• Day 2 of Trans holiday 5 more to go. xx
    Day 2 of Trans holiday 5 more to go. xx
    4 Comments 0 Shares 1066 Views
  • any man under who has become a woman who is from the United States very close to Kentucky will come and be with me here in Kentucky start a life with me date me has transformed from being a man into a woman or a boy to a girl that's been made into a girl and is still a boy and a c*** that won't go out with me date me for who I am and come to Kentucky or from Kentucky or Ohio or West Virginia in the USA in the United States of America or a golf dresser or a man who has become and transformed his hormones into a female from being a man
    any man under who has become a woman who is from the United States very close to Kentucky will come and be with me here in Kentucky start a life with me date me has transformed from being a man into a woman or a boy to a girl that's been made into a girl and is still a boy and a c*** that won't go out with me date me for who I am and come to Kentucky or from Kentucky or Ohio or West Virginia in the USA in the United States of America or a golf dresser or a man who has become and transformed his hormones into a female from being a man
    0 Comments 0 Shares 956 Views
  • are there anyone out there who is interested and going out with me dating me that is a trans Genderortransitionmtforwho is a c*** Emerald date me and settle down with me and marry me and make me their b**** to them
    are there anyone out there who is interested and going out with me dating me that is a trans Genderortransitionmtforwho is a c*** Emerald date me and settle down with me and marry me and make me their b**** to them
    0 Comments 0 Shares 959 Views
  • ImlookingforsomeonewhousetobeamanandbecomeagirlandisfromusaUnited States of America from Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia who used to be a man and become a woman and change their sex from having a sex change operation surgery done transforming they're sex from being a man into a female and it's very close to Kentucky Ohio or West Virginia in the US of a
    ImlookingforsomeonewhousetobeamanandbecomeagirlandisfromusaUnited States of America from Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia who used to be a man and become a woman and change their sex from having a sex change operation surgery done transforming they're sex from being a man into a female and it's very close to Kentucky Ohio or West Virginia in the US of a
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1035 Views
  • Why is noonewantstodatemefororwhousetobeamanandbecomeagirlandanygirlswhousetobeamanandbecomeagirlandisinusaaroundkentuckyandwillstartalifewithmeorsomeonenewonlineherewhowilldatemeandfromusaaroundclose to Kentucky Ohio or West Virginia in the United States of America or West Virginia who is a drag queen or used to be a man and become a full-time woman and has transformed from being a man into a woman
    Why is noonewantstodatemefororwhousetobeamanandbecomeagirlandanygirlswhousetobeamanandbecomeagirlandisinusaaroundkentuckyandwillstartalifewithmeorsomeonenewonlineherewhowilldatemeandfromusaaroundclose to Kentucky Ohio or West Virginia in the United States of America or West Virginia who is a drag queen or used to be a man and become a full-time woman and has transformed from being a man into a woman
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1131 Views
  • Whoisgotodatemeandturnmeintotheygirlfriendoutthereonhereandusetobeamanandbecomeagirlandhastransformintoagirlthemselffrombeingamanandisgonetodatemenowandisfromusaandwillcometokentuckyandbewithmeoranygirlwhowasamanbeforyoubecomeagirliwilldateyouhavetolikehavingsexwithmeasagirlanddressmeupasawomanoryouhavetodressupasagirlforme
    0 Comments 0 Shares 901 Views
  • Aretheyanycrossdresswhowilldafemeortransitionmtf
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1270 Views
  • I love trans,cd .
    I love trans,cd .
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1059 Views
  • IsnotfartomethatnobodygotodatemewhatisamitougleforyoualltodatemeonherealliamtryingtodoisfindsomeonewhowillgooutonadatewithmeanymtforgirlswholikemeandwilldatemeoranynewoeoplewhowhoGeneration X transitionthenthismtfarealpeoplewhowilldatemeonherenow
    IsnotfartomethatnobodygotodatemewhatisamitougleforyoualltodatemeonherealliamtryingtodoisfindsomeonewhowillgooutonadatewithmeanymtforgirlswholikemeandwilldatemeoranynewoeoplewhowhoGeneration X transitionthenthismtfarealpeoplewhowilldatemeonherenow
    1 Comments 0 Shares 762 Views
  • why is it so hard I can't find a girl who used to be a man and become a woman or a man who's becoming a woman their date me and go out with me for real why is it so hard that no one on here wants to date for real and seriously and settle down and start a lifewith me andwhoaresingleoramtforatranslateortransitionmtfwhowilldateonhereforrealandifnooneisgotodatemethistimeimquitingforgood
    why is it so hard I can't find a girl who used to be a man and become a woman or a man who's becoming a woman their date me and go out with me for real why is it so hard that no one on here wants to date for real and seriously and settle down and start a lifewith me andwhoaresingleoramtforatranslateortransitionmtfwhowilldateonhereforrealandifnooneisgotodatemethistimeimquitingforgood
    0 Comments 0 Shares 677 Views
  • Iamnothereforgamesiamtryingtofinesomeonewhoisserious about starting a serious relationship with someone I do not care or does not care is there a trans transgender or translateortransitionmale2femaleoragirlwhousetobeamanormanwhohastransformedfrombeingamanintogirljustaslongtheyhaveallreadybecomeagirlfrombeingamanseriousiamlookingforrealpeoplenotsomeonewhofakeonhereorabotonlyrealpeoplewhowilldatemefromusorohioinusorkentuckywhoworksinsideabarorfemboyorladyboyortsgirlorasomeonewhowllikedatingontherwomenwholookingforsomeonetobetheylovetotheyonhereanddoseunderstandwhoilllookingforonherenowornewonhereandonlineto
    Iamnothereforgamesiamtryingtofinesomeonewhoisserious about starting a serious relationship with someone I do not care or does not care is there a trans transgender or translateortransitionmale2femaleoragirlwhousetobeamanormanwhohastransformedfrombeingamanintogirljustaslongtheyhaveallreadybecomeagirlfrombeingamanseriousiamlookingforrealpeoplenotsomeonewhofakeonhereorabotonlyrealpeoplewhowilldatemefromusorohioinusorkentuckywhoworksinsideabarorfemboyorladyboyortsgirlorasomeonewhowllikedatingontherwomenwholookingforsomeonetobetheylovetotheyonhereanddoseunderstandwhoilllookingforonherenowornewonhereandonlineto
    1 Comments 0 Shares 832 Views
  • Well cuz I can't find anyone to date me will anyone date me and turn me into a girl and make me their lover and start a relationship with me and turn me into a girl fromohioorkentuckyorWest Virginia whointodatingonthergirlswhoaregaygirlsoratruetransitionwho usetobeamanandbecomeagirlfulltimeandworkinabarormaletofemaletranslateortransgenderortsgirlswholookingtodatesomeoneonhereorwillgetmarriedtomeorwilldatesomeonewholikesgirlwhousetobeamanandhasbecomeagirlwhowasamanandtransformedtheysexgenderintoafemalefull
    Well cuz I can't find anyone to date me will anyone date me and turn me into a girl and make me their lover and start a relationship with me and turn me into a girl fromohioorkentuckyorWest Virginia whointodatingonthergirlswhoaregaygirlsoratruetransitionwho usetobeamanandbecomeagirlfulltimeandworkinabarormaletofemaletranslateortransgenderortsgirlswholookingtodatesomeoneonhereorwillgetmarriedtomeorwilldatesomeonewholikesgirlwhousetobeamanandhasbecomeagirlwhowasamanandtransformedtheysexgenderintoafemalefull
    1 Comments 0 Shares 865 Views
  • Well i guest noone wants to have arelationship with me or is seek for somebody to dating then what im lookfor is the type of person who start out as a male and end up changesing them sex gender in to a female by trans formed they sex and be come agirl from beingaman and is a transgender or transition or male who is become agirl and has already become agirlnow and dose lookjustlikeonenow and from ohio or kentucky or West Virginia internet United States of America in the US a and is willing todating somebody likeme or atranslategirl who amaletofemale or ts girl who works at abar to who willdateme
    Well i guest noone wants to have arelationship with me or is seek for somebody to dating then what im lookfor is the type of person who start out as a male and end up changesing them sex gender in to a female by trans formed they sex and be come agirl from beingaman and is a transgender or transition or male who is become agirl and has already become agirlnow and dose lookjustlikeonenow and from ohio or kentucky or West Virginia internet United States of America in the US a and is willing todating somebody likeme or atranslategirl who amaletofemale or ts girl who works at abar to who willdateme
    1 Comments 0 Shares 840 Views
  • Are theyonetherewhogotodatemeatallonherewhowanttomakemetheygirlfriendanditstransgendermtforgaygirlwhowantstodatemeatall
    Are theyonetherewhogotodatemeatallonherewhowanttomakemetheygirlfriendanditstransgendermtforgaygirlwhowantstodatemeatall
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1105 Views
  • Iwantingamanwhoturnintoagirlandhastransformintoagirlfrombeingamanintoagirlandanymanwhohadbecomeagirlandisatransitionwomanortransgendermaletofemaleortsgirlorshemalewhofromusainohiofully become a woman from being a man andhasdoneasexchangessurgery operation andisafullwomennowfrombeingaman
    Iwantingamanwhoturnintoagirlandhastransformintoagirlfrombeingamanintoagirlandanymanwhohadbecomeagirlandisatransitionwomanortransgendermaletofemaleortsgirlorshemalewhofromusainohiofully become a woman from being a man andhasdoneasexchangessurgery operation andisafullwomennowfrombeingaman
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1113 Views
  • Anycrossdress whoamanwhobecomeawomanandwillletmehavingsexwiththematanytimethemwantitsouttherewhosinglelikeiamonlineanditsheretofindsomeonetodayefromohioinusainkentuckyWest Virginia in the United States of America who's the drag queen or across the restaurant or a transgender woman
    Anycrossdress whoamanwhobecomeawomanandwillletmehavingsexwiththematanytimethemwantitsouttherewhosinglelikeiamonlineanditsheretofindsomeonetodayefromohioinusainkentuckyWest Virginia in the United States of America who's the drag queen or across the restaurant or a transgender woman
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1297 Views
  • Is the anyone who wouldn't mind chatting with a trans/cd admirer?
    Is the anyone who wouldn't mind chatting with a trans/cd admirer?
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1419 Views
  • Iwant aman whose has turn intogirl from being aman and has transformed into agirl and willdatemetoand marriedme
    Iwant aman whose has turn intogirl from being aman and has transformed into agirl and willdatemetoand marriedme
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1122 Views
  • Whoitsveryrealcrossdressortransitionortsgirlwhowillingtodatemefromherewhoongooglechatnowandwouldhavingaexwithmeandwouldbemytruelovetomeandinreturniwoullettheyfuckmeaslongicanfuckthemtotheymostripopentheydressandletmeputmycockintheylikeagirlandtheybemygirlallthetimetoandkeeptheydressonandkeeplooklikeagirlto
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1127 Views
  • Iam looking for anybody to start up a relationship with me now who its interested really and truly interested indatingmyself and beingpart of mylifeand being my lovetome and ibm dont care of youuse tobe amale andbecome afemaleor ifyouare gay itsokwithmetoimjustheretofindsomeonetobewithmeiwanttofindsomeonewhowillgooutwithmeforwhoiamandilovegirlswhohasbecpmeamaletofemaleorafemalewhosbecomeamanandwillturnmeintoagirlortransitionortransgenderandanyonewhohasgooglechatandwilltalktome
    Iam looking for anybody to start up a relationship with me now who its interested really and truly interested indatingmyself and beingpart of mylifeand being my lovetome and ibm dont care of youuse tobe amale andbecome afemaleor ifyouare gay itsokwithmetoimjustheretofindsomeonetobewithmeiwanttofindsomeonewhowillgooutwithmeforwhoiamandilovegirlswhohasbecpmeamaletofemaleorafemalewhosbecomeamanandwillturnmeintoagirlortransitionortransgenderandanyonewhohasgooglechatandwilltalktome
    1 Comments 0 Shares 967 Views
  • Downside to being a cross dresser and not trans is when you fly you have to travel as a male like on your passport. It’s torture at airports seeing all the stewardesses made up wearing pantyhose, just want to dress the same. Xx
    Downside to being a cross dresser and not trans is when you fly you have to travel as a male like on your passport. It’s torture at airports seeing all the stewardesses made up wearing pantyhose, just want to dress the same. Xx
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2014 Views
  • I am sotieof being alone and if nobody this timearound is going to date me iwill have my self turn into a female for real be caues i am here to find somebody to goout with me and who was a man and being turn into girl and its a real people not fake people on line and is a transition a m t f or a male to female who single inusa ohiokenticky and West Virginia in the US Subway in the United States of America or any girl who used to be a man that was born as a man and become a girl around Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia in the USA and will settle down with me and be my girlfriend emulate me in this game on here or a lesbian who will date me and start a true relationship with me it works in a bar as a stripper or a female bartender and the age of 27 years old with auburn Brandy red hair
    I am sotieof being alone and if nobody this timearound is going to date me iwill have my self turn into a female for real be caues i am here to find somebody to goout with me and who was a man and being turn into girl and its a real people not fake people on line and is a transition a m t f or a male to female who single inusa ohiokenticky and West Virginia in the US Subway in the United States of America or any girl who used to be a man that was born as a man and become a girl around Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia in the USA and will settle down with me and be my girlfriend emulate me in this game on here or a lesbian who will date me and start a true relationship with me it works in a bar as a stripper or a female bartender and the age of 27 years old with auburn Brandy red hair
    2 Comments 0 Shares 2241 Views
  • Right I'm gonna make this clear so that some people might get the message! I'm not interested in basically is married men who more less just put underwear on! I'm not a one night stand and not everything we talk about has to be sexual. What I want is someone who is single and crossdresser properly or trans and just to meet up for a date, just hang out and see where it goes
    Right I'm gonna make this clear so that some people might get the message! I'm not interested in basically is married men who more less just put underwear on! I'm not a one night stand and not everything we talk about has to be sexual. What I want is someone who is single and crossdresser properly or trans and just to meet up for a date, just hang out and see where it goes
    20 Comments 0 Shares 1487 Views
  • Iam notheretoplayaroundabouttryingtofindsomeonewhoawas once a man and become a woman funeral date me marry me and start a life with me here in the USA and start a true relationship with me or any man out there who dresses like a woman and look like a woman and is a crossdresser I will really start a real relationship with me here in the US or Bay around Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia United States and will be my lover and marry me oratransitionoramale2femaleorsomeonewhoatransgenderm2f
    Iam notheretoplayaroundabouttryingtofindsomeonewhoawas once a man and become a woman funeral date me marry me and start a life with me here in the USA and start a true relationship with me or any man out there who dresses like a woman and look like a woman and is a crossdresser I will really start a real relationship with me here in the US or Bay around Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia United States and will be my lover and marry me oratransitionoramale2femaleorsomeonewhoatransgenderm2f
    2 Comments 0 Shares 2191 Views
  • I'm looking for hey man who has become a woman had a sex change and switched his sex Ginger around and done away with these manhood and permanently become a woman and its a real people who its transition male to female who this single or a man on female homones who has just start be comingafemale from beingamanintheusa inohio or livesinusa who willready dating me onhere and is trying findsomeone to be inlove or inlove with meonhere andwill hookupwithme and has already become awomanfrom beingamanoffofhereonthiswebsiteoratsgirlor any crossdresswhowantsmetobethemandtheyhaveredhairandlookslikeagirlanddresslikeagirltoandwillbemygaylovetome
    I'm looking for hey man who has become a woman had a sex change and switched his sex Ginger around and done away with these manhood and permanently become a woman and its a real people who its transition male to female who this single or a man on female homones who has just start be comingafemale from beingamanintheusa inohio or livesinusa who willready dating me onhere and is trying findsomeone to be inlove or inlove with meonhere andwill hookupwithme and has already become awomanfrom beingamanoffofhereonthiswebsiteoratsgirlor any crossdresswhowantsmetobethemandtheyhaveredhairandlookslikeagirlanddresslikeagirltoandwillbemygaylovetome
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2568 Views
  • Impact looking for real people whos asingle transitionmale tofemalewholookingfor somebody todateandfromusainusainohioorkentuckyor West Virginia in the United States of America in USA who used to be a man and has been switched and transformed into a permanently woman anditsnowagirlfrombeingamanandhasgiveuptheymanhoadtobeagirlallthewayandisawomanfrombeingamanandisheretofindsomeonetostartalivewithandwillstartalifewithmeandmarriedmeandisfromhereinusatodoes not have a dick anymore or does not have a relationship with anyone and a single
    Impact looking for real people whos asingle transitionmale tofemalewholookingfor somebody todateandfromusainusainohioorkentuckyor West Virginia in the United States of America in USA who used to be a man and has been switched and transformed into a permanently woman anditsnowagirlfrombeingamanandhasgiveuptheymanhoadtobeagirlallthewayandisawomanfrombeingamanandisheretofindsomeonetostartalivewithandwillstartalifewithmeandmarriedmeandisfromhereinusatodoes not have a dick anymore or does not have a relationship with anyone and a single
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2282 Views
  • Anybody whousetobeamanandhasbecomeagirlfromeverybeingamanandisatransitiongirlwhowasamanandhasbecomea girlwhowilldatemeandfromohioinusaorkentuckyorWest Virginia Energi United States of America in the USA who has been transformed from being a man into a woman Ben is here to date someone and does not have a relationship with anyone and will come and be with me and start a life with me here in Kentucky wanted to get married and is 27 years old with auburn red hair Brandy color
    Anybody whousetobeamanandhasbecomeagirlfromeverybeingamanandisatransitiongirlwhowasamanandhasbecomea girlwhowilldatemeandfromohioinusaorkentuckyorWest Virginia Energi United States of America in the USA who has been transformed from being a man into a woman Ben is here to date someone and does not have a relationship with anyone and will come and be with me and start a life with me here in Kentucky wanted to get married and is 27 years old with auburn red hair Brandy color
    4 Comments 0 Shares 1324 Views
  • Hello, do we have cross dressers on here who wish to learn more and also love to get herself more sexier and pretty ? I need one CD to be mine so I can teach and transform her more to be a better CD and also make her my little bitch.
    Hello, do we have cross dressers on here who wish to learn more and also love to get herself more sexier and pretty ? I need one CD to be mine so I can teach and transform her more to be a better CD and also make her my little bitch.
    4 Comments 0 Shares 1582 Views
  • Are they any man who has become agirl and has transformed Bridge their sex Ginger and become a female transitionandlivein ohio or usa or whenthorgh asex changingsurgeryandnowhasfemalebodyandbreastanddoestnothave anyonetobetheylovetothemanditssingleandrealpeopleonhereinUnited States of America Ohio Kentucky and West Virginia in the USA and will come and be with me start a life with me and start a relationship with me and has switched from being a man into a full-time female and does not have a penis anymore and is the age of 27 years old and has Auburn red hair Brandy color orananwhohasbeingturnintoafulltimegirlbybeonhomonesanditswilltodatemeonlineherenoworanykindoftransitionmalewhoagirlnowonhereortranslatepersonwhousetobeamanandisagirlnowok
    Are they any man who has become agirl and has transformed Bridge their sex Ginger and become a female transitionandlivein ohio or usa or whenthorgh asex changingsurgeryandnowhasfemalebodyandbreastanddoestnothave anyonetobetheylovetothemanditssingleandrealpeopleonhereinUnited States of America Ohio Kentucky and West Virginia in the USA and will come and be with me start a life with me and start a relationship with me and has switched from being a man into a full-time female and does not have a penis anymore and is the age of 27 years old and has Auburn red hair Brandy color orananwhohasbeingturnintoafulltimegirlbybeonhomonesanditswilltodatemeonlineherenoworanykindoftransitionmalewhoagirlnowonhereortranslatepersonwhousetobeamanandisagirlnowok
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2443 Views
  • Are there any man who is a transition or abisexal who be came agirl and on homones whohas changing they sex gender and has transformed into afemale frombeing aman and hey everything in the United States of America around in Ohio Kentucky and does not I have dickanymore and and I lived in West Virginia and does have a woman bodyandbreast and does not have a nylon one yet to be they love tothem and willdating me and be mylove andiam lookingforsomeonetodatingme andwouldlet mehave sexwithlike abandon girlandwillbemylovetome
    Are there any man who is a transition or abisexal who be came agirl and on homones whohas changing they sex gender and has transformed into afemale frombeing aman and hey everything in the United States of America around in Ohio Kentucky and does not I have dickanymore and and I lived in West Virginia and does have a woman bodyandbreast and does not have a nylon one yet to be they love tothem and willdating me and be mylove andiam lookingforsomeonetodatingme andwouldlet mehave sexwithlike abandon girlandwillbemylovetome
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2370 Views
  • any TS girls out there that was a man who has transformed and become a girl full-time in the US and play around Ohio Kentucky West Virginia United States of America who's looking for a relationship and has transformed and looked like a man in it now a full-time woman and has become a woman from being a man and is looking for a relationship and welcome to Kentucky and be with me and start a life with me here in the USA
    any TS girls out there that was a man who has transformed and become a girl full-time in the US and play around Ohio Kentucky West Virginia United States of America who's looking for a relationship and has transformed and looked like a man in it now a full-time woman and has become a woman from being a man and is looking for a relationship and welcome to Kentucky and be with me and start a life with me here in the USA
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1901 Views
  • looking for single TS girls that used to be a man and become a woman in the United States of America in the USA around Ohio West Virginia or Kentucky who will date me start a life with me and settle down with me and come to Kentucky and be with me and is white or any color race does not matter to me does as long as they used to be a man and has transformed into a woman in the US Bank and United States of America close to Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia and live in the US of A2 and will come and see me and visit me in the United States here in Kentucky and be with me
    looking for single TS girls that used to be a man and become a woman in the United States of America in the USA around Ohio West Virginia or Kentucky who will date me start a life with me and settle down with me and come to Kentucky and be with me and is white or any color race does not matter to me does as long as they used to be a man and has transformed into a woman in the US Bank and United States of America close to Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia and live in the US of A2 and will come and see me and visit me in the United States here in Kentucky and be with me
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2185 Views
  • that is what kind of a girl I am looking for todatemeoffofhere its a tsgirlwho used to be a man and become a girl andlives inusa around ohio or Kentucky or West Virginia in the United States of America and used to be a man and become a woman and has transformed from being a man into a full-time woman and is here looking for someone to date them and start a life with them and settle down with them and will date me settle down with me and start a life in a relationship with me and come to Kentucky and be with me for real
    that is what kind of a girl I am looking for todatemeoffofhere its a tsgirlwho used to be a man and become a girl andlives inusa around ohio or Kentucky or West Virginia in the United States of America and used to be a man and become a woman and has transformed from being a man into a full-time woman and is here looking for someone to date them and start a life with them and settle down with them and will date me settle down with me and start a life in a relationship with me and come to Kentucky and be with me for real
    4 Comments 0 Shares 2152 Views
  • anyone out there who is a TS girl that is white around Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia in USA or United States of America that will start a true relationship with me marry me and is on female hormones that used to be a man and become a transformed into a woman from being a man and will date me settle down with me and start a lot for me and come to Kentucky in the USA
    anyone out there who is a TS girl that is white around Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia in USA or United States of America that will start a true relationship with me marry me and is on female hormones that used to be a man and become a transformed into a woman from being a man and will date me settle down with me and start a lot for me and come to Kentucky in the USA
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1615 Views
  • anyWhite tsunami girls who's out there in the United States of America around Ohio Kentucky West Virginia here used to be a man on hormones and has transformed into a female and has become a full-time female and we'll start a life and relationship with me settle down with me and marry me if so you can hit me up now on here and talk to me here online and I will hook up with you and settle down with you and start a true relationship with you
    anyWhite tsunami girls who's out there in the United States of America around Ohio Kentucky West Virginia here used to be a man on hormones and has transformed into a female and has become a full-time female and we'll start a life and relationship with me settle down with me and marry me if so you can hit me up now on here and talk to me here online and I will hook up with you and settle down with you and start a true relationship with you
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1669 Views
  • Wellicanseethen no ts girls out here inohio or United States around Kentucky or West Virginia who will date me at used to be a man and has become a woman full-time and has transformed from being a man into a full-time woman hey United States of America here in the USA Bay around Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia who is looking for someone to date them that is a true tsunami girlwho abandon male tofemalethatwasamanandbecameagirlfrombeingamanonhereanditsnowagirlfrombeingamananditstryingtofindsomeonetodatethem
    Wellicanseethen no ts girls out here inohio or United States around Kentucky or West Virginia who will date me at used to be a man and has become a woman full-time and has transformed from being a man into a full-time woman hey United States of America here in the USA Bay around Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia who is looking for someone to date them that is a true tsunami girlwho abandon male tofemalethatwasamanandbecameagirlfrombeingamanonhereanditsnowagirlfrombeingamananditstryingtofindsomeonetodatethem
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1911 Views
  • if you are in the United States of America around Ohio or West Virginia or Kentucky next to Kentucky will date me start a true relationship with me and will become a woman and be transformed bring a man into a woman is on hormones and it's starting to turn on and become a woman I will help you date you and start a relationship with you and turn you into a woman from being a man no one will ever have to know what you was a man when you become a woman except us me and you as far as anyone else is concerned you was a girl the whole time and yes I will marry you settle down with you make you my wife now who's out there around Ohio Kentucky West Virginia in the USA is a man becoming a woman and look like a woman and has started transforming switching from being a man into a woman on hormone and we'll start a true relationship with me online here right now
    if you are in the United States of America around Ohio or West Virginia or Kentucky next to Kentucky will date me start a true relationship with me and will become a woman and be transformed bring a man into a woman is on hormones and it's starting to turn on and become a woman I will help you date you and start a relationship with you and turn you into a woman from being a man no one will ever have to know what you was a man when you become a woman except us me and you as far as anyone else is concerned you was a girl the whole time and yes I will marry you settle down with you make you my wife now who's out there around Ohio Kentucky West Virginia in the USA is a man becoming a woman and look like a woman and has started transforming switching from being a man into a woman on hormone and we'll start a true relationship with me online here right now
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1593 Views
  • I'm here looking for man who's been transformed into a woman around Ohio Kentucky West Virginia and had a sex change and become a permanently woman and is looking for someone to marry them and it's in there United States of America here and lived here in a single and is on female hormones and will marry me and date me off of here that is a permanently female from being a man and doesn't look like a man and hey girl and I can talk stuff like a woman and not a man and dresses just like a womanandwillmarriedmeright away and get turned on by man in uniform and like forefathers because I am a volunteer firefighterhereinkentucky
    I'm here looking for man who's been transformed into a woman around Ohio Kentucky West Virginia and had a sex change and become a permanently woman and is looking for someone to marry them and it's in there United States of America here and lived here in a single and is on female hormones and will marry me and date me off of here that is a permanently female from being a man and doesn't look like a man and hey girl and I can talk stuff like a woman and not a man and dresses just like a womanandwillmarriedmeright away and get turned on by man in uniform and like forefathers because I am a volunteer firefighterhereinkentucky
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2624 Views
  • Iam here trying to find real people who has having them dick and balls cutoff and turned into what them call a female from being a male who had then done to they and will date me onhere that this the tyape of woman iam looking for and want to have done to me aman who transform ed into being a female for permanently from United States of America in Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia who living inusa and has became a woman from having a sexchange surgery operation done their sex Gender from being a man into a woman and can have kids to why on female hormones and does look like a woman from being a man and not and talking act just like a woman and there's real people not fake people and will date me for who I am
    Iam here trying to find real people who has having them dick and balls cutoff and turned into what them call a female from being a male who had then done to they and will date me onhere that this the tyape of woman iam looking for and want to have done to me aman who transform ed into being a female for permanently from United States of America in Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia who living inusa and has became a woman from having a sexchange surgery operation done their sex Gender from being a man into a woman and can have kids to why on female hormones and does look like a woman from being a man and not and talking act just like a woman and there's real people not fake people and will date me for who I am
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2228 Views
  • Iwanttodatesomeonewhoitsatransmtfortranssexitualortransgendermaletofemaleorjasbeingtransformedintoagirlfromhavingasexchangeswho had a sex change operation surgery done and has become a full female from being a man and will date someone like me and start a relationship with me and it's from Ohio in the United States of America Kentucky or West Virginia and is local and looking for someone to date them it is 27 years old with red hair Emerald date someone who's 49 years old like myself hook up with me and live with me and start a relationship with me here in Kentucky and will let me make them pregnant with my child and help them to raise it and I settle down and start a family together
    Iwanttodatesomeonewhoitsatransmtfortranssexitualortransgendermaletofemaleorjasbeingtransformedintoagirlfromhavingasexchangeswho had a sex change operation surgery done and has become a full female from being a man and will date someone like me and start a relationship with me and it's from Ohio in the United States of America Kentucky or West Virginia and is local and looking for someone to date them it is 27 years old with red hair Emerald date someone who's 49 years old like myself hook up with me and live with me and start a relationship with me here in Kentucky and will let me make them pregnant with my child and help them to raise it and I settle down and start a family together
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2965 Views
  • Iguestnobodywamtstosleepwithmeordatemeandbeinarelationshipwithmenowwhowantstobemytruelovetomeanditsnotfakeonhereortofindsomeonewhowillforrealmakemeintothemgirlfriendandhasreadychangesthemsexgenderbybecomeafemalefrombeingamanintoturnedandtransformedandwillturnmeintoawomenforrealiamheretryingtofindsomeonetobeinrelationshipwithmeiamrtrieofnoonewanttodatemeortobewithmeandunderstandwhatiamtrytofinditssomeonewhousetobeamanandhasbecomeagirlbyhavingasexchangesdoneonthemandhasnodickanymoreonlyhasapussynowanymanwhohasawomabodywithawomanpussywherethemdickusedtobeatandgirltitsonthemnowwholookingforsomeonewhowilldatemenowthankyou
    1 Comments 0 Shares 2918 Views
  • Once upon a time, there was a man called Matt who was into all women including trans, CDs etc. he met someone who didn't send him pictures of there **** and just want a one off sexual encounter with him. He went out on a date with her and they got on really well and lived happily ever after. Then Matt stopped day dreaming and realised that it will never happen
    Once upon a time, there was a man called Matt who was into all women including trans, CDs etc. he met someone who didn't send him pictures of there cock and just want a one off sexual encounter with him. He went out on a date with her and they got on really well and lived happily ever after. Then Matt stopped day dreaming and realised that it will never happen
    3 Comments 0 Shares 1880 Views
  • What is trans?can’t I just simply exist
    What is trans?can’t I just simply exist
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1862 Views
  • I have an appointment with my local trans pride group.they were very friendly and I have a good feeling this will work out
    I have an appointment with my local trans pride group.they were very friendly and I have a good feeling this will work out
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1858 Views
  • well I guess there's no man on here who's had a sex change operation surgery and has been switched from being a man to a full-time woman transformed their sex Ginger from being a man to a woman fully and is on hormones and would be willing to date me from Ohio West Virginia or Kentucky that has been transformed from being a man into a woman Andits abandon transitual
    well I guess there's no man on here who's had a sex change operation surgery and has been switched from being a man to a full-time woman transformed their sex Ginger from being a man to a woman fully and is on hormones and would be willing to date me from Ohio West Virginia or Kentucky that has been transformed from being a man into a woman Andits abandon transitual
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1609 Views
  • Who a mancrossdressthat looklikea female orshemalewhodoes not have a penis andits afulltime woman nowand usetobeamanand has transformed I'm being a man into a full-time girl Emerald date me marry me it is from United States of America from the United States of America in Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia and will come and live with me make me there girlfriend and her lover and live with me and marry me and start a family with me
    Who a mancrossdressthat looklikea female orshemalewhodoes not have a penis andits afulltime woman nowand usetobeamanand has transformed I'm being a man into a full-time girl Emerald date me marry me it is from United States of America from the United States of America in Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia and will come and live with me make me there girlfriend and her lover and live with me and marry me and start a family with me
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2165 Views
  • Whowantstobeinrelationshippwithmeandwillmarriedmewho used to be a man and become a woman by transforming from being a man into a woman and had a sex change surgery done and is a full-time woman from United States in Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia who will date me and is local orwillmarriedmewhoisatranssexitualorshemaleorcrossdressortransgirlwhoandwilldatemeoutthere
    Whowantstobeinrelationshippwithmeandwillmarriedmewho used to be a man and become a woman by transforming from being a man into a woman and had a sex change surgery done and is a full-time woman from United States in Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia who will date me and is local orwillmarriedmewhoisatranssexitualorshemaleorcrossdressortransgirlwhoandwilldatemeoutthere
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1657 Views
  • Who are crossdress or a man who like to dressup and has being trans formed into a girl from being a man and it doesn't look like a man anymore and looks like a woman talk like a woman Walk Like a Woman and has become a full-time woman from being a man in United States inohioKentucky or West Virginia and is local from the area Emerald date me marry me come and live with me here in Kentucky whowillalsoturnmeintoagirltowiththem do not have them dick any more atall and likes to wear dress and highheels and willlet me **** them just like awomanwould and can have kids toand its on female hormones andis transsexual ortransgendermaletofemaleorsisyorfemboysoraladyboyor shemaleandworkinabarandwearsdressandcowgirlbootsorhighheelstowith auburn red hair Brandy color red and Double D breast from Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia and his local and in the area
    Who are crossdress or a man who like to dressup and has being trans formed into a girl from being a man and it doesn't look like a man anymore and looks like a woman talk like a woman Walk Like a Woman and has become a full-time woman from being a man in United States inohioKentucky or West Virginia and is local from the area Emerald date me marry me come and live with me here in Kentucky whowillalsoturnmeintoagirltowiththem do not have them dick any more atall and likes to wear dress and highheels and willlet me fuck them just like awomanwould and can have kids toand its on female hormones andis transsexual ortransgendermaletofemaleorsisyorfemboysoraladyboyor shemaleandworkinabarandwearsdressandcowgirlbootsorhighheelstowith auburn red hair Brandy color red and Double D breast from Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia and his local and in the area
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2341 Views
  • What does anyone got to do on here to get someone to date them and start a relationship with them from Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia and United States of America in the USA and is single and all right girl who used to be a man and become a girl and we'll date someone like myself off of this website or a man who has transformed and had a sex change and become a female andwillbemywifetomeandwilldatemeoffifitswebsiteherenowandlocalinohioinusaorKentucky and West Virginia and we'll date me become my lover and that likes wearing dresses high heels and it's 27 years old with red hair and willing to marry me and has been dying from a man into a woman for real
    What does anyone got to do on here to get someone to date them and start a relationship with them from Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia and United States of America in the USA and is single and all right girl who used to be a man and become a girl and we'll date someone like myself off of this website or a man who has transformed and had a sex change and become a female andwillbemywifetomeandwilldatemeoffifitswebsiteherenowandlocalinohioinusaorKentucky and West Virginia and we'll date me become my lover and that likes wearing dresses high heels and it's 27 years old with red hair and willing to marry me and has been dying from a man into a woman for real
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2084 Views