(What I'm Looking For in a CD and Expect)
Someone recently asked me, What am I looking for, after a short chat, we expanded on it, Ultimately if Possible, What would I really like, Expect and Importantly, Give in return....
Ok let me try and answer this the best I can, as detailed as Possible from both sides.
First of all, I'm Married so no Relationship of Sorts... But a Full Commitment is different...
I'm a Lingerie CD, so let me explain that ...
I love looking at all you CDs in Lingerie and I Love to wear Lingerie, I'm not into Ladies Clothing, seeing fully Dressed Gurls is Nice but does nothing for me otherwise, although Slutty Short Skirts and Crop Tops are Sexy..
For me you need to be Smooth too, if not I will be very Selfish...
As you can see I'm not a big Gurl only around 6" now I'm looking for a CD that's ideally local ish, before I get onto what I would want or expect, let's try to get into what I'm prepared to do/give. A Commitment to Permanent Pleasure, Daily Servicing/Milking/Emptying, Never any mess to clear up. Always do the the right thing and show Appreciation for the Juice Given freely to me by my CD or Queen always Drink it all down as a show of thanks and gratitude for allowing me the honour.
If my CD is 7" or bigger then they become my Queen, my Queen gets her Daily Service no matter what, if I miss a day then then I will Service the Queen Double the following day, the Queen also gets to use my Ass Pus sy anytime she wishes, but only after each others First Service...
The First Service each day is Strictly Mouth to Mouth as it's the first meal and the Biggest.
The First Service each day has to go down both sides, no ifs or buts... Your first main meal of the day is the most important.
If I have a Queen then during my Service of her it is important to keep improving my Deep Throat and Mouth Training to Continually Improve for her pleasure.
Any CDs not a Queen then everything is equal but all rules apply the same, any Ass use is available on discussion.
If my CD lives very local, I work very early mornings, so a very early meal can be given or extracted if wanted, that way a second good meal will still be available later as normal...
Lingerie will be worn at all times while together, unless I'm there for the Queen's Extraction only in which only she needs Lingerie.
While I'm committed to the CD or Queen there will be no other CDs aloud... Unless agreed by both CDs.
If my CD is smaller then my 6" then I become the Queen and I expect all the above Queen perks without question.
If my CD happens to be even bigger than 7" then I will try to Commit even more time to her Servicing as above plus whenever I can extra on top of that, 3 or 4 times a day is nessesary to keep her Happy and Fully Serviced.
For me it's all about the sexual pleasure I can bring to my CD or Queen, my Full Commitment to her Fulfilment no matter how demanding she may be....
I will also help with dressing and keeping smooth, I may buy Lingerie and Toys for my CD as general gifts or for her to wear for my own pleasure.
Cleanliness is expected and given by both CDs, this goes without saying, our general health is important to keep up our commitment to each other.
Mobile Phone codes will be used for short notice visits when possible, just incase my Queen decides she wants another service.
These codes will mean call me or come over if possible.
Someone recently asked me, What am I looking for, after a short chat, we expanded on it, Ultimately if Possible, What would I really like, Expect and Importantly, Give in return....
Ok let me try and answer this the best I can, as detailed as Possible from both sides.
First of all, I'm Married so no Relationship of Sorts... But a Full Commitment is different...
I'm a Lingerie CD, so let me explain that ...
I love looking at all you CDs in Lingerie and I Love to wear Lingerie, I'm not into Ladies Clothing, seeing fully Dressed Gurls is Nice but does nothing for me otherwise, although Slutty Short Skirts and Crop Tops are Sexy..
For me you need to be Smooth too, if not I will be very Selfish...
As you can see I'm not a big Gurl only around 6" now I'm looking for a CD that's ideally local ish, before I get onto what I would want or expect, let's try to get into what I'm prepared to do/give. A Commitment to Permanent Pleasure, Daily Servicing/Milking/Emptying, Never any mess to clear up. Always do the the right thing and show Appreciation for the Juice Given freely to me by my CD or Queen always Drink it all down as a show of thanks and gratitude for allowing me the honour.
If my CD is 7" or bigger then they become my Queen, my Queen gets her Daily Service no matter what, if I miss a day then then I will Service the Queen Double the following day, the Queen also gets to use my Ass Pus sy anytime she wishes, but only after each others First Service...
The First Service each day is Strictly Mouth to Mouth as it's the first meal and the Biggest.
The First Service each day has to go down both sides, no ifs or buts... Your first main meal of the day is the most important.
If I have a Queen then during my Service of her it is important to keep improving my Deep Throat and Mouth Training to Continually Improve for her pleasure.
Any CDs not a Queen then everything is equal but all rules apply the same, any Ass use is available on discussion.
If my CD lives very local, I work very early mornings, so a very early meal can be given or extracted if wanted, that way a second good meal will still be available later as normal...
Lingerie will be worn at all times while together, unless I'm there for the Queen's Extraction only in which only she needs Lingerie.
While I'm committed to the CD or Queen there will be no other CDs aloud... Unless agreed by both CDs.
If my CD is smaller then my 6" then I become the Queen and I expect all the above Queen perks without question.
If my CD happens to be even bigger than 7" then I will try to Commit even more time to her Servicing as above plus whenever I can extra on top of that, 3 or 4 times a day is nessesary to keep her Happy and Fully Serviced.
For me it's all about the sexual pleasure I can bring to my CD or Queen, my Full Commitment to her Fulfilment no matter how demanding she may be....
I will also help with dressing and keeping smooth, I may buy Lingerie and Toys for my CD as general gifts or for her to wear for my own pleasure.
Cleanliness is expected and given by both CDs, this goes without saying, our general health is important to keep up our commitment to each other.
Mobile Phone codes will be used for short notice visits when possible, just incase my Queen decides she wants another service.
These codes will mean call me or come over if possible.
(What I'm Looking For in a CD and Expect)
Someone recently asked me, What am I looking for, after a short chat, we expanded on it, Ultimately if Possible, What would I really like, Expect and Importantly, Give in return....
Ok let me try and answer this the best I can, as detailed as Possible from both sides.
First of all, I'm Married so no Relationship of Sorts... But a Full Commitment is different...
I'm a Lingerie CD, so let me explain that ...
I love looking at all you CDs in Lingerie and I Love to wear Lingerie, I'm not into Ladies Clothing, seeing fully Dressed Gurls is Nice but does nothing for me otherwise, although Slutty Short Skirts and Crop Tops are Sexy..
For me you need to be Smooth too, if not I will be very Selfish...
As you can see I'm not a big Gurl only around 6" now I'm looking for a CD that's ideally local ish, before I get onto what I would want or expect, let's try to get into what I'm prepared to do/give. A Commitment to Permanent Pleasure, Daily Servicing/Milking/Emptying, Never any mess to clear up. Always do the the right thing and show Appreciation for the Juice Given freely to me by my CD or Queen always Drink it all down as a show of thanks and gratitude for allowing me the honour.
If my CD is 7" or bigger then they become my Queen, my Queen gets her Daily Service no matter what, if I miss a day then then I will Service the Queen Double the following day, the Queen also gets to use my Ass Pus sy anytime she wishes, but only after each others First Service...
The First Service each day is Strictly Mouth to Mouth as it's the first meal and the Biggest.
The First Service each day has to go down both sides, no ifs or buts... Your first main meal of the day is the most important.
If I have a Queen then during my Service of her it is important to keep improving my Deep Throat and Mouth Training to Continually Improve for her pleasure.
Any CDs not a Queen then everything is equal but all rules apply the same, any Ass use is available on discussion.
If my CD lives very local, I work very early mornings, so a very early meal can be given or extracted if wanted, that way a second good meal will still be available later as normal...
Lingerie will be worn at all times while together, unless I'm there for the Queen's Extraction only in which only she needs Lingerie.
While I'm committed to the CD or Queen there will be no other CDs aloud... Unless agreed by both CDs.
If my CD is smaller then my 6" then I become the Queen and I expect all the above Queen perks without question.
If my CD happens to be even bigger than 7" then I will try to Commit even more time to her Servicing as above plus whenever I can extra on top of that, 3 or 4 times a day is nessesary to keep her Happy and Fully Serviced.
For me it's all about the sexual pleasure I can bring to my CD or Queen, my Full Commitment to her Fulfilment no matter how demanding she may be....
I will also help with dressing and keeping smooth, I may buy Lingerie and Toys for my CD as general gifts or for her to wear for my own pleasure.
Cleanliness is expected and given by both CDs, this goes without saying, our general health is important to keep up our commitment to each other.
Mobile Phone codes will be used for short notice visits when possible, just incase my Queen decides she wants another service.
These codes will mean call me or come over if possible.
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