Some might have noticed that I disappeared for a while- I almost got rumbled with my CD pleasures and thought I should purge my pics and some of my panties (I kept some thankfully)but things have settled down so I am back enjoying this site and my CD friends. I will take some pics and post them later this week-what should I wear?
Some might have noticed that I disappeared for a while- I almost got rumbled with my CD pleasures and thought I should purge my pics and some of my panties (I kept some thankfully)but things have settled down so I am back enjoying this site and my CD friends. I will take some pics and post them later this week-what should I wear?
Whothis single and crossdressandlikestobetietothebedandisagirlandletamanripopenyourdressandmakesweetlovetoyouandyouwillbehesloveandbeheswifeforeveryorafemboywhowillbeheswifeandlovetoandstaydressupasagirlforhimallthetimeandgivehimsexallthetimetoanddressheuptoingirldresstoandturnmeintoagirl
Whothis single and crossdressandlikestobetietothebedandisagirlandletamanripopenyourdressandmakesweetlovetoyouandyouwillbehesloveandbeheswifeforeveryorafemboywhowillbeheswifeandlovetoandstaydressupasagirlforhimallthetimeandgivehimsexallthetimetoanddressheuptoingirldresstoandturnmeintoagirl
AnyonewhoaregirlgirlwhowillrealdatemeforwhoiamandfromohioorkentuckyorWest Virginia United States of America inusawhodoestcareiftheyknowanyoneornotandisafemboyorcrossdresswhowilldatesomeonelikemyselfonherenowwhoonlinehereandongooglechattoandafemboywhoisturnintoagirlfrombeingaman
AnyonewhoaregirlgirlwhowillrealdatemeforwhoiamandfromohioorkentuckyorWest Virginia United States of America inusawhodoestcareiftheyknowanyoneornotandisafemboyorcrossdresswhowilldatesomeonelikemyselfonherenowwhoonlinehereandongooglechattoandafemboywhoisturnintoagirlfrombeingaman
Iwantingamanwhoturnintoagirlandhastransformintoagirlfrombeingamanintoagirlandanymanwhohadbecomeagirlandisatransitionwomanortransgendermaletofemaleortsgirlorshemalewhofromusainohiofully become a woman from being a man andhasdoneasexchangessurgery operation andisafullwomennowfrombeingaman
Iwantingamanwhoturnintoagirlandhastransformintoagirlfrombeingamanintoagirlandanymanwhohadbecomeagirlandisatransitionwomanortransgendermaletofemaleortsgirlorshemalewhofromusainohiofully become a woman from being a man andhasdoneasexchangessurgery operation andisafullwomennowfrombeingaman
To think that i created Dawn when i was a child cause of a bad childhood i never thought she would be what she is today and now i do want to be her 24/7 so its going to happen soon i hope. Love to all you gals
To think that i created Dawn when i was a child cause of a bad childhood i never thought she would be what she is today and now i do want to be her 24/7 so its going to happen soon i hope. Love to all you gals 👧 ❤️
shared a link
& is Looking For
Happy Sunday, to all you sexy people, im feeling naughty and would love to play, please feel free to message me if you want to have some sexy fun xx
Happy Sunday, to all you sexy people, im feeling naughty and would love to play, please feel free to message me if you want to have some sexy fun 😘 😉 xx
Not been about much due to many hospital visits due to my C.O.P.D and prostate cancer, but still trying to get out. here's a couple from my weekend in Eastbourne last week.
Not been about much due to many hospital visits due to my C.O.P.D and prostate cancer, but still trying to get out. here's a couple from my weekend in Eastbourne last week.
Not been about much due to many hospital visits due to my C.O.P.D and prostate cancer, but still trying to get out. here's a couple from my weekend in Eastbourne last week.
Thank you all for the appreciation.
I'm starting to gain confidence in myself.
I hope I can leave the comfort of my home soon.
I still have some reservations and I can't actually walk well in heels yet.
I hope to see you outside soon.