• #Sissy
    #Sissy #Sissyslut #Bdsm #Tattoo
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1456 Visualizações
  • It has been a roller coaster journey to get where I am. I am NOT a submissive, been there got the t shirt. I am NOT a sissy, been there, not for me. Not sure about being a CROSSdresser, I'm more of a HAPPYdresser. I dress for me, not to get hit on or titilate the admirers and pervs. I am bisexual and not opposed to sexy chat, but ONLY in private. This is a SOCIAL site (well it is supposed to be ) NOT a porn or pick up one. Lets try and get back to being sociable.
    It has been a roller coaster journey to get where I am. I am NOT a submissive, been there got the t shirt. I am NOT a sissy, been there, not for me. Not sure about being a CROSSdresser, I'm more of a HAPPYdresser. I dress for me, not to get hit on or titilate the admirers and pervs. I am bisexual and not opposed to sexy chat, but ONLY in private. This is a SOCIAL site (well it is supposed to be ) NOT a porn or pick up one. Lets try and get back to being sociable.
    9 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1585 Visualizações
  • Sweet Sissy Josie is going for a walk... But first
    Sweet Sissy Josie is going for a walk... But first
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 748 Visualizações
  • Sissy_josie_sub looking absolutely ravishing
    Sissy_josie_sub looking absolutely ravishing
    2 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1096 Visualizações
  • Hmmm any amateur sissys herein lookin for easypeasy fun..?
    Hmmm any amateur sissys herein lookin for easypeasy fun..?😚
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2248 Visualizações
  • I'm seeking for real obedient submissive sissy dress to serve me inbox if you're willing interested
    I'm seeking for real obedient submissive sissy dress to serve me inbox if you're willing interested
    3 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2075 Visualizações
  • Are theye anyoneatall who go to date me atall onhere whowillfuckme who abandon maletofemalecrossdress orsissygirl orfemboy or who any mtfcrossdress ortgirlsorshemaleswhowoulddatemeturnmeintoasissygirlandturnmeintotheygirlfriendandmakemegaywiththeynow
    Are theye anyoneatall who go to date me atall onhere whowillfuckme who abandon maletofemalecrossdress orsissygirl orfemboy or who any mtfcrossdress ortgirlsorshemaleswhowoulddatemeturnmeintoasissygirlandturnmeintotheygirlfriendandmakemegaywiththeynow
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1591 Visualizações
  • Are they any one who willing to go out with me and will start up a relationship with me on here from usa near kentucky or ohio who a male to female transsexual or transgender or gay girl who a crossdress or femboy or ladyboy or use to be a man and be come a girl and will date me and turn me in to a female or any sissy girls who are single at all on here or nurse or females doctors who used to be a man who has become a woman from being a man or girls who become a man who on hormone and has transform ed in to a girl from being a man or has turn into a man from being a girl who will date me now
    Are they any one who willing to go out with me and will start up a relationship with me on here from usa near kentucky or ohio who a male to female transsexual or transgender or gay girl who a crossdress or femboy or ladyboy or use to be a man and be come a girl and will date me and turn me in to a female or any sissy girls who are single at all on here or nurse or females doctors who used to be a man who has become a woman from being a man or girls who become a man who on hormone and has transform ed in to a girl from being a man or has turn into a man from being a girl who will date me now
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1478 Visualizações
  • Leia mais
    if there's any one outthere who its interested in dating me and you have to move to kentucky to be with me who wants to be with me and its a male to female tape of girl who use to be a man and be come a girl or its just be coming a female from being amale and its a real people not fake online or a transsexual mtf or transgender person who mtf or sissygirl or crossdress or a man who on hormones to become a girl and it's becoming a girl who's already has changed and starting to look like a girl and who from usa nexts to kentucky or near by kentucky very close to ohio and West Virginia whowilldatesomeonelikemyself for real and ibm ampland single want to find somebody to date me and married me iam very kind care and single afirefighter iam living alone and i m still ihave neverybe with anyone before andiam verysweet andkindanddowntoearth and easytogetalongwithandveryfriendingtotapeofperson
    3 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2083 Visualizações
  • Leia mais
    Whoits maletofemalecrossdressortransgendertapeofgirlwhousetobeamanandbecomeawomenfrombeingamananditsarealpersonnotfakepeopleonlinehereonitswebsiteonlyrealpeoplenotnogaslightorfakepeopleonlyrealonceswhowantstodatemeforwhoiamandhasawildsidetothemlittlebiteandlikesthebarsornightculbsorsissymaletofemaleortransgirlsorcrossdresswhousedtobeamaleandhavesbecomeafemaleforrealandmuchbearealmaletofemalenowpeoplewhoheretodatemeandradytodatemeinusafromohioorWest Virginia Kentucky anditstheagesof27or53yearofageswhowilldatemewithredhairandlikeswearhighheelsanddressallthetime
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2325 Visualizações
  • Anysinglesissyormaletofemalewhohasbecomeafemaleandhasturnintoagirlfrombeeningamanorstarttoturnintoafemalefrombeingamanwhoitsatransgendermaletofemaleanditsagirlnownotamananymoreatallwhodonthaveacockanymoreatallnowandwilldatemefromusainohioorkentuckybecauesiwanttobeagirlordatesomeonewhousedtobeamanimverysweetkindanddowntoearthandcareingpersoniam49andneverybeenwithawomanbeforeandihamstillavirgin andiamlivingaloneandeasytogetalongwithandmynameitsericskaggsorericaone
    Anysinglesissyormaletofemalewhohasbecomeafemaleandhasturnintoagirlfrombeeningamanorstarttoturnintoafemalefrombeingamanwhoitsatransgendermaletofemaleanditsagirlnownotamananymoreatallwhodonthaveacockanymoreatallnowandwilldatemefromusainohioorkentuckybecauesiwanttobeagirlordatesomeonewhousedtobeamanimverysweetkindanddowntoearthandcareingpersoniam49andneverybeenwithawomanbeforeandihamstillavirgin andiamlivingaloneandeasytogetalongwithandmynameitsericskaggsorericaone
    2 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2311 Visualizações
  • Whope usetobe a man andwhowilldatemesissyortranssexual mtfortransgendermaletofemale
    Whope usetobe a man andwhowilldatemesissyortranssexual mtfortransgendermaletofemale
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1733 Visualizações
  • Whowantstodatemeandyesiamlookingformtfcrossdressoratranssexualortransgenderorsissygirlorfemboywhowilldatemeonherenow
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1749 Visualizações
  • Iam here trying tofinesomebodytodatingmewhosisacrossdressormaletofemaleorsissygirlwhowillfuckmeinusafromohioorkentuckywhowillbemylovetomeoffofherewhoonlinenow
    Iam here trying tofinesomebodytodatingmewhosisacrossdressormaletofemaleorsissygirlwhowillfuckmeinusafromohioorkentuckywhowillbemylovetomeoffofherewhoonlinenow
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1905 Visualizações
  • I am looking for onlymtf whowilldatingmeand willturnmeintoasisygirlwiththeyandwillbesinglenktmarriedandwhowillmarriedmeforrealandbemylovetomeoronceswasamanandhavebecomeagirlinreallifeanditsasissygirlortranssexualmtfortransgendermtfforrealorcrossdress
    I am looking for onlymtf whowilldatingmeand willturnmeintoasisygirlwiththeyandwillbesinglenktmarriedandwhowillmarriedmeforrealandbemylovetomeoronceswasamanandhavebecomeagirlinreallifeanditsasissygirlortranssexualmtfortransgendermtfforrealorcrossdress
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2061 Visualizações
  • Or a crossdress or trans who looking for love or a sissy girl
    Or a crossdress or trans who looking for love or a sissy girl
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2337 Visualizações
  • Im only looking for sissygirls or crossdress or women who are not married atall and this only single or was a man who transform eddie into a girl from being a man and has turned in to a girl now sinces their no more real girls out there any more or works as dances in abar or nightculb or somebody willnot dating them who are gay or alesbian or sissyer who will date me or has asexchanges surgery operation done to become a woman from being a man in ohio inusa or kentucky who willturn me into a girl with they or sissy girl not one who married only single or veryyounger and will dating a older man and turn me in to a female with them for real
    Im only looking for sissygirls or crossdress or women who are not married atall and this only single or was a man who transform eddie into a girl from being a man and has turned in to a girl now sinces their no more real girls out there any more or works as dances in abar or nightculb or somebody willnot dating them who are gay or alesbian or sissyer who will date me or has asexchanges surgery operation done to become a woman from being a man in ohio inusa or kentucky who willturn me into a girl with they or sissy girl not one who married only single or veryyounger and will dating a older man and turn me in to a female with them for real
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2541 Visualizações
  • Im not here to player abandon round or play games im here to fine somebody to date me a crossdress or sissy girl who a male to female or transgender or transsexual mtf tape who use to be a man and has turn into a girl who will date me and turn me into a sissy girl with they outthere in ohio or kentucky in the usa or works in a bar and its gay woman who will dating a older manwho 27 yearsold girls i want to be turn into a girl for real no joke
    Im not here to player abandon round or play games im here to fine somebody to date me a crossdress or sissy girl who a male to female or transgender or transsexual mtf tape who use to be a man and has turn into a girl who will date me and turn me into a sissy girl with they outthere in ohio or kentucky in the usa or works in a bar and its gay woman who will dating a older manwho 27 yearsold girls i want to be turn into a girl for real no joke
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2289 Visualizações
  • Iamlookingforanysissywhomtforwillturnmeintooneoracrossdressmtfortransgirlm2f
    Iamlookingforanysissywhomtforwillturnmeintooneoracrossdressmtfortransgirlm2f andwoulddateme
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1742 Visualizações
  • Whowouldfuckmeandanycrossdressorsissygirlwhousetobeamanandbecomeawomanfromhavingasexchangestochangestheysexgennderintoagirlfrombeingaman
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1506 Visualizações
  • Iamheretofindsomeonetodatemethatwilldressmeupasagirltoandmakemeintoasissygirlandwillmarriedmeanditsfromusainohionextstokentucky
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1364 Visualizações
  • Iamwanttodatingsomebodywhoasissygirlmtforcrossdresswithadicksotheycanfuckmeto
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1470 Visualizações
  • a view of my sissy tush ...

    Who wants to spank me ?
    a view of my sissy tush ... Who wants to spank me ? 💋
    4 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1362 Visualizações
  • #sissy
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 782 Visualizações
  • I'm Dom miss seeking for obedient sub sissy crossdresser to serve me inbox me on Zangi 1044205415
    I'm Dom miss seeking for obedient sub sissy crossdresser to serve me inbox me on Zangi 1044205415
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2804 Visualizações
  • Looking for a good sissy to chat to
    Looking for a good sissy to chat to
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1088 Visualizações
  • I Can't Wait for Summer, I'm Pretty Tired of Not being Able to Take Naked Pics Outside. #sissy #sissyexposed #exposed #femboy #trap #feminization #Cockslut #Nativesissy #Pantyboy
    I Can't Wait for Summer, I'm Pretty Tired of Not being Able to Take Naked Pics Outside. #sissy #sissyexposed #exposed #femboy #trap #feminization #Cockslut #Nativesissy #Pantyboy
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1803 Visualizações
  • I Can't Wait for Summer, I'm Pretty Tired of Not being Able to Take Naked Pics Outside. #sissy #sissyexposed #exposed #femboy #trap #feminization #Cockslut #Femboy #Nativesissy #Pantyboy
    I Can't Wait for Summer, I'm Pretty Tired of Not being Able to Take Naked Pics Outside. #sissy #sissyexposed #exposed #femboy #trap #feminization #Cockslut #Femboy #Nativesissy #Pantyboy
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1810 Visualizações
  • I Can't Wait for Summer, I'm Pretty Tired of Not being Able to Take Naked Pics Outside. #sissy #sissyexposed #exposed #femboy #trap #feminization #Exposedslut #Cockslut #Femboy #Nativesissy #Pantyboy
    I Can't Wait for Summer, I'm Pretty Tired of Not being Able to Take Naked Pics Outside. #sissy #sissyexposed #exposed #femboy #trap #feminization #Exposedslut #Cockslut #Femboy #Nativesissy #Pantyboy
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1826 Visualizações
  • I Can't Wait for Summer, I'm Pretty Tired of Not being Able to Take Naked Pics Outside. #sissy #sissyexposed #exposure #exposed #femboy #trap #feminization #Exposedslut #Cockslut #Femboy #Nativesissy #Pantyboy
    I Can't Wait for Summer, I'm Pretty Tired of Not being Able to Take Naked Pics Outside. #sissy #sissyexposed #exposure #exposed #femboy #trap #feminization #Exposedslut #Cockslut #Femboy #Nativesissy #Pantyboy
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1786 Visualizações
  • I Can't Wait for Summer, I'm Pretty Tired of Not being Able to Take Naked Pics Outside. #sissy #sissyexposed #exposure #exposed #femboy #trap #feminization #Exposedslut #Cockslut #Femboy #Nativesissy #Pantyboy #Cockwhore #ExposeMe
    I Can't Wait for Summer, I'm Pretty Tired of Not being Able to Take Naked Pics Outside. #sissy #sissyexposed #exposure #exposed #femboy #trap #feminization #Exposedslut #Cockslut #Femboy #Nativesissy #Pantyboy #Cockwhore #ExposeMe
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1849 Visualizações
  • I Can't Wait for Summer, I'm Pretty Tired of Not being Able to Take Naked Pics Outside. #sissy #sissyexposed #exposure #exposed #femboy #trap #feminization #Sissyslut #Exposedsissy #Exposedslut #Cockslut #Femboy #Nativesissy #Pantyboy #Cockwhore #ExposeMe
    I Can't Wait for Summer, I'm Pretty Tired of Not being Able to Take Naked Pics Outside. #sissy #sissyexposed #exposure #exposed #femboy #trap #feminization #Sissyslut #Exposedsissy #Exposedslut #Cockslut #Femboy #Nativesissy #Pantyboy #Cockwhore #ExposeMe
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1959 Visualizações
  • I Can't Wait for Summer, I'm Pretty Tired of Not being Able to Take Naked Pics Outside. #sissy #sissyexposed #exposure #exposed #femboy #trap #feminization #Sissyslut #Exposedsissy #Exposedslut #Exposed #Cockslut #Femboy #Nativesissy #Pantyboy #Cockwhore #ExposeMe
    I Can't Wait for Summer, I'm Pretty Tired of Not being Able to Take Naked Pics Outside. #sissy #sissyexposed #exposure #exposed #femboy #trap #feminization #Sissyslut #Exposedsissy #Exposedslut #Exposed #Cockslut #Femboy #Nativesissy #Pantyboy #Cockwhore #ExposeMe
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1930 Visualizações
  • #sissyslutexposed #sissy #exposure #femboy #trap #feminization #nativesissy
    #sissyslutexposed #sissy #exposure #femboy #trap #feminization #nativesissy
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1504 Visualizações
  • #sissyslutexposed #sissy #sissyexposed #exposure #femboy #trap #feminization #Sissy
    #sissyslutexposed #sissy #sissyexposed #exposure #femboy #trap #feminization #Sissy
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1448 Visualizações
  • I’m not on here to a be some straight guys sissy that’s not me so no profile pic or posts ffs don’t dm me
    I’m not on here to a be some straight guys sissy that’s not me so no profile pic or posts ffs don’t dm me
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1558 Visualizações
  • Leia mais
    Sorry I have not been on lately. Been busy with my children and I been busy with school and finding a place to live. My 18 yr old got accepted into Ball State and they graduate highschool in May and start college in Aug.😊 Proud momma. My sissysub I have been with for 2 yrs apparently refuses to tell me he loves me introduce me to his kids hides me and my kids keeps us a secret and wanted this FLR relationship but now refuses to obey this Queen and do as she is told. Their actions don't line up with their words and it hurts me and my children when we are kept a secret from his boys and family and after 2 yrs relationship together refuses to tell me he loves me. It's the same thing every time...... I'll think about it or I'm still here or Do ya?😥💔🤬 No Queen or woman should EVER BE TREATED LIKE THIS EVER. Then to top it all off he makes me and my children leave every Wednesday and every other weekend and makes me feel unwanted unloved. He clearly doesn't want to have a committed relationship with me and it's very sad.Sorry for the rant. Hope you all have a blessed day and don't ever treat a woman the way I am being treated.
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2527 Visualizações
  • Can you share your slutiest photo?

    #sissyboy #sissymen #transgender #sissymaid #sissified #pantieslover
    Can you share your slutiest photo? #sissyboy #sissymen #transgender #sissymaid #sissified #pantieslover
    2 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 5021 Visualizações
  • I'm seeking for obedient submissive sissy if you're interested inbox me
    I'm seeking for obedient submissive sissy if you're interested inbox me
    3 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2592 Visualizações
  • #Exposedslut #Exposed #Cockslut #Femboy #Nativesissy #Pantyboy #Cockwhore #ExposeMe
    #Exposedslut #Exposed #Cockslut #Femboy #Nativesissy #Pantyboy #Cockwhore #ExposeMe
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2110 Visualizações
  • #sissyslutexposed #sissy #sissyexposed #exposure #exposed #femboy #trap #feminization #Sissy #Sissyslut #Exposedsissy #Exposedslut #Exposed #Cockslut #Femboy #Nativesissy #Pantyboy #Cockwhore #ExposeMe
    #sissyslutexposed #sissy #sissyexposed #exposure #exposed #femboy #trap #feminization #Sissy #Sissyslut #Exposedsissy #Exposedslut #Exposed #Cockslut #Femboy #Nativesissy #Pantyboy #Cockwhore #ExposeMe
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2519 Visualizações
  • Good morning girls it looks like this site has gone to shit only on for 2 minutes and getting messages from ******** they dont even read your profile just to let all you ******** know **** off not all crosdressers are sissy
    Good morning girls it looks like this site has gone to shit only on for 2 minutes and getting messages from mistress they dont even read your profile just to let all you mistress know Fuck off not all crosdressers are sissy 😬
    12 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2121 Visualizações
  • Throbbing **** that’s what’s on sissy’s mind right now
    Throbbing cock that’s what’s on sissy’s mind right now ❤️❤️❤️🍆❤️❤️
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2027 Visualizações
  • #sissyslutexposed #sissy #sissyexposed #exposure #femboy #trap #feminization #Sissy #Sissyslut #Exposedsissy #Exposedslut #Exposed #Cockslut #Femboy #Nativesissy #Pantyboy #Cockwhore #ExposeMe
    #sissyslutexposed #sissy #sissyexposed #exposure #femboy #trap #feminization #Sissy #Sissyslut #Exposedsissy #Exposedslut #Exposed #Cockslut #Femboy #Nativesissy #Pantyboy #Cockwhore #ExposeMe
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2783 Visualizações
  • #sissyslutexposed #sissy #sissyexposed #exposure #exposed #femboy #trap #feminization #Sissy #Sissyslut #Exposedsissy #Exposedslut #Exposed #Cockslut #Femboy #Nativesissy #Pantyboy #Cockwhore #ExposeMe
    #sissyslutexposed #sissy #sissyexposed #exposure #exposed #femboy #trap #feminization #Sissy #Sissyslut #Exposedsissy #Exposedslut #Exposed #Cockslut #Femboy #Nativesissy #Pantyboy #Cockwhore #ExposeMe
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2787 Visualizações
  • Leia mais
    I am an experienced and dominant Miss looking for a newbie /submissive slave's that are eager to serve and obey. You will be expected to submit fully to my authority, fill my slave's applying form , and dedicate yourself to my pleasure and satisfaction. Contact details 🪃 SKYPE ID : live:.cid.a4df4cb2815f02c4 TELEGRAM ID : josephinemark444 LOVENSE ID : Domjosephine K I K ID : Domjosephine444 #bdsm #femdom #sissy #teasing #findom #cbt #joi #cei #edging #peging #bondage #denial #diper #kinky #...............
    4 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2319 Visualizações
  • Seeking for a Loyal sissy
    Seeking for a Loyal sissy
    2 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 3145 Visualizações
  • https://www.crossdressing.co.uk/groups/SissySluts69
    Sissy Sluts
    Are you a sissy, and a slut? Join me
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2811 Visualizações
  • I'm New on here looking for real obedient submissive sissy crossdresser. Add me up on zangi 1044205415
    I'm New on here looking for real obedient submissive sissy crossdresser. Add me up on zangi 1044205415
    2 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2420 Visualizações
  • My outfit for work..

    #crossdresser #cd #pinkdress #dress #tonedbody #sexybody #sissy
    My outfit for work.. #crossdresser #cd #pinkdress #dress #tonedbody #sexybody #sissy
    3 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 3218 Visualizações
Páginas Impulsionadas