• The Democrats and the lunatic left make transgender and gay people look like absolute lunatics and they are using you push their agenda and you idiots drink up all the f****** Kool-Aid when they're going to burn down your lifestyle they are not saving you
    The Democrats and the lunatic left make transgender and gay people look like absolute lunatics and they are using you push their agenda and you idiots drink up all the f****** Kool-Aid when they're going to burn down your lifestyle they are not saving you
    1 Commenti 0 condivisioni 592 Views
  • Welliguest nobody goto datingme offofherewhousedtobeamanandbecomeagirloritsamanwholikestodressupasawomanoritsatransgenderortranssexitualwhowilldatesomeonewhoamanandhasbecomeawomannoworasisygirl
    Welliguest nobody goto datingme offofherewhousedtobeamanandbecomeagirloritsamanwholikestodressupasawomanoritsatransgenderortranssexitualwhowilldatesomeonewhoamanandhasbecomeawomannoworasisygirl
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 942 Views
  • Who a single crossdress or shemale or trans girl whowillbe my loveand will marriedme forrealanddatemeoranymaletofemaletranssexuital ortransgenderinusaorwilldateamanorfemboyorladyboywhobecomeawomenoffofhererightnowwhowilldatemeonhereandwillrideaothedmandicklikeawomanwoulddoandwhohastransformintoagirlfrombeingamanintoafemaleanditslookforadateonhere
    Who a single crossdress or shemale or trans girl whowillbe my loveand will marriedme forrealanddatemeoranymaletofemaletranssexuital ortransgenderinusaorwilldateamanorfemboyorladyboywhobecomeawomenoffofhererightnowwhowilldatemeonhereandwillrideaothedmandicklikeawomanwoulddoandwhohastransformintoagirlfrombeingamanintoafemaleanditslookforadateonhere
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 976 Views
  • I am after someone to date who has become a girl from being a man and has turned into a girl and will ride my **** to and will be my love to and be from usa in ohio or kentucky in usa who used tobe a man and has turned into a female from being a man for real who would be my girlfriend to me and married me who gay girl or trans girl or transsexual or transgender or male to female or man who has a sex change d one to be a girl from being a man who has changes them sex gender into a girl from being a man now on here off this web site here who on line here now
    I am after someone to date who has become a girl from being a man and has turned into a girl and will ride my cock to and will be my love to and be from usa in ohio or kentucky in usa who used tobe a man and has turned into a female from being a man for real who would be my girlfriend to me and married me who gay girl or trans girl or transsexual or transgender or male to female or man who has a sex change d one to be a girl from being a man who has changes them sex gender into a girl from being a man now on here off this web site here who on line here now
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 934 Views
  • Any singlemanwho has become a girl from has a sex changes who now its a woman from being a man whos turn into a women andits atransgender maletofemale oryranssexuital or man who become agirl whowilldateme
    Any singlemanwho has become a girl from has a sex changes who now its a woman from being a man whos turn into a women andits atransgender maletofemale oryranssexuital or man who become agirl whowilldateme
    1 Commenti 0 condivisioni 882 Views
  • Iamlookingforrealpeoplewho aretransgendermaletofemalewhowilldatemanlikemeoranysisygirlormanwhobecomeawomenforrealorhasbecomeawomenorwillturnmeintoonewhohadasexchangesforrealoffofherenownearohioorkentuckyinusa
    Iamlookingforrealpeoplewho aretransgendermaletofemalewhowilldatemanlikemeoranysisygirlormanwhobecomeawomenforrealorhasbecomeawomenorwillturnmeintoonewhohadasexchangesforrealoffofherenownearohioorkentuckyinusa
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 1022 Views
  • Whyits sothatnoonewilldatemeoffofhereforrealiamdontcareofthemusetobeamanjustaslongtherearegirlnowandnolongamananditsafulltimegirlfrombeingamanwhohaschangesthemsexgenderthatalliwantitatransgendergirlwhousetobeamananditsanymoreoramanwhoitsbecomeawomanandhasbecomeagirlandwilldatemefromhereandfromusaandfromohioorkyandoffofherewhowilldatemenow
    Whyits sothatnoonewilldatemeoffofhereforrealiamdontcareofthemusetobeamanjustaslongtherearegirlnowandnolongamananditsafulltimegirlfrombeingamanwhohaschangesthemsexgenderthatalliwantitatransgendergirlwhousetobeamananditsanymoreoramanwhoitsbecomeawomanandhasbecomeagirlandwilldatemefromhereandfromusaandfromohioorkyandoffofherewhowilldatemenow
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 750 Views
  • Who a manbecome awomen and has become a girl and has become agirl already now andwilldateme whoits27yearoldwithAuburn RedBrandy hair andallreadybecomeagirlfrombeingamanfromohioinusaorkentuckyorshemaleortranssexuitalortransgendermaletofemaleorcrossdressoramanwhoitsbeturnintoawomenwhoallreadylooklikeawomenouttherewhowilldatemeandlikeweardressandhighheelsnowtowhowillputthemdressonmetoorasisygirlandwillturnmeintoonetointillthemhavemefixsintoafemaleandwholiketohavesexallthetimeandridedicklikeawomentowhohasapussynownotadickanymorewhoadoctorornursetowhowillcometokentuckyandwantstobeinmylifewithmenow
    Who a manbecome awomen and has become a girl and has become agirl already now andwilldateme whoits27yearoldwithAuburn RedBrandy hair andallreadybecomeagirlfrombeingamanfromohioinusaorkentuckyorshemaleortranssexuitalortransgendermaletofemaleorcrossdressoramanwhoitsbeturnintoawomenwhoallreadylooklikeawomenouttherewhowilldatemeandlikeweardressandhighheelsnowtowhowillputthemdressonmetoorasisygirlandwillturnmeintoonetointillthemhavemefixsintoafemaleandwholiketohavesexallthetimeandridedicklikeawomentowhohasapussynownotadickanymorewhoadoctorornursetowhowillcometokentuckyandwantstobeinmylifewithmenow
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 1012 Views
  • Whoitsherelookingforsomebodytodatethemwhostillisashemaleortranssexuitalortransgendermaletofemalenotfakepeopleonhereonlyrealpeopleorabotoragaslighterandisherelikeiamtofindsomebodytobewithandstartuoarelationshipwithorstillhavethemcockandwillusedisonmeoramanwholooklikeagirlnotamananymorewhowillcometokentuckyandbewithmeforrealinusaonlinehere
    1 Commenti 0 condivisioni 1462 Views
  • Let me tell you a little about my life, as my story is also the story of TransLingerie.

    Since I was very young, I dreamed of being a princess, and my school notebooks were filled only with sketches of women's bodies wearing feminine garments.

    When I turned 18, I decided to move to Madrid to study fashion design and to see what life was like outside of the Canary Islands. In my third year of university, I decided—fearfully—to begin my transition. I felt somewhat lost, as there was no information, guidance, role models, or clothing for our community.

    I searched the internet for garments that could replace adhesive tape or the three pairs of panties layered on top of each other, but I found nothing. So, I started researching fabrics and patterns that would fit my body and make me feel comfortable with my appearance. One day, I discovered a shape and fabric that adapted perfectly and concealed everything in a comfortable way. After using it for some time, this panty that I had created held me in place, provided support, and discreetly covered my genitalia.

    I showed it to my friends, who then showed it to their friends. Through word of mouth, people started placing orders, and without even realizing it, TransLingerie was born.

    Over time, I learned about trans men and the challenges they faced in finding clothing that suited their bodies. Talking to them, I discovered that many used adhesive tape to flatten their chest and achieve a more masculine torso appearance. That’s when I started designing binders—the garment used to compress the chest.

    By 2016, orders were coming in from all over Europe, thanks to pioneering websites and magazines within our community.

    In 2018, seeing the social progress and the increasing demand from parents supporting their children from an early age, I decided to create TLMermaids, a product line for the little ones. I was happy to address the needs of the future generations of our community.

    Today, we reach every country in the world, bringing comfort and confidence to all corners of the globe.

    We have had American models from RuPaul’s Drag Race, such as Carmen Carrera, Gia Gunn (who even launched her own lingerie line with TransLingerie), and Laganja Estranja, as well as Latin figures like Mexican influencer Victoria Volkova and Chilean model Florencia Bascolis. Spanish personalities such as Carmen Jedet, Alma Gormedino, Violeta (daughter of Nacho Vidal), and Alex Delacroix have also been part of our journey.

    In 2020, we organized the world's first transgender lingerie fashion show, and in 2023, we presented our swimwear collection on the runway.

    As of 2024, Silvia Matos is stepping down as the director of TransLingerie, with a private company now managing the brand. However, Silvia Matos remains on the board of directors, now with more time for herself—something well deserved after 11 years leading the brand.

    Every day, thanks to you, we continue working to support and protect the needs of my people—my community.

    Our job is to make you happy every day.

    video link
    Let me tell you a little about my life, as my story is also the story of TransLingerie. Since I was very young, I dreamed of being a princess, and my school notebooks were filled only with sketches of women's bodies wearing feminine garments. When I turned 18, I decided to move to Madrid to study fashion design and to see what life was like outside of the Canary Islands. In my third year of university, I decided—fearfully—to begin my transition. I felt somewhat lost, as there was no information, guidance, role models, or clothing for our community. I searched the internet for garments that could replace adhesive tape or the three pairs of panties layered on top of each other, but I found nothing. So, I started researching fabrics and patterns that would fit my body and make me feel comfortable with my appearance. One day, I discovered a shape and fabric that adapted perfectly and concealed everything in a comfortable way. After using it for some time, this panty that I had created held me in place, provided support, and discreetly covered my genitalia. I showed it to my friends, who then showed it to their friends. Through word of mouth, people started placing orders, and without even realizing it, TransLingerie was born. Over time, I learned about trans men and the challenges they faced in finding clothing that suited their bodies. Talking to them, I discovered that many used adhesive tape to flatten their chest and achieve a more masculine torso appearance. That’s when I started designing binders—the garment used to compress the chest. By 2016, orders were coming in from all over Europe, thanks to pioneering websites and magazines within our community. In 2018, seeing the social progress and the increasing demand from parents supporting their children from an early age, I decided to create TLMermaids, a product line for the little ones. I was happy to address the needs of the future generations of our community. Today, we reach every country in the world, bringing comfort and confidence to all corners of the globe. We have had American models from RuPaul’s Drag Race, such as Carmen Carrera, Gia Gunn (who even launched her own lingerie line with TransLingerie), and Laganja Estranja, as well as Latin figures like Mexican influencer Victoria Volkova and Chilean model Florencia Bascolis. Spanish personalities such as Carmen Jedet, Alma Gormedino, Violeta (daughter of Nacho Vidal), and Alex Delacroix have also been part of our journey. In 2020, we organized the world's first transgender lingerie fashion show, and in 2023, we presented our swimwear collection on the runway. As of 2024, Silvia Matos is stepping down as the director of TransLingerie, with a private company now managing the brand. However, Silvia Matos remains on the board of directors, now with more time for herself—something well deserved after 11 years leading the brand. Every day, thanks to you, we continue working to support and protect the needs of my people—my community. Our job is to make you happy every day. video link https://www.mtmad.es/yasss/silvia-matos-translingerie-ropa-interior-transgenero_18_2853120272.html
    Silvia Matos: "Me rechazaron en muchísimos trabajos porque mi aspecto no correspondía con mi DNI"
    Silvia Matos es canaria, tiene 32 años y se ha convertido en un referente dentro del colectivo LGTBI por ser una chica empresaria, transgénero, que
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 2846 Views
  • I am looking for somebody to date me who a male to female crossdress or transsexual or transgender or femboy i am a girl look others woman to gooutwith me
    I am looking for somebody to date me who a male to female crossdress or transsexual or transgender or femboy i am a girl look others woman to gooutwith me
    2 Commenti 0 condivisioni 2503 Views
  • Are they any one who willing to go out with me and will start up a relationship with me on here from usa near kentucky or ohio who a male to female transsexual or transgender or gay girl who a crossdress or femboy or ladyboy or use to be a man and be come a girl and will date me and turn me in to a female or any sissy girls who are single at all on here or nurse or females doctors who used to be a man who has become a woman from being a man or girls who become a man who on hormone and has transform ed in to a girl from being a man or has turn into a man from being a girl who will date me now
    Are they any one who willing to go out with me and will start up a relationship with me on here from usa near kentucky or ohio who a male to female transsexual or transgender or gay girl who a crossdress or femboy or ladyboy or use to be a man and be come a girl and will date me and turn me in to a female or any sissy girls who are single at all on here or nurse or females doctors who used to be a man who has become a woman from being a man or girls who become a man who on hormone and has transform ed in to a girl from being a man or has turn into a man from being a girl who will date me now
    1 Commenti 0 condivisioni 2920 Views
  • if there's any one outthere who its interested in dating me and you have to move to kentucky to be with me who wants to be with me and its a male to female tape of girl who use to be a man and be come a girl or its just be coming a female from being amale and its a real people not fake online or a transsexual mtf or transgender person who mtf or sissygirl or crossdress or a man who on hormones to become a girl and it's becoming a girl who's already has changed and starting to look like a girl and who from usa nexts to kentucky or near by kentucky very close to ohio and West Virginia whowilldatesomeonelikemyself for real and ibm ampland single want to find somebody to date me and married me iam very kind care and single afirefighter iam living alone and i m still ihave neverybe with anyone before andiam verysweet andkindanddowntoearth and easytogetalongwithandveryfriendingtotapeofperson
    if there's any one outthere who its interested in dating me and you have to move to kentucky to be with me who wants to be with me and its a male to female tape of girl who use to be a man and be come a girl or its just be coming a female from being amale and its a real people not fake online or a transsexual mtf or transgender person who mtf or sissygirl or crossdress or a man who on hormones to become a girl and it's becoming a girl who's already has changed and starting to look like a girl and who from usa nexts to kentucky or near by kentucky very close to ohio and West Virginia whowilldatesomeonelikemyself for real and ibm ampland single want to find somebody to date me and married me iam very kind care and single afirefighter iam living alone and i m still ihave neverybe with anyone before andiam verysweet andkindanddowntoearth and easytogetalongwithandveryfriendingtotapeofperson
    3 Commenti 0 condivisioni 3425 Views
  • Whoits maletofemalecrossdressortransgendertapeofgirlwhousetobeamanandbecomeawomenfrombeingamananditsarealpersonnotfakepeopleonlinehereonitswebsiteonlyrealpeoplenotnogaslightorfakepeopleonlyrealonceswhowantstodatemeforwhoiamandhasawildsidetothemlittlebiteandlikesthebarsornightculbsorsissymaletofemaleortransgirlsorcrossdresswhousedtobeamaleandhavesbecomeafemaleforrealandmuchbearealmaletofemalenowpeoplewhoheretodatemeandradytodatemeinusafromohioorWest Virginia Kentucky
    Whoits maletofemalecrossdressortransgendertapeofgirlwhousetobeamanandbecomeawomenfrombeingamananditsarealpersonnotfakepeopleonlinehereonitswebsiteonlyrealpeoplenotnogaslightorfakepeopleonlyrealonceswhowantstodatemeforwhoiamandhasawildsidetothemlittlebiteandlikesthebarsornightculbsorsissymaletofemaleortransgirlsorcrossdresswhousedtobeamaleandhavesbecomeafemaleforrealandmuchbearealmaletofemalenowpeoplewhoheretodatemeandradytodatemeinusafromohioorWest Virginia Kentucky anditstheagesof27or53yearofageswhowilldatemewithredhairandlikeswearhighheelsanddressallthetime
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 3920 Views
  • Anysinglesissyormaletofemalewhohasbecomeafemaleandhasturnintoagirlfrombeeningamanorstarttoturnintoafemalefrombeingamanwhoitsatransgendermaletofemaleanditsagirlnownotamananymoreatallwhodonthaveacockanymoreatallnowandwilldatemefromusainohioorkentuckybecauesiwanttobeagirlordatesomeonewhousedtobeamanimverysweetkindanddowntoearthandcareingpersoniam49andneverybeenwithawomanbeforeandihamstillavirgin andiamlivingaloneandeasytogetalongwithandmynameitsericskaggsorericaone
    Anysinglesissyormaletofemalewhohasbecomeafemaleandhasturnintoagirlfrombeeningamanorstarttoturnintoafemalefrombeingamanwhoitsatransgendermaletofemaleanditsagirlnownotamananymoreatallwhodonthaveacockanymoreatallnowandwilldatemefromusainohioorkentuckybecauesiwanttobeagirlordatesomeonewhousedtobeamanimverysweetkindanddowntoearthandcareingpersoniam49andneverybeenwithawomanbeforeandihamstillavirgin andiamlivingaloneandeasytogetalongwithandmynameitsericskaggsorericaone
    2 Commenti 0 condivisioni 3359 Views
  • Whope usetobe a man andwhowilldatemesissyortranssexual mtfortransgendermaletofemale
    Whope usetobe a man andwhowilldatemesissyortranssexual mtfortransgendermaletofemale
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 2735 Views
  • Iwantsomeonewhowillmakeababywithmeandbeinarelationshipwithmetowhoacrossdressorfemboyortranssexualmtfortransgendermaletofemaleforrealonhereandwilldatemeto
    4 Commenti 0 condivisioni 3103 Views
  • Whowantstodatemeandyesiamlookingformtfcrossdressoratranssexualortransgenderorsissygirlorfemboywhowilldatemeonherenow
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 2961 Views
  • Whowantstobemyloveonhereanditsacrossdressor transsexual ortransgendermtfandwilldateme
    Whowantstobemyloveonhereanditsacrossdressor transsexual ortransgendermtfandwilldateme
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 2486 Views
  • I am looking for onlymtf whowilldatingmeand willturnmeintoasisygirlwiththeyandwillbesinglenktmarriedandwhowillmarriedmeforrealandbemylovetomeoronceswasamanandhavebecomeagirlinreallifeanditsasissygirlortranssexualmtfortransgendermtfforrealorcrossdress
    I am looking for onlymtf whowilldatingmeand willturnmeintoasisygirlwiththeyandwillbesinglenktmarriedandwhowillmarriedmeforrealandbemylovetomeoronceswasamanandhavebecomeagirlinreallifeanditsasissygirlortranssexualmtfortransgendermtfforrealorcrossdress
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 3220 Views
  • Im not here to player abandon round or play games im here to fine somebody to date me a crossdress or sissy girl who a male to female or transgender or transsexual mtf tape who use to be a man and has turn into a girl who will date me and turn me into a sissy girl with they outthere in ohio or kentucky in the usa or works in a bar and its gay woman who will dating a older manwho 27 yearsold girls i want to be turn into a girl for real no joke
    Im not here to player abandon round or play games im here to fine somebody to date me a crossdress or sissy girl who a male to female or transgender or transsexual mtf tape who use to be a man and has turn into a girl who will date me and turn me into a sissy girl with they outthere in ohio or kentucky in the usa or works in a bar and its gay woman who will dating a older manwho 27 yearsold girls i want to be turn into a girl for real no joke
    1 Commenti 0 condivisioni 3161 Views
  • Whoheretodateandwillchatwithmeanditslookingforsomebodytobethemboyfriendandwillmarrieduptomeiaminkentuckyinusaimsingleandlivingaloneandtrytofindsomebodytodatemeiam48yearoldandafirefighteriwantsomeonewhousedtobeamanandhadasexchangesandbecomeagirlfromchangesthemsexgenderintoafemalefrombeingamaleortransgendermtfortranssexualorcrossdressmtfwhousetobeamanandhadasexchangessurgery operation done
    Whoheretodateandwillchatwithmeanditslookingforsomebodytobethemboyfriendandwillmarrieduptomeiaminkentuckyinusaimsingleandlivingaloneandtrytofindsomebodytodatemeiam48yearoldandafirefighteriwantsomeonewhousedtobeamanandhadasexchangesandbecomeagirlfromchangesthemsexgenderintoafemalefrombeingamaleortransgendermtfortranssexualorcrossdressmtfwhousetobeamanandhadasexchangessurgery operation done
    1 Commenti 0 condivisioni 2195 Views
  • I feel deeply saddened, that people who consider themselves to be either transgender, Crossdresser or admirer be so cruel and hurtful to their own. I have been here for just over a month and i have seen genuinely nice people leave because of the lack of respect and kindness and down right rude or offensive comments or content. I too will think long and hard over the weekend to withdraw my account.
    I feel deeply saddened, that people who consider themselves to be either transgender, Crossdresser or admirer be so cruel and hurtful to their own. I have been here for just over a month and i have seen genuinely nice people leave because of the lack of respect and kindness and down right rude or offensive comments or content. I too will think long and hard over the weekend to withdraw my account.😪💛
    21 Commenti 0 condivisioni 2674 Views
  • #transgender
    Transgender bdsm consult into dominance I want a submissive for my dominance
    #transgender Transgender bdsm consult into dominance I want a submissive for my dominance
    3 Commenti 0 condivisioni 2415 Views
  • HelloI’m seeking for a sugar baby to spoil with money and pay her bills,food,insurance and loan weekly.
    If you’re interested dm me
    Text: +1 (219) 291-5822
    Telegram: Richermill
    Snapchat: Richermilli005
    Google chat: Garrisonmcmahon4@gmail.com

    #Doms #Master #Submissive #Fetish #USA #Canada #Transgender #Fandom
    Hello🫀💋👅❤️🥂🌹I’m seeking for a sugar baby to spoil with money and pay her bills,food,insurance and loan weekly. If you’re interested dm me Text: +1 (219) 291-5822 Telegram: Richermill Snapchat: Richermilli005 Google chat: Garrisonmcmahon4@gmail.com #Doms #Master #Submissive #Fetish #USA #Canada #Transgender #Fandom
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 3037 Views
  • Can you share your slutiest photo?

    #sissyboy #sissymen #transgender #sissymaid #sissified #pantieslover
    Can you share your slutiest photo? #sissyboy #sissymen #transgender #sissymaid #sissified #pantieslover
    2 Commenti 0 condivisioni 5640 Views
  • I quit drinking in 1990 and tonight I had a couple of drinks and i got tipsy. Well 3 nights earlier a guy ask me for a ride and i didnt expect him to hit on me since i am a transgender woman. He said if i give him a ride we can pull over on the way. I got us a spot just out of town and i stopped and he pulled his **** out again because he told me it 7 inches and my eyes got big then he showed me and reached out and was playing with it then a guy comes to the window and i can't pull my arm out without getting attention i thought he didnt see it until he said you must have a handful of **** i said what him and i do is our business. Then he said yup she has a big **** in her hand and my mouth.
    I quit drinking in 1990 and tonight I had a couple of drinks and i got tipsy. Well 3 nights earlier a guy ask me for a ride and i didnt expect him to hit on me since i am a transgender woman. He said if i give him a ride we can pull over on the way. I got us a spot just out of town and i stopped and he pulled his cock out again because he told me it 7 inches and my eyes got big then he showed me and reached out and was playing with it then a guy comes to the window and i can't pull my arm out without getting attention i thought he didnt see it until he said you must have a handful of cock i said what him and i do is our business. Then he said yup she has a big cock in her hand and my mouth.
    1 Commenti 0 condivisioni 2551 Views
  • Still quite new here. Looking for new CD and lady friends and supportive males who appreciate transgender people (Me). Nice to join a active site where there are many views and comments.
    Still quite new here. Looking for new CD and lady friends and supportive males who appreciate transgender people (Me). Nice to join a active site where there are many views and comments. 😊
    8 Commenti 0 condivisioni 1709 Views
  • Being transgender is not just a medical transition. … [It’s about] discovering who you are, living your life authentically, loving yourself, and spreading that love towards other people and accepting one another
    Being transgender is not just a medical transition. … [It’s about] discovering who you are, living your life authentically, loving yourself, and spreading that love towards other people and accepting one another
    4 Commenti 0 condivisioni 1645 Views
  • Evening all, and happy new year

    So not been on here in ages, have had a lot going on, so I came out to my wife as transgender, we spent a month or so trying to se if we could still make things work but understandably it was too much for her, so about 5 weeks ago we separated, our kids now know about me as do my parents who I’ve moved in with for the time being, I’m not living full time as summer out of respect for my children as I don’t want things to get awkward for them,
    I’ve been seeing a counsellor for 3 months to help me come to terms with my identity, I have also spoken to my GP who has referred me to the gender clinic and I am waiting for an appointment with them,
    It’s been a hard few months and as me and my wife work through separation and eventually divorce it’s not going to get easier for a while but I’m glad I’ve done it, I’m glad I can finally start on the path to being the me I’ve always wanted to be,

    So my message to you all is be true to yourself, do whatever it takes to make you happy, you may hurt people along the way but if they love you they will understand and come around eventually,

    Love you all, summer xxx

    P.s. little Christmas party pic as haven’t really taken any in a while
    Evening all, and happy new year So not been on here in ages, have had a lot going on, so I came out to my wife as transgender, we spent a month or so trying to se if we could still make things work but understandably it was too much for her, so about 5 weeks ago we separated, our kids now know about me as do my parents who I’ve moved in with for the time being, I’m not living full time as summer out of respect for my children as I don’t want things to get awkward for them, I’ve been seeing a counsellor for 3 months to help me come to terms with my identity, I have also spoken to my GP who has referred me to the gender clinic and I am waiting for an appointment with them, It’s been a hard few months and as me and my wife work through separation and eventually divorce it’s not going to get easier for a while but I’m glad I’ve done it, I’m glad I can finally start on the path to being the me I’ve always wanted to be, So my message to you all is be true to yourself, do whatever it takes to make you happy, you may hurt people along the way but if they love you they will understand and come around eventually, Love you all, summer xxx P.s. little Christmas party pic as haven’t really taken any in a while
    8 Commenti 0 condivisioni 1941 Views
  • DM me privately or send me a friend request if you are ready and willing to serve me as your transgender xxx and if you can afford a xxx
    DM me privately or send me a friend request if you are ready and willing to serve me as your transgender xxx and if you can afford a xxx 👿👿👿
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 1471 Views
  • Serious question…
    At what point do you consider you’ve crossed the line between a cross dresser and being transgender?
    I always thought the definition was if you thought you were born in the wrong body, but what if you want to be accepted as female, the only reason you’d even consider any surgery or hormones is because you want to wear more revealing clothes but are conscious breast forms and bulges may be visible,
    I’m not normally one for labels, I am who I am but think this is an important thing to clarify

    Lots of love summer
    Serious question… At what point do you consider you’ve crossed the line between a cross dresser and being transgender? I always thought the definition was if you thought you were born in the wrong body, but what if you want to be accepted as female, the only reason you’d even consider any surgery or hormones is because you want to wear more revealing clothes but are conscious breast forms and bulges may be visible, I’m not normally one for labels, I am who I am but think this is an important thing to clarify Lots of love summer ❤️❤️
    7 Commenti 0 condivisioni 2414 Views
  • Ok ladies its Sunday again and as always Samantha reflects on the week gone by with a few personal thoughts.
    I have mulled over many thoughts over the last few weeks, many of which have almost melted my head at times.


    So I have been considering the whole world of Crossdressing and the nuts (pardon the pun) and bolts of it all.
    There are many differing views on the issue but this is my take on my own experience.
    Now as I see it there are different types of people that reside within the community, for some its a lifestyle, some its a obsession, some its just because they can.
    My mind then delves into the world of Transgender, now this is a term that I dont personaly agree with, to me they are not Trans women they are women.
    Not only are they women, they have more courage than most of us put together, many in society see them as men wanting to be women, gay or even a little odd.
    NO NO NO NO NO, they are women, now the way I see it is if a man was to be in a relationship, would this be a gay relationship ?, my opinion is that no it wouldnt, but in order to confuse you all for technical reasons yes it would.
    A similar rule in my mind applies to Crossdressing, when I dress its not through a desire to be female, it is a desire to feel beautifull and selfish need to be admired.
    Now to the head melting part, would I be sexualy attracted to a man ?, my answer is no I wouldnt, Would I be sexualy attracted to crossdresser ?, yes I would.
    In my male persona would I be sexually attracted to a Crossdresser ?, no I wouldnt.
    Does simply putting on a pair of tights or panties make you a Dresser ?, I believe it does not in the absolute sense as I believe there is certain mindset, almost like a zone that you must be in.
    This mindset can be a temporary thing or maybe evn a permanent thing.

    So the question is, what is it we are attracted to ?, looks, personality, gender ?, or is there a higher power that draws us in.
    Maybe the female form holds more power than we all realise.

    Ramble over (for now)

    Ok ladies its Sunday again and as always Samantha reflects on the week gone by with a few personal thoughts. I have mulled over many thoughts over the last few weeks, many of which have almost melted my head at times. PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING IS MY OPINION ONLY AND NOT PROVEN FACT. So I have been considering the whole world of Crossdressing and the nuts (pardon the pun) and bolts of it all. There are many differing views on the issue but this is my take on my own experience. Now as I see it there are different types of people that reside within the community, for some its a lifestyle, some its a obsession, some its just because they can. My mind then delves into the world of Transgender, now this is a term that I dont personaly agree with, to me they are not Trans women they are women. Not only are they women, they have more courage than most of us put together, many in society see them as men wanting to be women, gay or even a little odd. NO NO NO NO NO, they are women, now the way I see it is if a man was to be in a relationship, would this be a gay relationship ?, my opinion is that no it wouldnt, but in order to confuse you all for technical reasons yes it would. A similar rule in my mind applies to Crossdressing, when I dress its not through a desire to be female, it is a desire to feel beautifull and selfish need to be admired. Now to the head melting part, would I be sexualy attracted to a man ?, my answer is no I wouldnt, Would I be sexualy attracted to crossdresser ?, yes I would. In my male persona would I be sexually attracted to a Crossdresser ?, no I wouldnt. Does simply putting on a pair of tights or panties make you a Dresser ?, I believe it does not in the absolute sense as I believe there is certain mindset, almost like a zone that you must be in. This mindset can be a temporary thing or maybe evn a permanent thing. So the question is, what is it we are attracted to ?, looks, personality, gender ?, or is there a higher power that draws us in. Maybe the female form holds more power than we all realise. Ramble over (for now)
    3 Commenti 0 condivisioni 4158 Views
  • To become a transgender
    To become a transgender
    2 Commenti 0 condivisioni 2731 Views
  • Good mornings lovelies!

    #transgender #trans #lgbt #lgbtq #gay #lesbian #pride #follow #bisexual #nonbinary #transgirl #ftm #loveislove #transisbeautiful #mtf #transwoman #genderfluid #pansexual #tgirl #love #gaypride #transexual #lgbtqia #transpride #asexual #crossdresser #transman #bi #girlslikeus #lgbtpride
    Good mornings lovelies! 😍 #transgender #trans #lgbt #lgbtq #gay #lesbian #pride #follow #bisexual #nonbinary #transgirl #ftm #loveislove #transisbeautiful #mtf #transwoman #genderfluid #pansexual #tgirl #love #gaypride #transexual #lgbtqia #transpride #asexual #crossdresser #transman #bi #girlslikeus #lgbtpride
    3 Commenti 0 condivisioni 15956 Views
  • #crossdressing #crossdressing #pantyhosefetish #sissyboy #crossdress #travesti #shemale #maletofemale #sissyslut #tgirls #boytogirl #mtftransgender #xdresser #transvestite #girlyboy #xdress #feminization #crossdressers #sissygirl #femboi #boyswillbegirls
    #crossdressing #crossdressing #pantyhosefetish #sissyboy #crossdress #travesti #shemale #maletofemale #sissyslut #tgirls #boytogirl #mtftransgender #xdresser #transvestite #girlyboy #xdress #feminization #crossdressers #sissygirl #femboi #boyswillbegirls
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 21932 Views
  • Just been confirmed as a transgender person today IAM happy to start my transition
    Just been confirmed as a transgender person today IAM happy to start my transition
    3 Commenti 0 condivisioni 4832 Views
  • Am I messed up you decide: Updated my story

    Ok what is on my mind, oh how about my story how it began for me, the earliest memory of dressing in women cloths was when I was around 10 when I put on a pair of tights and really liked it, then nothing happen again until my 20's when a girlfriend had gone to work and I tried on her cloths and was like, man I am sexy.

    Then I suppressed my feeling for years, over having my life, then I started getting the feelings again so in my 30's I bought a dress it was a really crappy dress made me sweat like a pig in it, but still I put it on and enjoyed the feeling, then it all got suppressed until a couple of months ago when I started buying cloths again but this time in my 50's I thought I want to tell someone about it, it was hard to say it,
    but I just through it out there to my wife, at first she was like what if I don't want you to do it, I was like its apart of who I am and I'm not going to change it, she has come to terms with it now, although there are day's that she is against it and gets moody with me

    because she worries about what may develop from cross dressing, will I start wanting to be with men, will I want to have a sex change
    For me its about feeling good feeling happy wearing women's clothes makes me feel nice the feeling of the clothes are so different from guys clothes

    I have however watch many different types of porn and had feelings from watching gay/Bisexual porn then comes the fantasies, I have thought about what it would be like and I have got off from watching gay/Bisexual porn but then after feel dirty and disgusted about it, but then keep going back to it. But then I don't fancy men, I fancy women

    I also looked in to what if I had a sex change, its just not possible for me, I was born with klinefelter's syndrome, people with klinefelter's syndrome are more likely to get breast cancer and thrombosis, so taking estrogen is out of the question for me

    On another side though, due to klinefelter's syndrome I have to take testosterone hormone treatment as I am a 47xxy so two parts female to male
    and without the hormone treatment I would develop breast tissue and be a smaller build, but still have a dick and then be seen as Transgender
    however I have to take the meds because I also have osteopenia which is a low bone density that stems from having klinefelter's syndrome

    My Intro
    hypersexual Lesbian cross dresser part time
    Underneath the glam there is a man

    hypersexual Compulsive sexual behavior is sometimes called hypersexuality or sexual addiction. It's an intense focus on sexual fantasies, urges or behaviors that can't be controlled. This causes distress and problems for your health, job, relationships or other parts of your life
    This always shows its ugly little head when I am not happy in a relationship, normally around the bedroom, I live in
    a sexless marriage which is a marital union in which little or no sexual activity occurs between the two spouses, I have had sex once with my wife
    in four years the rest of the time I have to please myself, that's where porn comes in handy

    The Lesbian bit of my intro this was to put guys of from sending my dick pics, it does not work I still keep getting dick pics
    due to the fantasies sometimes I like it and then just write back all flirty, but most of the time I hate it

    so in a nut shell that's me, feel free to ask anything and I'll try to answer it

    Am I messed up you decide: Updated my story Ok what is on my mind, oh how about my story how it began for me, the earliest memory of dressing in women cloths was when I was around 10 when I put on a pair of tights and really liked it, then nothing happen again until my 20's when a girlfriend had gone to work and I tried on her cloths and was like, man I am sexy. Then I suppressed my feeling for years, over having my life, then I started getting the feelings again so in my 30's I bought a dress it was a really crappy dress made me sweat like a pig in it, but still I put it on and enjoyed the feeling, then it all got suppressed until a couple of months ago when I started buying cloths again but this time in my 50's I thought I want to tell someone about it, it was hard to say it, but I just through it out there to my wife, at first she was like what if I don't want you to do it, I was like its apart of who I am and I'm not going to change it, she has come to terms with it now, although there are day's that she is against it and gets moody with me because she worries about what may develop from cross dressing, will I start wanting to be with men, will I want to have a sex change For me its about feeling good feeling happy wearing women's clothes makes me feel nice the feeling of the clothes are so different from guys clothes I have however watch many different types of porn and had feelings from watching gay/Bisexual porn then comes the fantasies, I have thought about what it would be like and I have got off from watching gay/Bisexual porn but then after feel dirty and disgusted about it, but then keep going back to it. But then I don't fancy men, I fancy women I also looked in to what if I had a sex change, its just not possible for me, I was born with klinefelter's syndrome, people with klinefelter's syndrome are more likely to get breast cancer and thrombosis, so taking estrogen is out of the question for me On another side though, due to klinefelter's syndrome I have to take testosterone hormone treatment as I am a 47xxy so two parts female to male and without the hormone treatment I would develop breast tissue and be a smaller build, but still have a dick and then be seen as Transgender however I have to take the meds because I also have osteopenia which is a low bone density that stems from having klinefelter's syndrome My Intro hypersexual Lesbian cross dresser part time Underneath the glam there is a man hypersexual Compulsive sexual behavior is sometimes called hypersexuality or sexual addiction. It's an intense focus on sexual fantasies, urges or behaviors that can't be controlled. This causes distress and problems for your health, job, relationships or other parts of your life This always shows its ugly little head when I am not happy in a relationship, normally around the bedroom, I live in a sexless marriage which is a marital union in which little or no sexual activity occurs between the two spouses, I have had sex once with my wife in four years the rest of the time I have to please myself, that's where porn comes in handy The Lesbian bit of my intro this was to put guys of from sending my dick pics, it does not work I still keep getting dick pics due to the fantasies sometimes I like it and then just write back all flirty, but most of the time I hate it so in a nut shell that's me, feel free to ask anything and I'll try to answer it
    7 Commenti 0 condivisioni 13548 Views
  • Has anyone approached there family about CD or being trans? My partner is aware of me wanting to be transgender but im finding it hard to think what to say to parents :/
    Has anyone approached there family about CD or being trans? My partner is aware of me wanting to be transgender but im finding it hard to think what to say to parents :/
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 8002 Views
  • Feeling frisky sure wish that I knew more people like you I want a wife that is transgender shemale
    Feeling frisky sure wish that I knew more people like you I want a wife that is transgender shemale 😍 😛 🥲 💋 💞 💝
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 7842 Views
  • I need more friends like I am crossdressers transgender gay and all
    I need more friends like I am crossdressers transgender gay and all
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