI por ser una chica empresaria, transgénero, que
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2843 Visualizações
  • Who would come up behind me and puttheycockinmeandfuckmeandbemylovetomeoutthereand suckmydicka likeawoman andbemyloveandmywifeto
    Who would come up behind me and puttheycockinmeandfuckmeandbemylovetomeoutthereand suckmydicka likeawoman andbemyloveandmywifeto
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1967 Visualizações
  • **"Hello, my name is Silvia Matos. I am looking for a serious partner for a stable and meaningful relationship. I would prefer someone who lives near Murcia, Spain, as I believe proximity is important in building a strong connection.

    I am a heterosexual woman who values honesty, respect, and emotional commitment. I am not interested in casual encounters or relationships based solely on physical attraction. What I truly seek is a partner who shares my values and is willing to build something serious and lasting together.

    If you are looking for the same and think we might have things in common, I would love to get to know you better."**
    **"Hello, my name is Silvia Matos. I am looking for a serious partner for a stable and meaningful relationship. I would prefer someone who lives near Murcia, Spain, as I believe proximity is important in building a strong connection. I am a heterosexual woman who values honesty, respect, and emotional commitment. I am not interested in casual encounters or relationships based solely on physical attraction. What I truly seek is a partner who shares my values and is willing to build something serious and lasting together. If you are looking for the same and think we might have things in common, I would love to get to know you better."**
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1440 Visualizações
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