CD Stories
Fantasy, Dreams, Wants and Needs, Encounters, Memorable Times ........................... Post your juicy CD Stories.

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  • (Gas Engineer) short story

    I had the house to myself as the wife was at work and I was on my day off so before I do anything else I thaught I would Dress Up and do a photo shoot as I do from time to time, I chose White Stockings with suspenders and a white cami top with light blue edging, a little white Thong and Black Stilettos as I don't have White or Blue, I got myself changed and got the camera set up and then, yes you guessed it, the bloody door rang, for fuck sake, I grabbed my dressing gown and went to the door.
    It was the Gas man, I need to make sure your unit is safe and up to date, oh err ok and showed him the unit, obviously there was no hiding my stockings, he carried on as if nothing happened, so I thaught that's good.
    He was actually randomly chatting about gas appliances, like I was interested, I went to walk away and he raised his voice a little and went on about something else, so I paused and went back, little did I know but my gown had split open a little so he could now see my stocking tops and probably my Clit hanging there. I was quite embarrassed so went to close my dressing gown, he immediately had a sad look and said that was nice, errrr oh emmm thank you, He then said may I see the rest, oh I said, well ok and opened my gown, I said I'm missing my Stilettos and Thong and I walked into the living room to get them, to my suprise he followed me, I slipped on my shoes and went to pick up the Thong when he said, I would not bother with that, you look better without it, oh that's nice thank you, I got semi hard because of that, which he noticed.
    He said that I looked amazing in this outfit and that my Clit looked very tasty and could help try it, errr well I'm only usually interested in CDs but ok sure..... At this point he nelt down in front of me, reached round and grabbed my Ass and Slipped my Clitty into his mouth and went for it big time, intense hard sucking, as if he wasn't going to get anymore, he was relentless, never touched my clit with his hands which were always squeezing my Ass, omg it was only a few minutes intense sucking when I started moaning, he never stopped and I exploded my juice into his mouth which to my suprise he swallowed every drop and even waited till I had gone soft before stopping.
    He said thank you, got up collected his stuff and went, wow I said to myself that was spontaneous luck.... After a rest I did the rest of my photo shoot, which are seen in my profile on here. Xxx
    (Gas Engineer) short story I had the house to myself as the wife was at work and I was on my day off so before I do anything else I thaught I would Dress Up and do a photo shoot as I do from time to time, I chose White Stockings with suspenders and a white cami top with light blue edging, a little white Thong and Black Stilettos as I don't have White or Blue, I got myself changed and got the camera set up and then, yes you guessed it, the bloody door rang, for fuck sake, I grabbed my dressing gown and went to the door. It was the Gas man, I need to make sure your unit is safe and up to date, oh err ok and showed him the unit, obviously there was no hiding my stockings, he carried on as if nothing happened, so I thaught that's good. He was actually randomly chatting about gas appliances, like I was interested, I went to walk away and he raised his voice a little and went on about something else, so I paused and went back, little did I know but my gown had split open a little so he could now see my stocking tops and probably my Clit hanging there. I was quite embarrassed so went to close my dressing gown, he immediately had a sad look and said that was nice, errrr oh emmm thank you, He then said may I see the rest, oh I said, well ok and opened my gown, I said I'm missing my Stilettos and Thong and I walked into the living room to get them, to my suprise he followed me, I slipped on my shoes and went to pick up the Thong when he said, I would not bother with that, you look better without it, oh that's nice thank you, I got semi hard because of that, which he noticed. He said that I looked amazing in this outfit and that my Clit looked very tasty and could help try it, errr well I'm only usually interested in CDs but ok sure..... At this point he nelt down in front of me, reached round and grabbed my Ass and Slipped my Clitty into his mouth and went for it big time, intense hard sucking, as if he wasn't going to get anymore, he was relentless, never touched my clit with his hands which were always squeezing my Ass, omg it was only a few minutes intense sucking when I started moaning, he never stopped and I exploded my juice into his mouth which to my suprise he swallowed every drop and even waited till I had gone soft before stopping. He said thank you, got up collected his stuff and went, wow I said to myself that was spontaneous luck.... After a rest I did the rest of my photo shoot, which are seen in my profile on here. Xxx
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  • (Travelodge York)

    I was staying at a well known Hotel up near York on a two night stay over, just passing through on a short Holiday, plus I really like York.
    I had just unpacked all my personal stuff and realised I had no bottled water so I popped down to reception and bought a couple of bottles. On the way up to my room, coming towards me in the corridor was this Gurl in a long jacket and I noticed Fishnets showing under them, so I found myself saying, Love your Fishnets and carried on, she paused turned and said thank you and watched where I went, then continued down stairs.
    I was back in my room getting myself into an outfit ready for a photo shoot with my trusty phone and Tripod, I was wearing Whites Stockings with Pink Suspenders and Pink Bows on the Stockings, a White Basque with Pink Flowers attached around the edge of and some Pink's one of my favourite outfits.... suddenly there was a knock at the door, What the hell, I'm all dressed up and no robe, so I answered the door but could hardly hide everything and was showing my leg and a shoe, it was the Gurl I saw and she immediately said, nice Stockings, oh I said, do you like these and opened the door fully, Oh my god, yes I love your outfit.
    Please I said, come in before someone sees us, she came in and took of her robe to show all Black Stockings, Suspenders and a Lace Top with a Half Waist Only Basque, it was lovely, we looked each other up and down with delight, I asked Paula, now I new her name, wether she would help me with some Photos which she did, in fact we both took plenty of each other, we got to the point where the photos were getting a little naughty, as I decided to slip Paula's Thong to one side as it was not hiding much as she was getting rather hard, I slipped that Clit straight into my mouth and started sliding it deep into my throat in and out, up and down that sweet shaft, Paula could not stop herself and asked me to lie down where she got on top of me in the 69 position, it was so nice sucking that lush Clitty while mine was getting a really good suck, what a start to my two night stay, around 30 minutes past we were constantly sucking, licking Fondling and playing, I swallowed two loads of beautiful Juice and gave equal back, we both devoured every drop. After a short rest, we were back to getting each other hard again, this time I removed my Thong completely and turn round on all fours, I reached over with a little lube and backed up and practically pressed myself down her Clit all the way, she fucked me for quite some time before exploding inside me, we switched over and I returned the favour, wow so tight, a real squeeze on my Clitty, what more could I ask, I started to moan and she could feel me twitching and I erupted inside her, it was so amazing.
    We both got up stripped of had showers and cleaned up, I asked Paula how long she was here and she said I'm supposed to go tonight as my room is no longer available, oh well I've got this room for two nights, you could stay with me, I did not need to ask twice, you can guess, for two days we did nothing but Fuck and Suck, I lost count how many times we swallowed each other down, only stopping for the odd meal in house and a shower then back to business. Two solid days of Sex, I never saw any York at all....
    Maybe next time it could be you xxx
    (Travelodge York) I was staying at a well known Hotel up near York on a two night stay over, just passing through on a short Holiday, plus I really like York. I had just unpacked all my personal stuff and realised I had no bottled water so I popped down to reception and bought a couple of bottles. On the way up to my room, coming towards me in the corridor was this Gurl in a long jacket and I noticed Fishnets showing under them, so I found myself saying, Love your Fishnets and carried on, she paused turned and said thank you and watched where I went, then continued down stairs. I was back in my room getting myself into an outfit ready for a photo shoot with my trusty phone and Tripod, I was wearing Whites Stockings with Pink Suspenders and Pink Bows on the Stockings, a White Basque with Pink Flowers attached around the edge of and some Pink's one of my favourite outfits.... suddenly there was a knock at the door, What the hell, I'm all dressed up and no robe, so I answered the door but could hardly hide everything and was showing my leg and a shoe, it was the Gurl I saw and she immediately said, nice Stockings, oh I said, do you like these and opened the door fully, Oh my god, yes I love your outfit. Please I said, come in before someone sees us, she came in and took of her robe to show all Black Stockings, Suspenders and a Lace Top with a Half Waist Only Basque, it was lovely, we looked each other up and down with delight, I asked Paula, now I new her name, wether she would help me with some Photos which she did, in fact we both took plenty of each other, we got to the point where the photos were getting a little naughty, as I decided to slip Paula's Thong to one side as it was not hiding much as she was getting rather hard, I slipped that Clit straight into my mouth and started sliding it deep into my throat in and out, up and down that sweet shaft, Paula could not stop herself and asked me to lie down where she got on top of me in the 69 position, it was so nice sucking that lush Clitty while mine was getting a really good suck, what a start to my two night stay, around 30 minutes past we were constantly sucking, licking Fondling and playing, I swallowed two loads of beautiful Juice and gave equal back, we both devoured every drop. After a short rest, we were back to getting each other hard again, this time I removed my Thong completely and turn round on all fours, I reached over with a little lube and backed up and practically pressed myself down her Clit all the way, she fucked me for quite some time before exploding inside me, we switched over and I returned the favour, wow so tight, a real squeeze on my Clitty, what more could I ask, I started to moan and she could feel me twitching and I erupted inside her, it was so amazing. We both got up stripped of had showers and cleaned up, I asked Paula how long she was here and she said I'm supposed to go tonight as my room is no longer available, oh well I've got this room for two nights, you could stay with me, I did not need to ask twice, you can guess, for two days we did nothing but Fuck and Suck, I lost count how many times we swallowed each other down, only stopping for the odd meal in house and a shower then back to business. Two solid days of Sex, I never saw any York at all.... Maybe next time it could be you xxx
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  • Wishing I was trapped and then made to shave smooth put in sexy lingerie and chastity stockings and suspenders high heels and feminine clothing, made up false nails and wig, then made to be a submissive sissy ***** and used for pleasure, yeah have my virgin hole filled with cum and my mouth filled making me cry like a gurl xxx
    Wishing I was trapped and then made to shave smooth put in sexy lingerie and chastity stockings and suspenders high heels and feminine clothing, made up false nails and wig, then made to be a submissive sissy slave and used for pleasure, yeah have my virgin hole filled with cum and my mouth filled making me cry like a gurl xxx
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  • (Posing Offer)

    A member messaged me asking weather I would be interested in posing with some of her equipment, I think she meant Toys, we went through the usual questions, I reminded her that I don't show my face, she was still fine with that, I had to make a trip over to Melton Mowbray which was not too bad, I had my bag of goodies with and was going to change there this time, after the Breakdown last trip, I arrived in good time and Brandy was ready for me at the door when I arrived, she likes her gadgets, CCTV cameras on the house.
    This was not your average pad, there were Benches, Racks, Seats of every type, Toys of every size, Bottles of Concoctions and who knows what else, we had a chat and a drink and after a while he said a few friends were on the way up the drive, I could see on the scream these two Girls were already dressed up, Brandy let them in and to be honest all three of them were attractive to me.
    Brandy said she had asked me to come over for just one chair she had just acquired, she said you can change now, I went and changed into Vertical Striped Stockings, Suspenders and Black Striped Basque, my Tiny Thong and Stilettos. I went back to the group who had also changed, very nice sets all of them, couple were in tight pvc suits and Brandy was in all Red Lingerie which was new for her, all had way bigger Stilettos than me. She showed me to this new chair in Another room, wow a very odd looking chair, it was a Round like Claire that you almost get in but on some sort of Hydraulic Single Leg, on each chair arm was a padded half circle, but were quite high up, I was asked to stand in the Chair, at this point one of the Girls had a Camera ready at every step, Brandy and her friend asked me to take off my Thong as it will be easier now, oh ok I said, didn't realise it was nude shots, not that it matters, Brady then helped me get my leg over each arm, which was much wider than I thaught, then she let me down slowly until I was on the cushions, it was very odd, my legs were trapped very wide apart but high up so my upper legs were almost vertical, but my back and head were supported by cushions, Basically my Ass was practically stretched open pointing out, I literally could not move oh and the Camera was still clicking too.
    The two Girls in PVC unzipped their suits and removed there Clitties and Brandy Removed her Knickers, all three started playing with each other, Sucking, Fondling and more Sucking, untill all three were nice and hard.
    I could only just see all this because of my head position and I was very low to the floor.
    Brandy grabbed a Dial from the side of the chair and pressed a button, suddenly the seat was rising up, and before long it was waist hight, The Camera was still clicking.
    Brandy noticed I was getting hard seeing them play so started sucking my Clitty, up and down nice and hard, I was solid. She was passed some spray which she used on her Clitty and before I had time to react my Ass was being pounded by her hard Clitty, this went on for some time when I heard her moan then Shot her warm load into me, she moved out the way and the first friend started sucking my Clitty again for a good length of time, then Fucked me again for another 10 minutes or so before exploding inside me, she then moved out the way grabbed the Camera and the last friend started Sucking me again this time I only lasted a short time before I took moaned and Shot my load into her mouth which she really enjoyed and swallowed down, she then slid her hard Clitty into my Ass and Fucked me for quite some time before also shooting her load inside me, I must be full now I thaught.
    All the Girls helped me out the chair and said they would send me a set of pictures.
    It was an amazing chair but once in, you are stuck without help..
    (Posing Offer) A member messaged me asking weather I would be interested in posing with some of her equipment, I think she meant Toys, we went through the usual questions, I reminded her that I don't show my face, she was still fine with that, I had to make a trip over to Melton Mowbray which was not too bad, I had my bag of goodies with and was going to change there this time, after the Breakdown last trip, I arrived in good time and Brandy was ready for me at the door when I arrived, she likes her gadgets, CCTV cameras on the house. This was not your average pad, there were Benches, Racks, Seats of every type, Toys of every size, Bottles of Concoctions and who knows what else, we had a chat and a drink and after a while he said a few friends were on the way up the drive, I could see on the scream these two Girls were already dressed up, Brandy let them in and to be honest all three of them were attractive to me. Brandy said she had asked me to come over for just one chair she had just acquired, she said you can change now, I went and changed into Vertical Striped Stockings, Suspenders and Black Striped Basque, my Tiny Thong and Stilettos. I went back to the group who had also changed, very nice sets all of them, couple were in tight pvc suits and Brandy was in all Red Lingerie which was new for her, all had way bigger Stilettos than me. She showed me to this new chair in Another room, wow a very odd looking chair, it was a Round like Claire that you almost get in but on some sort of Hydraulic Single Leg, on each chair arm was a padded half circle, but were quite high up, I was asked to stand in the Chair, at this point one of the Girls had a Camera ready at every step, Brandy and her friend asked me to take off my Thong as it will be easier now, oh ok I said, didn't realise it was nude shots, not that it matters, Brady then helped me get my leg over each arm, which was much wider than I thaught, then she let me down slowly until I was on the cushions, it was very odd, my legs were trapped very wide apart but high up so my upper legs were almost vertical, but my back and head were supported by cushions, Basically my Ass was practically stretched open pointing out, I literally could not move oh and the Camera was still clicking too. The two Girls in PVC unzipped their suits and removed there Clitties and Brandy Removed her Knickers, all three started playing with each other, Sucking, Fondling and more Sucking, untill all three were nice and hard. I could only just see all this because of my head position and I was very low to the floor. Brandy grabbed a Dial from the side of the chair and pressed a button, suddenly the seat was rising up, and before long it was waist hight, The Camera was still clicking. Brandy noticed I was getting hard seeing them play so started sucking my Clitty, up and down nice and hard, I was solid. She was passed some spray which she used on her Clitty and before I had time to react my Ass was being pounded by her hard Clitty, this went on for some time when I heard her moan then Shot her warm load into me, she moved out the way and the first friend started sucking my Clitty again for a good length of time, then Fucked me again for another 10 minutes or so before exploding inside me, she then moved out the way grabbed the Camera and the last friend started Sucking me again this time I only lasted a short time before I took moaned and Shot my load into her mouth which she really enjoyed and swallowed down, she then slid her hard Clitty into my Ass and Fucked me for quite some time before also shooting her load inside me, I must be full now I thaught. All the Girls helped me out the chair and said they would send me a set of pictures. It was an amazing chair but once in, you are stuck without help..
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  • (Breakdown)

    I was off to Filey to see a friend for an overnight stay, my journey took me on the usual route M1, M18 A614 and then it follows many country lanes, it's very nice and scenic, it usually takes a couple of hours give or take, I was travelling down one of these long quiet lanes when my car started to judder and the engine light came on, oh great wtf now. I grabbed my phone, did the usual and called the RAC and.... Phone went have to be kidding me. Ok I said to myself, I can see a house in some woods around 1/2 mile away, so off I went, I grabbed my bag of bits and a flat phone and off I went. I eventually came to a long drive and down I went to the old house, nice big place, a little run down but had promise. I knocked on the door and after some time a Woman opened the door in a gown and said hello what can I do for you, I explained what had happened and she invited me in. She asked me to sit down which I did, I noticed she looked at my feet and at my shirt, shit I thaught, under my jeans I had Fishnets on and a lace top under my shirt which was partly open, maybe she hadn't noticed, she said I won't be a minute and popped out the room.
    After a few minutes she came back in, as she did she dropped her robe and was just in her underwear, oh err what, I was just about to speak when the door opened and a man walked in, I was shaking like a leaf, he walked towards me but went passed me to the Woman, He started to take off his clothes, I could not speak, WTF was happening, He was now nude and well hung then the Woman took off her Knickers, he got down and started eating her ***** and started getting hard, She then told me to remove my clothes, at which point the man gave me a scary look, so I did, showing my Stockings and Suspenders, Thong and Lace top, all Black, she said, have you got shoes, yes yes ok I have, and got Black Stilettos out my bag and put them on. She called me over and said lie down on that Rug so I did, The man still had a hard c ock and was told to get on all fours with his legs over my head but the other way so I was facing his belly button. The Woman came over spread my legs moved my Thong to one side, she grabbed my Clitty and started playing with it, she grabbed it momenterrily and said to me, Suck that C ock, ok I said and started sucking, up and down his long shaft, he was rock hard so I guess he liked it, I was hard too as this woman was now sucking my Clitty and getting right into it, she then moved up and sat on my Clitty and slid it into her ***** which was very wet and loose, she rode me for some time while I sucked this man, after a few minutes the man started to groan and twitch, the Woman said, eat it.... I kept going till he exploded in my mouth and I swallowed it all down, she than got off me and knelt on the edge of the sofa with her legs spread in doggy position, she told the man to sit on the floor between her legs facing me, then Told me to Fuck her, so I slid my Clitty back into her ***** and started Fucking her again, After some time I started to moan and twitch and she said in his mouth, so I pulled out and slid my Clitty into his mouth and he started sucking really fast and within a few seconds I exploded into his mouth at which he had to swallow it all down, as orders were given....
    Everyone got up and I got re dressed and she passed me a phone and said, You can call for help now.....WTF
    RAC met me at the car and I was on my way in no time....
    Thanks to DirtyMissy79 for the story idea
    (Breakdown) I was off to Filey to see a friend for an overnight stay, my journey took me on the usual route M1, M18 A614 and then it follows many country lanes, it's very nice and scenic, it usually takes a couple of hours give or take, I was travelling down one of these long quiet lanes when my car started to judder and the engine light came on, oh great wtf now. I grabbed my phone, did the usual and called the RAC and.... Phone went have to be kidding me. Ok I said to myself, I can see a house in some woods around 1/2 mile away, so off I went, I grabbed my bag of bits and a flat phone and off I went. I eventually came to a long drive and down I went to the old house, nice big place, a little run down but had promise. I knocked on the door and after some time a Woman opened the door in a gown and said hello what can I do for you, I explained what had happened and she invited me in. She asked me to sit down which I did, I noticed she looked at my feet and at my shirt, shit I thaught, under my jeans I had Fishnets on and a lace top under my shirt which was partly open, maybe she hadn't noticed, she said I won't be a minute and popped out the room. After a few minutes she came back in, as she did she dropped her robe and was just in her underwear, oh err what, I was just about to speak when the door opened and a man walked in, I was shaking like a leaf, he walked towards me but went passed me to the Woman, He started to take off his clothes, I could not speak, WTF was happening, He was now nude and well hung then the Woman took off her Knickers, he got down and started eating her pussy and started getting hard, She then told me to remove my clothes, at which point the man gave me a scary look, so I did, showing my Stockings and Suspenders, Thong and Lace top, all Black, she said, have you got shoes, yes yes ok I have, and got Black Stilettos out my bag and put them on. She called me over and said lie down on that Rug so I did, The man still had a hard c ock and was told to get on all fours with his legs over my head but the other way so I was facing his belly button. The Woman came over spread my legs moved my Thong to one side, she grabbed my Clitty and started playing with it, she grabbed it momenterrily and said to me, Suck that C ock, ok I said and started sucking, up and down his long shaft, he was rock hard so I guess he liked it, I was hard too as this woman was now sucking my Clitty and getting right into it, she then moved up and sat on my Clitty and slid it into her Pussy which was very wet and loose, she rode me for some time while I sucked this man, after a few minutes the man started to groan and twitch, the Woman said, eat it.... I kept going till he exploded in my mouth and I swallowed it all down, she than got off me and knelt on the edge of the sofa with her legs spread in doggy position, she told the man to sit on the floor between her legs facing me, then Told me to Fuck her, so I slid my Clitty back into her pussy and started Fucking her again, After some time I started to moan and twitch and she said in his mouth, so I pulled out and slid my Clitty into his mouth and he started sucking really fast and within a few seconds I exploded into his mouth at which he had to swallow it all down, as orders were given.... Everyone got up and I got re dressed and she passed me a phone and said, You can call for help now.....WTF RAC met me at the car and I was on my way in no time.... Thanks to DirtyMissy79 for the story idea
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  • (Dressing up Help - Part 1)

    Received a message from Kelly from Newark wanting some help with dressing up. After the usual two way personal analysis we decided that I would make my way over to Newark.
    The day before my journey Kelly messaged me to ask if I mined a couple of friends joining us, obviously I had a few questions about my criteria, I explained that as harsh as it is if they don't meet the criteria then there are Rules available which after discussing Kelly agreed and my Rules were agreed on by these friends.
    I arrived in Newark and made my way to Kelly's from door and gave a light knock, sure enough Kelly answered in a short dress and oh no, Trainers. We went into the living room and there were two friends there already Natalie and Sam, both in dresses and heels, what I call sensible clothing, comfortable and easy to walk in.
    We had the usual introduction and chats about dressing and we got onto Kelly's dressing up help, I asked what Lingerie she owned, she showed me up to the bedroom and she pulled out a box with a few bits and pieces but to be honest regular tight and knickers and the odd Bra is not going to cut it, I said hang on and went and got my bag, I pulled out a small selection of more tarty lingerie of which I said she could try, she was delighted with the collection and picked out some Whale Net Stockings, Suspender Belt and a Basque type top, flexible and no ribs.
    We both got dressed down together, I wore Red Lace Top Black Stockings with Red Stilettos, Black Suspenders and my Favourite Black and Red Basque, oh and my regulation Tiny Thong. I assisted Kelly with her Suspender Clips and Fastening her Basque, she did have some 2" Stiletto type shoes which still looked good as a full outfit, we checked each other out and went down to the living room to show Nat and Sam.
    (Continue Reading Part 2)
    (Dressing up Help - Part 1) Received a message from Kelly from Newark wanting some help with dressing up. After the usual two way personal analysis we decided that I would make my way over to Newark. The day before my journey Kelly messaged me to ask if I mined a couple of friends joining us, obviously I had a few questions about my criteria, I explained that as harsh as it is if they don't meet the criteria then there are Rules available which after discussing Kelly agreed and my Rules were agreed on by these friends. I arrived in Newark and made my way to Kelly's from door and gave a light knock, sure enough Kelly answered in a short dress and oh no, Trainers. We went into the living room and there were two friends there already Natalie and Sam, both in dresses and heels, what I call sensible clothing, comfortable and easy to walk in. We had the usual introduction and chats about dressing and we got onto Kelly's dressing up help, I asked what Lingerie she owned, she showed me up to the bedroom and she pulled out a box with a few bits and pieces but to be honest regular tight and knickers and the odd Bra is not going to cut it, I said hang on and went and got my bag, I pulled out a small selection of more tarty lingerie of which I said she could try, she was delighted with the collection and picked out some Whale Net Stockings, Suspender Belt and a Basque type top, flexible and no ribs. We both got dressed down together, I wore Red Lace Top Black Stockings with Red Stilettos, Black Suspenders and my Favourite Black and Red Basque, oh and my regulation Tiny Thong. I assisted Kelly with her Suspender Clips and Fastening her Basque, she did have some 2" Stiletto type shoes which still looked good as a full outfit, we checked each other out and went down to the living room to show Nat and Sam. (Continue Reading Part 2)
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  • (Dressing up Help - Part 2)

    As it happened Nat and Sam got changed too and had some interesting Lingerie, Nat was wearing Basic crotchless Tights and Knickers with a ladies top. Sam had Holdups with Silver Top Stripes with a Thong and Black Lace top, this looked quite nice. I was asked to sit on the sofa which I did and Kelly knelt down in front of me and spread my legs and lost no time easing me forward to the edge and spreading me even wider, Sam and Nat sat either side of me and held a each leg and made sure I stayed spread, Kelly slipped my tiny thong to one side and started sucking my Clitty without pause, I was hard in seconds, she held my Clitty tight and it was bent straight towards her which made me even harder.
    She slid here mouth up and down my Clitty without pause, If she doesn't slow down this is going to end up a short stay... Continue she did pounding my Clitty with very firm lips, I started to moan, and without a word Nat suddenly got up and swapped with Kelly who now stood one leg either side of me on the sofa and pushed her hard Clitty into my mouth, She fucked my mouth constantly while Nat was sucking up and down my Clitty, I could not take anymore, and without a sound because of a Large Clitty being rammed in to my mouth, I burst my load into Nats mouth, Nat swallowed it all down and I'm pretty sure she paused for any late drops of juice which she cleaned up, while my mouth was still being filled, I thaught oh no that was a bit quick.
    All of a sudden I could feel something clamping to my Clitty, cold and wet at first, then there was a pumping sound, and all of a sudden my Clitty was pounding, Aching and Rock Hard again, WTF I thaught, it's a Pump. As soon as it was hard, Nat removed the Pump, and Kelly Squatted down straight onto my Hard Clitty, omg it ached so much but oddly stayed hard now being pounded and Fucked by tight Ass, up and down she went, seemingly never ending, tight as anything, amazing feeling, on and on she pounded and before you know it I moaned again, and almost instantly Kelly got up, and Nat started sucking my Clitty again, fast and hard, I twitched and moaned and shot my load again into Nats mouth who, as the first time cleaned up every drop of juice.
    Kelly, grabbed my arm and led me to an open space where she asked me to lie on the floor, as soon as I lay there Nat spread my legs and placed the pump over my Clitty again, FFS not again, at the same time, Sam got over me into the 69 position, pump still on, Clit Rock hard and throbbing like hell, Nat released the pressure and removed the Pump at which Sam was instantly Sucking very hard on my Clitty, I had an amazing view of Sam's Clitty Rock Hard pointing towards my mouth, a cushion was pushed under my head by Nat this making the Clitty already 3" in my mouth, I sucked and sucked, on this wonderful Clitty, Both of us doing everything possible to make the other cum, as I already came twice I lasted longer than Sam who started to moan and twitch and suddenly filled my mouth with loads of juice which I swallowed down, I made sure I got every drop, without warning Kelly swapped with Same so now Kelly was sucking hard on my Clitty and I stated on hers, much bigger and gagging on each suck as the cushion was still there, after some time passed, I heard Kelly start to moan and twitch so I made extra effort to speed up and squeeze harder with my lips, then she blew her load into my mouth, just Swallowing in time before the second load, omg beautiful...Kelly then got up and Nat got her head between my legs and continued sucking me hard Clitty again for a few more minutes before I shot my load again into her mouth and yes she stayed for every drop......
    My Clitty was throbbing like hell and was bright red but boy was that special....
    Look forward to next time xx
    (Dressing up Help - Part 2) As it happened Nat and Sam got changed too and had some interesting Lingerie, Nat was wearing Basic crotchless Tights and Knickers with a ladies top. Sam had Holdups with Silver Top Stripes with a Thong and Black Lace top, this looked quite nice. I was asked to sit on the sofa which I did and Kelly knelt down in front of me and spread my legs and lost no time easing me forward to the edge and spreading me even wider, Sam and Nat sat either side of me and held a each leg and made sure I stayed spread, Kelly slipped my tiny thong to one side and started sucking my Clitty without pause, I was hard in seconds, she held my Clitty tight and it was bent straight towards her which made me even harder. She slid here mouth up and down my Clitty without pause, If she doesn't slow down this is going to end up a short stay... Continue she did pounding my Clitty with very firm lips, I started to moan, and without a word Nat suddenly got up and swapped with Kelly who now stood one leg either side of me on the sofa and pushed her hard Clitty into my mouth, She fucked my mouth constantly while Nat was sucking up and down my Clitty, I could not take anymore, and without a sound because of a Large Clitty being rammed in to my mouth, I burst my load into Nats mouth, Nat swallowed it all down and I'm pretty sure she paused for any late drops of juice which she cleaned up, while my mouth was still being filled, I thaught oh no that was a bit quick. All of a sudden I could feel something clamping to my Clitty, cold and wet at first, then there was a pumping sound, and all of a sudden my Clitty was pounding, Aching and Rock Hard again, WTF I thaught, it's a Pump. As soon as it was hard, Nat removed the Pump, and Kelly Squatted down straight onto my Hard Clitty, omg it ached so much but oddly stayed hard now being pounded and Fucked by tight Ass, up and down she went, seemingly never ending, tight as anything, amazing feeling, on and on she pounded and before you know it I moaned again, and almost instantly Kelly got up, and Nat started sucking my Clitty again, fast and hard, I twitched and moaned and shot my load again into Nats mouth who, as the first time cleaned up every drop of juice. Kelly, grabbed my arm and led me to an open space where she asked me to lie on the floor, as soon as I lay there Nat spread my legs and placed the pump over my Clitty again, FFS not again, at the same time, Sam got over me into the 69 position, pump still on, Clit Rock hard and throbbing like hell, Nat released the pressure and removed the Pump at which Sam was instantly Sucking very hard on my Clitty, I had an amazing view of Sam's Clitty Rock Hard pointing towards my mouth, a cushion was pushed under my head by Nat this making the Clitty already 3" in my mouth, I sucked and sucked, on this wonderful Clitty, Both of us doing everything possible to make the other cum, as I already came twice I lasted longer than Sam who started to moan and twitch and suddenly filled my mouth with loads of juice which I swallowed down, I made sure I got every drop, without warning Kelly swapped with Same so now Kelly was sucking hard on my Clitty and I stated on hers, much bigger and gagging on each suck as the cushion was still there, after some time passed, I heard Kelly start to moan and twitch so I made extra effort to speed up and squeeze harder with my lips, then she blew her load into my mouth, just Swallowing in time before the second load, omg beautiful...Kelly then got up and Nat got her head between my legs and continued sucking me hard Clitty again for a few more minutes before I shot my load again into her mouth and yes she stayed for every drop...... My Clitty was throbbing like hell and was bright red but boy was that special.... Look forward to next time xx
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  • (CD Party in Leeds Part 1)

    Wow I said to myself, never been to a CD Party before so I asked the usual venue questions and how many are likely to be there, the answers were that the party was at Leeds and there is usually around a dozen turn up, ok well yes it's quite a way from Derby but it's not like I'm only meeting one person, so I said yes I will attend.
    The trip up the M1 to Leeds was buisy as usual but ok, Rothwell was the venue.
    I arrived at the address, A nice detached house, around 3or 4 bedrooms I guessed. Parking was bad so I was a short walk away, before I left the car I took a Blue V tablet as this was advised and after the last time I thaught I may as well.
    I knocked on the door and Gemma who invited me answered, she looked lovely, full set of quality lingerie, all matching Black Basque, Stockings and Very Lacy Suspenders with metal clasps, Stilettos were at least 6", she was slim and beautiful xxx
    I was escorted in and I must have been the last to arrive as everyone was scattered everywhere, Lingerie and Costume and the odd Standard Dress, it was amazing but very nerve racking at the same time, at a quick glance I could see an all Red Lingerie outfit with Basque, a couple of Body Stocking outfits, Two Maids Outfits, A Nurse... And that's just one room.
    Gemma asked me if I wanted to change and obviously I said yes and bag in hand I followed her to the bathroom, on the way we passed a Dining room but the table had been moved and the sheets were spread around the room plus many extra chairs, in the middle of the room were two wooden Oblong boxes side by side in the middle, well around 2 feet apart give or take, what's this I said, Gemma said oh that for a party game very soon, oh that's nice, I said, and she carried on the the Bathroom. I got changed, this time I brought a Schoolgirl Outfit which was the usual very short Pleated Skirt, White Short Shirt Tied at the waist, a Short Tie, and thick White Stockings with Red Suspenders and my Red Stilettos, oh and if you wondered No knickers as my skirt was just long enough in my opinion of course, for a change I brought a Blond Wig which I grabbed another Gurl to help me with, and older girl wearing full dress and sensible heels, full makeup, I'm guessing around 70 ISH, very nice and polite and in this case helpful too, that was Veronica. At this point I asked Veronica wether I should wear anything under the skirt and she replied it's fine not many do, ok great I said, so my Thong stayed in my bag.
    I'm not a fan of masks but I did bring a posh ballroom eye mask in red lace.
    I nervously walked out and Veronica was kind enough to escorts me to the main living room, my nerves calmed down after a while as people seemed very keen to say hello and compare outfits and chat about Lingerie, work and general where you from, topics.
    It was probably better than I expected as I'd never been to one before, I was handed a drink of punch and mingled, there were several members that I new but not till I heard there user names of course, same as me, untill you know mine. They all were so friendly, most I spoke to had been to this venue on a number of occasions over the years so I guess quite experienced with all CD meets. After about another 30 minutes mingling I noticed a number of outfits bulging quite nicely some very much more than others, mine too as the tablet had kicked in, I felt a little embarrassed but Veronica noticed and came over and said it's what we all expect and like so don't worry, that made me feel much better, as I mingled I got loads of you look amazing, and sexy and Hot and numerous embarrassing but very nice comments, it's odd hearing so many out loud, Specially when there were a number of absolute beauties in there.
    (CD Party in Leeds Part 1) Wow I said to myself, never been to a CD Party before so I asked the usual venue questions and how many are likely to be there, the answers were that the party was at Leeds and there is usually around a dozen turn up, ok well yes it's quite a way from Derby but it's not like I'm only meeting one person, so I said yes I will attend. The trip up the M1 to Leeds was buisy as usual but ok, Rothwell was the venue. I arrived at the address, A nice detached house, around 3or 4 bedrooms I guessed. Parking was bad so I was a short walk away, before I left the car I took a Blue V tablet as this was advised and after the last time I thaught I may as well. I knocked on the door and Gemma who invited me answered, she looked lovely, full set of quality lingerie, all matching Black Basque, Stockings and Very Lacy Suspenders with metal clasps, Stilettos were at least 6", she was slim and beautiful xxx I was escorted in and I must have been the last to arrive as everyone was scattered everywhere, Lingerie and Costume and the odd Standard Dress, it was amazing but very nerve racking at the same time, at a quick glance I could see an all Red Lingerie outfit with Basque, a couple of Body Stocking outfits, Two Maids Outfits, A Nurse... And that's just one room. Gemma asked me if I wanted to change and obviously I said yes and bag in hand I followed her to the bathroom, on the way we passed a Dining room but the table had been moved and the sheets were spread around the room plus many extra chairs, in the middle of the room were two wooden Oblong boxes side by side in the middle, well around 2 feet apart give or take, what's this I said, Gemma said oh that for a party game very soon, oh that's nice, I said, and she carried on the the Bathroom. I got changed, this time I brought a Schoolgirl Outfit which was the usual very short Pleated Skirt, White Short Shirt Tied at the waist, a Short Tie, and thick White Stockings with Red Suspenders and my Red Stilettos, oh and if you wondered No knickers as my skirt was just long enough in my opinion of course, for a change I brought a Blond Wig which I grabbed another Gurl to help me with, and older girl wearing full dress and sensible heels, full makeup, I'm guessing around 70 ISH, very nice and polite and in this case helpful too, that was Veronica. At this point I asked Veronica wether I should wear anything under the skirt and she replied it's fine not many do, ok great I said, so my Thong stayed in my bag. I'm not a fan of masks but I did bring a posh ballroom eye mask in red lace. I nervously walked out and Veronica was kind enough to escorts me to the main living room, my nerves calmed down after a while as people seemed very keen to say hello and compare outfits and chat about Lingerie, work and general where you from, topics. It was probably better than I expected as I'd never been to one before, I was handed a drink of punch and mingled, there were several members that I new but not till I heard there user names of course, same as me, untill you know mine. They all were so friendly, most I spoke to had been to this venue on a number of occasions over the years so I guess quite experienced with all CD meets. After about another 30 minutes mingling I noticed a number of outfits bulging quite nicely some very much more than others, mine too as the tablet had kicked in, I felt a little embarrassed but Veronica noticed and came over and said it's what we all expect and like so don't worry, that made me feel much better, as I mingled I got loads of you look amazing, and sexy and Hot and numerous embarrassing but very nice comments, it's odd hearing so many out loud, Specially when there were a number of absolute beauties in there.
    2 Comments 0 Shares 1403 Views
  • (CD Party in Leeds Part 2)

    All of a sudden a bell rang and Gemma said out loud that it's time for the party game, which everyone cheered about, obviously also a tradition. Gemma came round to everyone with a bowl of little folded paper's. Each person picked one, when Gemma got to me there was only a red slip left, when all others were white, she said don't worry you will be shown what to do, ok I said and stuck close to Veronica. Everyone then made there way into the Dining room. Gemma stopped me at the door and gave me a blind fold, a really top quality one too, as she helped me put it on she said, it's usual for the last to arrive to get the red slip and wear the Blindfold oh ok I agreed, fair enough, at this point I thaught to myself I'm sure I was given a set time to be here, maybe I'm just over thinking it.
    Gamma held my arm and someone else held my other arm, I was escorted to the middle of the room and I felt a number of hands helping me onto these wooden benches, so I had one knee on one bench and the other knee on the other bench but only just, I was at my maximum spread here as I can feel it pulling between my legs and a hand on each bench aswell, I'm pretty sure I'm about waist hight on these benches, Gemma then said to the group those that chose the Front sit there and that chose the Back sit there, oh no i thaught, surely not again.
    I was right, blindfolded and on all fours raised up to standing hight, spread wide as would be possible, and sure enough my skirt was lifted and I felt a spray, and before I could say anything a Clitty was slid into my Ass all the way, slow but as far as it could go, I was just about to flinch forward when my head was raised a little and a Clitty slid in my mouth, while someone was Fucking my Ass now someone was Fucking my Mouth in and out so I had to concentrate not to fall and not to do wrong, during this Fucking Gemma said the timer is set and on the alarm we will all change, I was fucked from and rear for around 5 or 6 minutes when I heard a moan from the rear, she speeded up at this point so I was moaning too, suddenly I felt a warm sensation when I new she had cum, the Gurl at the front had now speeded up and suddenly exploded into my mouth, I heard Gemma shout no mess please, oh my god I thaught and swallowed it all down, all of a sudden I could feel someone under the bench start to suck my Clitty which was still rock hard, I also felt more spray, then someone much thicker entered my Ass, FFS that's big, I was sweating and nowhere to go, my mouth was re filled with another Clitty and my own cltty was being sucked, not sure how much time had passed , but my Ass Lips Arms Legs were all killing me, my Ass was oosing with cum and it's all I could taste, this just went on forever, that's what it felt like, suddenly I started Twitching and moaning even though I was full both ends suddenly I shot my load and could tell it was in someone's mouth, the next minute the bell rang and I thaught, oh my fucking god about time, the blindfold was removed and we all got up and got a drink and had a rest, everyone was complementing me on how well i was doing, after ten minutes or so a bell rang again, and Gemma called everyone back in.
    She came over and put the blindfold back on, got me on all fours over the benches and called out All swap, I thaught you have got to be fucking kidding me, no, there was a spray of lube and I was Ass fucked again and Mouth Fucked the other end, I've never felt pleasure and pain like it, there was someone underneath me again sucking my Clitty, I'm not sure how long this went on for but I came twice and shot my load into someone, I swallowed more than I could count and my ass was that full it must be dipping down my legs which were numb. Eventually all the Fucking finally stopped, I was shaking as Forever had finally passed and Gemma and Veronica helped me up and carefully escorted me to the bathroom where I cleared my huge Ass load of cum, you cannot imagine how much. I cleaned up best I can and went back to the living room with everyone else, they were all saying well done and you were amazing but of course I don't know who any of them were, what an odd feeling, possibly everyone fucked me and maybe I swallowed them all down, I will never know as I was in a trance of pleasure and pain, Gemma told me that there were 17 at the party and that I'm now a FULL member.....
    WTF xx
    (CD Party in Leeds Part 2) All of a sudden a bell rang and Gemma said out loud that it's time for the party game, which everyone cheered about, obviously also a tradition. Gemma came round to everyone with a bowl of little folded paper's. Each person picked one, when Gemma got to me there was only a red slip left, when all others were white, she said don't worry you will be shown what to do, ok I said and stuck close to Veronica. Everyone then made there way into the Dining room. Gemma stopped me at the door and gave me a blind fold, a really top quality one too, as she helped me put it on she said, it's usual for the last to arrive to get the red slip and wear the Blindfold oh ok I agreed, fair enough, at this point I thaught to myself I'm sure I was given a set time to be here, maybe I'm just over thinking it. Gamma held my arm and someone else held my other arm, I was escorted to the middle of the room and I felt a number of hands helping me onto these wooden benches, so I had one knee on one bench and the other knee on the other bench but only just, I was at my maximum spread here as I can feel it pulling between my legs and a hand on each bench aswell, I'm pretty sure I'm about waist hight on these benches, Gemma then said to the group those that chose the Front sit there and that chose the Back sit there, oh no i thaught, surely not again. I was right, blindfolded and on all fours raised up to standing hight, spread wide as would be possible, and sure enough my skirt was lifted and I felt a spray, and before I could say anything a Clitty was slid into my Ass all the way, slow but as far as it could go, I was just about to flinch forward when my head was raised a little and a Clitty slid in my mouth, while someone was Fucking my Ass now someone was Fucking my Mouth in and out so I had to concentrate not to fall and not to do wrong, during this Fucking Gemma said the timer is set and on the alarm we will all change, I was fucked from and rear for around 5 or 6 minutes when I heard a moan from the rear, she speeded up at this point so I was moaning too, suddenly I felt a warm sensation when I new she had cum, the Gurl at the front had now speeded up and suddenly exploded into my mouth, I heard Gemma shout no mess please, oh my god I thaught and swallowed it all down, all of a sudden I could feel someone under the bench start to suck my Clitty which was still rock hard, I also felt more spray, then someone much thicker entered my Ass, FFS that's big, I was sweating and nowhere to go, my mouth was re filled with another Clitty and my own cltty was being sucked, not sure how much time had passed , but my Ass Lips Arms Legs were all killing me, my Ass was oosing with cum and it's all I could taste, this just went on forever, that's what it felt like, suddenly I started Twitching and moaning even though I was full both ends suddenly I shot my load and could tell it was in someone's mouth, the next minute the bell rang and I thaught, oh my fucking god about time, the blindfold was removed and we all got up and got a drink and had a rest, everyone was complementing me on how well i was doing, after ten minutes or so a bell rang again, and Gemma called everyone back in. She came over and put the blindfold back on, got me on all fours over the benches and called out All swap, I thaught you have got to be fucking kidding me, no, there was a spray of lube and I was Ass fucked again and Mouth Fucked the other end, I've never felt pleasure and pain like it, there was someone underneath me again sucking my Clitty, I'm not sure how long this went on for but I came twice and shot my load into someone, I swallowed more than I could count and my ass was that full it must be dipping down my legs which were numb. Eventually all the Fucking finally stopped, I was shaking as Forever had finally passed and Gemma and Veronica helped me up and carefully escorted me to the bathroom where I cleared my huge Ass load of cum, you cannot imagine how much. I cleaned up best I can and went back to the living room with everyone else, they were all saying well done and you were amazing but of course I don't know who any of them were, what an odd feeling, possibly everyone fucked me and maybe I swallowed them all down, I will never know as I was in a trance of pleasure and pain, Gemma told me that there were 17 at the party and that I'm now a FULL member..... WTF xx
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  • Part 2 of 2

    Enough is enough, you take hold of your rod and present it to my hole, it instinctively closes due to the gentle touch but then opens again ready to take you. The pressure increases and i start to feel your head entering my, i groan "Oh fuck yes" as your head finally pops inside. The sensation is truly amazing on that very first penetration. Nothing can explain the feeling of having your hole opened up by a warm, soft, yet rigid ****. You hold still for just a couple of seconds to allow me to adjust to your girth before continuing your mission of going balls deep inside me. You bottom out inside me, the tightness squeezing your **** with exquisite pleasure. "Holy fuck, your ass is amazing, I could screw your ass all day", my only retort to this is to very quickly bounce my ass onto your **** to indicate what I want. You take the hint and start stroking your **** in and out of my hole. there is no slow build-up, your **** needs this and my ass needs this.

    The pace increases until you have a steady rhythm, firm and deep with every thrust. You hold on tight to my hips to prevent me falling from the chair, my knuckles white holding the back of the chair against your relentless pounding. After several minutes of sublime sex we change position, you reluctantly remove your **** from my ass, i get off the chair and motion for you to sit down. You sit down and your **** stands up like a flag pole, glistening and wet with the pre-cum. I turn my back, open my legs and straddle your lap, taking hold of your **** i slowly sit down allowing your **** to enter me, returning to it's rightful place. This time, i am in control, or so i thought. As i raise myself up you immediately grab hold of my hips and pull me back onto your lap forcing your **** deep into me "fuck" escapes my mouth at the sensation of the quick deep penetration. This only spurs you on and every time i raise off your **** you slam me back onto you.

    This aggressive pounding is making my **** hard, i grab one of your hands and place it on my rigid pole. You take the hint and start to stroke me vigorously while i maintain the pounding of my ass. i don't last long and soon spunk spurts all over the floor and your legs, in doing so my ass muscles contract and squeeze around you pole forcing you over the edge. As you cum you release my spent ****, grab hold of my hips and ram your **** deep inside me, making sure that you release your load as deep in me as possible. After several deep thrusts, your **** finally stops erupting and you slow down to a gentle massage before finally coming to a halt. Your **** still buried deep inside me, i deliberately squeeze my hole causing you to slap my ass as you can't take any more sensations. i slowly raise myself from your lap, as i do you look down and see a stream of cum slowly drip from my gaping and well pounded hole onto you ****. Yes, that was a good fucking.
    Part 2 of 2 Enough is enough, you take hold of your rod and present it to my hole, it instinctively closes due to the gentle touch but then opens again ready to take you. The pressure increases and i start to feel your head entering my, i groan "Oh fuck yes" as your head finally pops inside. The sensation is truly amazing on that very first penetration. Nothing can explain the feeling of having your hole opened up by a warm, soft, yet rigid cock. You hold still for just a couple of seconds to allow me to adjust to your girth before continuing your mission of going balls deep inside me. You bottom out inside me, the tightness squeezing your cock with exquisite pleasure. "Holy fuck, your ass is amazing, I could screw your ass all day", my only retort to this is to very quickly bounce my ass onto your cock to indicate what I want. You take the hint and start stroking your cock in and out of my hole. there is no slow build-up, your cock needs this and my ass needs this. The pace increases until you have a steady rhythm, firm and deep with every thrust. You hold on tight to my hips to prevent me falling from the chair, my knuckles white holding the back of the chair against your relentless pounding. After several minutes of sublime sex we change position, you reluctantly remove your cock from my ass, i get off the chair and motion for you to sit down. You sit down and your cock stands up like a flag pole, glistening and wet with the pre-cum. I turn my back, open my legs and straddle your lap, taking hold of your cock i slowly sit down allowing your cock to enter me, returning to it's rightful place. This time, i am in control, or so i thought. As i raise myself up you immediately grab hold of my hips and pull me back onto your lap forcing your cock deep into me "fuck" escapes my mouth at the sensation of the quick deep penetration. This only spurs you on and every time i raise off your cock you slam me back onto you. This aggressive pounding is making my cock hard, i grab one of your hands and place it on my rigid pole. You take the hint and start to stroke me vigorously while i maintain the pounding of my ass. i don't last long and soon spunk spurts all over the floor and your legs, in doing so my ass muscles contract and squeeze around you pole forcing you over the edge. As you cum you release my spent cock, grab hold of my hips and ram your cock deep inside me, making sure that you release your load as deep in me as possible. After several deep thrusts, your cock finally stops erupting and you slow down to a gentle massage before finally coming to a halt. Your cock still buried deep inside me, i deliberately squeeze my hole causing you to slap my ass as you can't take any more sensations. i slowly raise myself from your lap, as i do you look down and see a stream of cum slowly drip from my gaping and well pounded hole onto you cock. Yes, that was a good fucking.
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