• Would really like to be spanked today x
    Would really like to be spanked today x
    0 Comments 0 Shares 84 Views 30
  • Iamonlylookingforrealpeoplenotfaakepeopleoutthereorwhonotabotonhereorgaslightonlyrealpeoplewhoarelocaltomemyareaandfromusawhonexsttokentuckyandwillcometokentuckytobewithmeasmyloveforrealandusetobeamanandhasturnintoagirlandtransformedintoawomannowfrombeingamanforrealoritsafemboywhobecomeagirlallthewayfrombeingamanandisagirlnoworwhohasturnintoawomannow
    1 Comments 0 Shares 542 Views
  • Anybody whoarerealcrossdresswhoaremtfoortsgirlwhowilldatemeonhere
    Anybody whoarerealcrossdresswhoaremtfoortsgirlwhowilldatemeonhere
    0 Comments 0 Shares 952 Views
  • IsnotfartomethatnobodygotodatemewhatisamitougleforyoualltodatemeonherealliamtryingtodoisfindsomeonewhowillgooutonadatewithmeanymtforgirlswholikemeandwilldatemeoranynewoeoplewhowhoGeneration X transitionthenthismtfarealpeoplewhowilldatemeonherenow
    IsnotfartomethatnobodygotodatemewhatisamitougleforyoualltodatemeonherealliamtryingtodoisfindsomeonewhowillgooutonadatewithmeanymtforgirlswholikemeandwilldatemeoranynewoeoplewhowhoGeneration X transitionthenthismtfarealpeoplewhowilldatemeonherenow
    1 Comments 0 Shares 777 Views
  • are theyany27yearoldwhowilldatesomeonewhois49yearoldinusinohioandwillcometokentuckyandmakemetheygirlfriendandwhowillstartalifewithmeandmarriedmeandwhoareintodatingontherwomenandwillmakemetheygirlfriendforrealonherewhoaresingleorworksasnurseorinabarone
    are theyany27yearoldwhowilldatesomeonewhois49yearoldinusinohioandwillcometokentuckyandmakemetheygirlfriendandwhowillstartalifewithmeandmarriedmeandwhoareintodatingontherwomenandwillmakemetheygirlfriendforrealonherewhoaresingleorworksasnurseorinabarone
    0 Comments 0 Shares 672 Views
  • Whowantsmetobetheyloveandwillletmefucktheylikeagirlandwilldomethesamewaytoandputmeinadressandhightheelsandmakemetheygirlfriendforreal
    1 Comments 0 Shares 718 Views
  • why is it so hard I can't find a girl who used to be a man and become a woman or a man who's becoming a woman their date me and go out with me for real why is it so hard that no one on here wants to date for real and seriously and settle down and start a lifewith me andwhoaresingleoramtforatranslateortransitionmtfwhowilldateonhereforrealandifnooneisgotodatemethistimeimquitingforgood
    why is it so hard I can't find a girl who used to be a man and become a woman or a man who's becoming a woman their date me and go out with me for real why is it so hard that no one on here wants to date for real and seriously and settle down and start a lifewith me andwhoaresingleoramtforatranslateortransitionmtfwhowilldateonhereforrealandifnooneisgotodatemethistimeimquitingforgood
    0 Comments 0 Shares 688 Views
  • Iamnothereforgamesiamtryingtofinesomeonewhoisserious about starting a serious relationship with someone I do not care or does not care is there a trans transgender or translateortransitionmale2femaleoragirlwhousetobeamanormanwhohastransformedfrombeingamanintogirljustaslongtheyhaveallreadybecomeagirlfrombeingamanseriousiamlookingforrealpeoplenotsomeonewhofakeonhereorabotonlyrealpeoplewhowilldatemefromusorohioinusorkentuckywhoworksinsideabarorfemboyorladyboyortsgirlorasomeonewhowllikedatingontherwomenwholookingforsomeonetobetheylovetotheyonhereanddoseunderstandwhoilllookingforonherenowornewonhereandonlineto
    Iamnothereforgamesiamtryingtofinesomeonewhoisserious about starting a serious relationship with someone I do not care or does not care is there a trans transgender or translateortransitionmale2femaleoragirlwhousetobeamanormanwhohastransformedfrombeingamanintogirljustaslongtheyhaveallreadybecomeagirlfrombeingamanseriousiamlookingforrealpeoplenotsomeonewhofakeonhereorabotonlyrealpeoplewhowilldatemefromusorohioinusorkentuckywhoworksinsideabarorfemboyorladyboyortsgirlorasomeonewhowllikedatingontherwomenwholookingforsomeonetobetheylovetotheyonhereanddoseunderstandwhoilllookingforonherenowornewonhereandonlineto
    1 Comments 0 Shares 856 Views
  • I really wanna be here 24 -7 chatting meeting people like me is a first n I truly wanna know more cuz even tho I been crossdressing since teen . I've always kept it hidden. So I never fully embraced my true self . Always trying to please others over myself. N not as Katrina but as a man . N Everyone I chilled wit or knew dispized , idk I'm dumb sorry I'm just lonely as hell n afraid. Of rejection n being a a disappointment
    I really wanna be here 24 -7 chatting meeting people like me is a first n I truly wanna know more cuz even tho I been crossdressing since teen . I've always kept it hidden. So I never fully embraced my true self . Always trying to please others over myself. N not as Katrina but as a man . N Everyone I chilled wit or knew dispized , idk I'm dumb sorry I'm just lonely as hell n afraid. Of rejection n being a a disappointment 👄
    2 Comments 0 Shares 1607 Views
  • Do some here not realise that no explicit photos includes no photos of your genitals?? Have some sense of decency
    Do some here not realise that no explicit photos includes no photos of your genitals?? Have some sense of decency 😡 THIS IS NOT A PORN SITE
    8 Comments 0 Shares 1479 Views
  • occasionally a nice tights shot is really erotic x
    occasionally a nice tights shot is really erotic x
    2 Comments 0 Shares 1267 Views
  • AnyonewhoaregirlgirlwhowillrealdatemeforwhoiamandfromohioorkentuckyorWest Virginia United States of America inusawhodoestcareiftheyknowanyoneornotandisafemboyorcrossdresswhowilldatesomeonelikemyselfonherenowwhoonlinehereandongooglechattoandafemboywhoisturnintoagirlfrombeingaman
    AnyonewhoaregirlgirlwhowillrealdatemeforwhoiamandfromohioorkentuckyorWest Virginia United States of America inusawhodoestcareiftheyknowanyoneornotandisafemboyorcrossdresswhowilldatesomeonelikemyselfonherenowwhoonlinehereandongooglechattoandafemboywhoisturnintoagirlfrombeingaman
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1252 Views
  • I really enjoy kisses other crossdressers. I wish that was me in this pic
    I really enjoy kisses other crossdressers. I wish that was me in this pic 💦💦💦💦💦
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1299 Views
  • Whoitsveryrealcrossdressortransitionortsgirlwhowillingtodatemefromherewhoongooglechatnowandwouldhavingaexwithmeandwouldbemytruelovetomeandinreturniwoullettheyfuckmeaslongicanfuckthemtotheymostripopentheydressandletmeputmycockintheylikeagirlandtheybemygirlallthetimetoandkeeptheydressonandkeeplooklikeagirlto
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1135 Views
  • Iam looking for anybody to start up a relationship with me now who its interested really and truly interested indatingmyself and beingpart of mylifeand being my lovetome and ibm dont care of youuse tobe amale andbecome afemaleor ifyouare gay itsokwithmetoimjustheretofindsomeonetobewithmeiwanttofindsomeonewhowillgooutwithmeforwhoiamandilovegirlswhohasbecpmeamaletofemaleorafemalewhosbecomeamanandwillturnmeintoagirlortransitionortransgenderandanyonewhohasgooglechatandwilltalktome
    Iam looking for anybody to start up a relationship with me now who its interested really and truly interested indatingmyself and beingpart of mylifeand being my lovetome and ibm dont care of youuse tobe amale andbecome afemaleor ifyouare gay itsokwithmetoimjustheretofindsomeonetobewithmeiwanttofindsomeonewhowillgooutwithmeforwhoiamandilovegirlswhohasbecpmeamaletofemaleorafemalewhosbecomeamanandwillturnmeintoagirlortransitionortransgenderandanyonewhohasgooglechatandwilltalktome
    1 Comments 0 Shares 980 Views
  • Too many nasty messages being sent to me and private conversations shared with others. There really are some very vile people on here.
    And also too many gerks just on here to show their bits or think were sluts or play things.
    The anount of times ive been told buy guys and so called cds what the would like to do to me. Disgusting. Sorry. But i didnt sign up for this. Where is all the support and kindness gone. We should be embracing and supporting each other.
    Very sad as there's some very genuine, supportive people on here. But alas, the seem to be in the minority.
    Too many nasty messages being sent to me and private conversations shared with others. There really are some very vile people on here. And also too many gerks just on here to show their bits or think were sluts or play things. The anount of times ive been told buy guys and so called cds what the would like to do to me. Disgusting. Sorry. But i didnt sign up for this. Where is all the support and kindness gone. We should be embracing and supporting each other. Very sad as there's some very genuine, supportive people on here. But alas, the seem to be in the minority. Bye😭
    10 Comments 0 Shares 1129 Views
  • Wellthis looks like they not any one at all whos really interested in dating someone lock me on here and I'm wanting to be friends or someone and the date someone from here I don't care if a crossdresser had a dick cleaner legs or not for the shemale all iwant this somebody to gooutwithme and dating me and become my friend and love tome off of here now who who this go to dothatnowand wllstartalifewithme
    Wellthis looks like they not any one at all whos really interested in dating someone lock me on here and I'm wanting to be friends or someone and the date someone from here I don't care if a crossdresser had a dick cleaner legs or not for the shemale all iwant this somebody to gooutwithme and dating me and become my friend and love tome off of here now who who this go to dothatnowand wllstartalifewithme
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1055 Views
  • Urggghhh when you get messages from someone who clearly has watched to much porn and thinks its real sex.
    Urggghhh when you get messages from someone who clearly has watched to much porn and thinks its real sex.
    2 Comments 0 Shares 903 Views
  • I am sotieof being alone and if nobody this timearound is going to date me iwill have my self turn into a female for real be caues i am here to find somebody to goout with me and who was a man and being turn into girl and its a real people not fake people on line and is a transition a m t f or a male to female who single inusa ohiokenticky and West Virginia in the US Subway in the United States of America or any girl who used to be a man that was born as a man and become a girl around Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia in the USA and will settle down with me and be my girlfriend emulate me in this game on here or a lesbian who will date me and start a true relationship with me it works in a bar as a stripper or a female bartender and the age of 27 years old with auburn Brandy red hair
    I am sotieof being alone and if nobody this timearound is going to date me iwill have my self turn into a female for real be caues i am here to find somebody to goout with me and who was a man and being turn into girl and its a real people not fake people on line and is a transition a m t f or a male to female who single inusa ohiokenticky and West Virginia in the US Subway in the United States of America or any girl who used to be a man that was born as a man and become a girl around Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia in the USA and will settle down with me and be my girlfriend emulate me in this game on here or a lesbian who will date me and start a true relationship with me it works in a bar as a stripper or a female bartender and the age of 27 years old with auburn Brandy red hair
    2 Comments 0 Shares 2247 Views
  • Iamlook for anybody who mtf who willdate me fromusa inohioinusa who is a male to female for real emulate me from United States in the US a way around Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia or no words for the ladies to understand and everyone I'm looking for a woman that has become a woman from being a man a long time ago I was born as a man and become a woman now if you're that way that's what I'm looking for todateyoufromherenoworoftheyarenot willanyman whowillbecomemyfemaleandhaveasurgery change done and change their sex Ginger from being a man into a woman for real for me or changemysexintoafemalesurgerytomademe afemale ortheirsexgenderintoafemaleforme
    Iamlook for anybody who mtf who willdate me fromusa inohioinusa who is a male to female for real emulate me from United States in the US a way around Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia or no words for the ladies to understand and everyone I'm looking for a woman that has become a woman from being a man a long time ago I was born as a man and become a woman now if you're that way that's what I'm looking for todateyoufromherenoworoftheyarenot willanyman whowillbecomemyfemaleandhaveasurgery change done and change their sex Ginger from being a man into a woman for real for me or changemysexintoafemalesurgerytomademe afemale ortheirsexgenderintoafemaleforme
    2 Comments 0 Shares 1682 Views
  • Anysweetkindcareingbitypeof girlswhoarebior seekoutarelationshipwithmeandiswelltodatemeandhasawildsideorusetomalewhohasbecomearealfemalewholikeandwilldatemeoritsaMan Who come out the closet about turning into a girl and has turned into a girl from being a boy it is a girl permanently now from being a man and has such their sex Ginger from being a man into a female from United States of America in the US debate from Ohio Kentucky and West Virginia anditsnotheretoplayroundanditsserious and interested in having a open relationship with me and interested in dating me and going out with me and his 27 years oldandusetobemananditsagirlnow
    Anysweetkindcareingbitypeof girlswhoarebior seekoutarelationshipwithmeandiswelltodatemeandhasawildsideorusetomalewhohasbecomearealfemalewholikeandwilldatemeoritsaMan Who come out the closet about turning into a girl and has turned into a girl from being a boy it is a girl permanently now from being a man and has such their sex Ginger from being a man into a female from United States of America in the US debate from Ohio Kentucky and West Virginia anditsnotheretoplayroundanditsserious and interested in having a open relationship with me and interested in dating me and going out with me and his 27 years oldandusetobemananditsagirlnow
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1058 Views
  • i have a really bad case of insomnia! I have not slept more than 6 hours in a days!
    i have a really bad case of insomnia! 😭 I have not slept more than 6 hours in a days! 😭😭😭
    10 Comments 0 Shares 1753 Views
  • My Jogging look. (Couple of years ago) Really was a to die for moment for me as I love this outfit and my about 140lb body in this photo. Hope everyone is doing well.
    My Jogging look. (Couple of years ago) Really was a to die for moment for me as I love this outfit and my about 140lb body in this photo. Hope everyone is doing well.😊
    2 Comments 0 Shares 1633 Views
  • can only please The femboy datemewhohasbecomeagirlnowbecause iamwanttobethisforrealandwillpepolewhoarethiswaygooutwithmeherenoworhelpmetofindsomeonetobewithmeandimamsingleandlookingforsomeonetobewithme
    can only please The femboy datemewhohasbecomeagirlnowbecause iamwanttobethisforrealandwillpepolewhoarethiswaygooutwithmeherenoworhelpmetofindsomeonetobewithmeandimamsingleandlookingforsomeonetobewithme
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1977 Views
  • Iam notheretoplayaroundabouttryingtofindsomeonewhoawas once a man and become a woman funeral date me marry me and start a life with me here in the USA and start a true relationship with me or any man out there who dresses like a woman and look like a woman and is a crossdresser I will really start a real relationship with me here in the US or Bay around Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia United States and will be my lover and marry me oratransitionoramale2femaleorsomeonewhoatransgenderm2f
    Iam notheretoplayaroundabouttryingtofindsomeonewhoawas once a man and become a woman funeral date me marry me and start a life with me here in the USA and start a true relationship with me or any man out there who dresses like a woman and look like a woman and is a crossdresser I will really start a real relationship with me here in the US or Bay around Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia United States and will be my lover and marry me oratransitionoramale2femaleorsomeonewhoatransgenderm2f
    2 Comments 0 Shares 2202 Views
  • I'm looking for hey man who has become a woman had a sex change and switched his sex Ginger around and done away with these manhood and permanently become a woman and its a real people who its transition male to female who this single or a man on female homones who has just start be comingafemale from beingamanintheusa inohio or livesinusa who willready dating me onhere and is trying findsomeone to be inlove or inlove with meonhere andwill hookupwithme and has already become awomanfrom beingamanoffofhereonthiswebsiteoratsgirlor any crossdresswhowantsmetobethemandtheyhaveredhairandlookslikeagirlanddresslikeagirltoandwillbemygaylovetome
    I'm looking for hey man who has become a woman had a sex change and switched his sex Ginger around and done away with these manhood and permanently become a woman and its a real people who its transition male to female who this single or a man on female homones who has just start be comingafemale from beingamanintheusa inohio or livesinusa who willready dating me onhere and is trying findsomeone to be inlove or inlove with meonhere andwill hookupwithme and has already become awomanfrom beingamanoffofhereonthiswebsiteoratsgirlor any crossdresswhowantsmetobethemandtheyhaveredhairandlookslikeagirlanddresslikeagirltoandwillbemygaylovetome
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2576 Views
  • Impact looking for real people whos asingle transitionmale tofemalewholookingfor somebody todateandfromusainusainohioorkentuckyor West Virginia in the United States of America in USA who used to be a man and has been switched and transformed into a permanently woman anditsnowagirlfrombeingamanandhasgiveuptheymanhoadtobeagirlallthewayandisawomanfrombeingamanandisheretofindsomeonetostartalivewithandwillstartalifewithmeandmarriedmeandisfromhereinusatodoes not have a dick anymore or does not have a relationship with anyone and a single
    Impact looking for real people whos asingle transitionmale tofemalewholookingfor somebody todateandfromusainusainohioorkentuckyor West Virginia in the United States of America in USA who used to be a man and has been switched and transformed into a permanently woman anditsnowagirlfrombeingamanandhasgiveuptheymanhoadtobeagirlallthewayandisawomanfrombeingamanandisheretofindsomeonetostartalivewithandwillstartalifewithmeandmarriedmeandisfromhereinusatodoes not have a dick anymore or does not have a relationship with anyone and a single
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2291 Views
  • I know its not real don't have time to dress best i can do lol happy st. Patrick day
    I know its not real don't have time to dress best i can do lol happy st. Patrick day ❤️
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1984 Views
  • Really hope everyone had a great day. Love Dawn
    Really hope everyone had a great day. Love Dawn ❤️
    2 Comments 0 Shares 1151 Views
  • Are they any man who has become agirl and has transformed Bridge their sex Ginger and become a female transitionandlivein ohio or usa or whenthorgh asex changingsurgeryandnowhasfemalebodyandbreastanddoestnothave anyonetobetheylovetothemanditssingleandrealpeopleonhereinUnited States of America Ohio Kentucky and West Virginia in the USA and will come and be with me start a life with me and start a relationship with me and has switched from being a man into a full-time female and does not have a penis anymore and is the age of 27 years old and has Auburn red hair Brandy color orananwhohasbeingturnintoafulltimegirlbybeonhomonesanditswilltodatemeonlineherenoworanykindoftransitionmalewhoagirlnowonhereortranslatepersonwhousetobeamanandisagirlnowok
    Are they any man who has become agirl and has transformed Bridge their sex Ginger and become a female transitionandlivein ohio or usa or whenthorgh asex changingsurgeryandnowhasfemalebodyandbreastanddoestnothave anyonetobetheylovetothemanditssingleandrealpeopleonhereinUnited States of America Ohio Kentucky and West Virginia in the USA and will come and be with me start a life with me and start a relationship with me and has switched from being a man into a full-time female and does not have a penis anymore and is the age of 27 years old and has Auburn red hair Brandy color orananwhohasbeingturnintoafulltimegirlbybeonhomonesanditswilltodatemeonlineherenoworanykindoftransitionmalewhoagirlnowonhereortranslatepersonwhousetobeamanandisagirlnowok
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2451 Views
  • This is an old photo of a husband undergoing petticoat punishment in 1965. His wife found this effective control. The husband, Peter was his name, had an affair which went wrong. His wife told him to wear lingerie and particularly petticoats when he got home. He had to act as his wife's maid and sex was apparently denied. She used photos of him to keep control. Apparently after two months of this he began to enjoy the situation and they resumed having sex. She retained control over him, though.
    He looks to have lovely legs and really nice fully fashioned stockings. He was called Petula at home and one lady friend of his wife knew the secret.
    sounds wonderful- oh to be similarly punished!
    This is an old photo of a husband undergoing petticoat punishment in 1965. His wife found this effective control. The husband, Peter was his name, had an affair which went wrong. His wife told him to wear lingerie and particularly petticoats when he got home. He had to act as his wife's maid and sex was apparently denied. She used photos of him to keep control. Apparently after two months of this he began to enjoy the situation and they resumed having sex. She retained control over him, though. He looks to have lovely legs and really nice fully fashioned stockings. He was called Petula at home and one lady friend of his wife knew the secret. sounds wonderful- oh to be similarly punished!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2844 Views
  • that is what kind of a girl I am looking for todatemeoffofhere its a tsgirlwho used to be a man and become a girl andlives inusa around ohio or Kentucky or West Virginia in the United States of America and used to be a man and become a woman and has transformed from being a man into a full-time woman and is here looking for someone to date them and start a life with them and settle down with them and will date me settle down with me and start a life in a relationship with me and come to Kentucky and be with me for real
    that is what kind of a girl I am looking for todatemeoffofhere its a tsgirlwho used to be a man and become a girl andlives inusa around ohio or Kentucky or West Virginia in the United States of America and used to be a man and become a woman and has transformed from being a man into a full-time woman and is here looking for someone to date them and start a life with them and settle down with them and will date me settle down with me and start a life in a relationship with me and come to Kentucky and be with me for real
    4 Comments 0 Shares 2160 Views
  • I'm not here to play around I'm looking for real people who is TS girls to date and will start a relationship for me that used to be a man and it become a full-time woman from being a man in the US a it will marry me start a life with me come to Kentucky and live in the United States with me and start a life with me and his white black or it don't matter to me that's a long as they used to be a man in his mouth a woman and and has switched and their sex Gender from being a man to a female now andswitched and is a female fully now from being a man
    I'm not here to play around I'm looking for real people who is TS girls to date and will start a relationship for me that used to be a man and it become a full-time woman from being a man in the US a it will marry me start a life with me come to Kentucky and live in the United States with me and start a life with me and his white black or it don't matter to me that's a long as they used to be a man in his mouth a woman and and has switched and their sex Gender from being a man to a female now andswitched and is a female fully now from being a man
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2127 Views
  • Iam here trying to find real people who has having them dick and balls cutoff and turned into what them call a female from being a male who had then done to they and will date me onhere that this the tyape of woman iam looking for and want to have done to me aman who transform ed into being a female for permanently from United States of America in Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia who living inusa and has became a woman from having a sexchange surgery operation done their sex Gender from being a man into a woman and can have kids to why on female hormones and does look like a woman from being a man and not and talking act just like a woman and there's real people not fake people and will date me for who I am
    Iam here trying to find real people who has having them dick and balls cutoff and turned into what them call a female from being a male who had then done to they and will date me onhere that this the tyape of woman iam looking for and want to have done to me aman who transform ed into being a female for permanently from United States of America in Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia who living inusa and has became a woman from having a sexchange surgery operation done their sex Gender from being a man into a woman and can have kids to why on female hormones and does look like a woman from being a man and not and talking act just like a woman and there's real people not fake people and will date me for who I am
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2232 Views
  • Iguestnobodywamtstosleepwithmeordatemeandbeinarelationshipwithmenowwhowantstobemytruelovetomeanditsnotfakeonhereortofindsomeonewhowillforrealmakemeintothemgirlfriendandhasreadychangesthemsexgenderbybecomeafemalefrombeingamanintoturnedandtransformedandwillturnmeintoawomenforrealiamheretryingtofindsomeonetobeinrelationshipwithmeiamrtrieofnoonewanttodatemeortobewithmeandunderstandwhatiamtrytofinditssomeonewhousetobeamanandhasbecomeagirlbyhavingasexchangesdoneonthemandhasnodickanymoreonlyhasapussynowanymanwhohasawomabodywithawomanpussywherethemdickusedtobeatandgirltitsonthemnowwholookingforsomeonewhowilldatemenowthankyou
    1 Comments 0 Shares 2920 Views
  • Once upon a time, there was a man called Matt who was into all women including trans, CDs etc. he met someone who didn't send him pictures of there **** and just want a one off sexual encounter with him. He went out on a date with her and they got on really well and lived happily ever after. Then Matt stopped day dreaming and realised that it will never happen
    Once upon a time, there was a man called Matt who was into all women including trans, CDs etc. he met someone who didn't send him pictures of there cock and just want a one off sexual encounter with him. He went out on a date with her and they got on really well and lived happily ever after. Then Matt stopped day dreaming and realised that it will never happen
    3 Comments 0 Shares 1885 Views
  • Well should I be wearing this out tonight , it's quite chilly out tonight although it's kind of nice the cold air on your body plus in the clubs it's really really hot
    Well should I be wearing this out tonight , it's quite chilly out tonight although it's kind of nice the cold air on your body plus in the clubs it's really really hot
    2 Comments 0 Shares 1473 Views
  • New stockings, got these from Mayfair. Really nice fit
    New stockings, got these from Mayfair. Really nice fit
    4 Comments 0 Shares 1440 Views
  • Good morning & happy Friyaayy!!
    This has been the slowest week of the year, anyone else?

    Hope you all have a really fun & safe weekend
    Good morning & happy Friyaayy!! This has been the slowest week of the year, anyone else? Hope you all have a really fun & safe weekend 💋🌹👠👗👙🥂🥒💦
    7 Comments 0 Shares 1567 Views
  • What does anyone got to do on here to get someone to date them and start a relationship with them from Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia and United States of America in the USA and is single and all right girl who used to be a man and become a girl and we'll date someone like myself off of this website or a man who has transformed and had a sex change and become a female andwillbemywifetomeandwilldatemeoffifitswebsiteherenowandlocalinohioinusaorKentucky and West Virginia and we'll date me become my lover and that likes wearing dresses high heels and it's 27 years old with red hair and willing to marry me and has been dying from a man into a woman for real
    What does anyone got to do on here to get someone to date them and start a relationship with them from Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia and United States of America in the USA and is single and all right girl who used to be a man and become a girl and we'll date someone like myself off of this website or a man who has transformed and had a sex change and become a female andwillbemywifetomeandwilldatemeoffifitswebsiteherenowandlocalinohioinusaorKentucky and West Virginia and we'll date me become my lover and that likes wearing dresses high heels and it's 27 years old with red hair and willing to marry me and has been dying from a man into a woman for real
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2089 Views
  • Who are male whosingle and here to date somebody and this starting to transformedd into become a female from being a men for real and hasturn into girl for good now and has done so and from ohio inusa and kentuckywho likes to dress up as agirl or from West Virginia inusa or and crossdressor transsexual orsisygirlsormaletofemaleor transgirls shemale or gay girlswho areinmy area andnexts to my localwhowillbeinterested in me and dating me in any man who's had a sex change surgery operation and has switched from being a man into a true woman andwilldatemeoffofherenow
    Who are male whosingle and here to date somebody and this starting to transformedd into become a female from being a men for real and hasturn into girl for good now and has done so and from ohio inusa and kentuckywho likes to dress up as agirl or from West Virginia inusa or and crossdressor transsexual orsisygirlsormaletofemaleor transgirls shemale or gay girlswho areinmy area andnexts to my localwhowillbeinterested in me and dating me in any man who's had a sex change surgery operation and has switched from being a man into a true woman andwilldatemeoffofherenow
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2026 Views
  • This pic got me feeling really sexy
    This pic got me feeling really sexy 😍
    4 Comments 0 Shares 1508 Views
  • I joined this site a few months ago as I was going through a separation hoping to connect with and maybe meet likeminded people. I've always been very private about it, never dressed in front of anyone, but I feel ready to share this now

    Now that |'m comfortable with this site and sharing photos I'd like to re-introduce myself.

    I’m Nicky—a lifelong crossdresser who’s finally stepping out of the shadows and ready to embrace this side of myself properly. I’ve kept things private for years, but now I want to share the experience with someone who really gets it.

    I’m a bit on the older side (but trust me, I don’t look or act it!), and when I dress, I love keeping it classy, playful, and just the right amount of sexy. Lingerie is my absolute weakness—the feel, the fit, the way it makes everything just click. I’m not locked into any role—I love the dance of flirting, teasing, and going with the flow.

    I’m only looking to connect with other crossdressers—so if you’re someone who loves slipping into something gorgeous and embracing your femme side, we’re already off to a great start! NO MEN, please—just CDs who want to connect, explore, dress up, and have fun together.

    Oh, and a little heads-up—I’ve recently moved to Southend-on-Sea! So, if you’re in the area (or nearby), let’s connect. Whether you’re just coming out or have been out for years, I’d love to meet up, swap tips, share some laughs, maybe some naughtiness and see where things go.

    So, if you’re up for some fun, a little bit of mischief, and the excitement of dressing up with someone who totally understands, drop me a message—I’d love to hear from you!
    I joined this site a few months ago as I was going through a separation hoping to connect with and maybe meet likeminded people. I've always been very private about it, never dressed in front of anyone, but I feel ready to share this now Now that |'m comfortable with this site and sharing photos I'd like to re-introduce myself. I’m Nicky—a lifelong crossdresser who’s finally stepping out of the shadows and ready to embrace this side of myself properly. I’ve kept things private for years, but now I want to share the experience with someone who really gets it. I’m a bit on the older side (but trust me, I don’t look or act it!), and when I dress, I love keeping it classy, playful, and just the right amount of sexy. Lingerie is my absolute weakness—the feel, the fit, the way it makes everything just click. I’m not locked into any role—I love the dance of flirting, teasing, and going with the flow. I’m only looking to connect with other crossdressers—so if you’re someone who loves slipping into something gorgeous and embracing your femme side, we’re already off to a great start! NO MEN, please—just CDs who want to connect, explore, dress up, and have fun together. Oh, and a little heads-up—I’ve recently moved to Southend-on-Sea! So, if you’re in the area (or nearby), let’s connect. Whether you’re just coming out or have been out for years, I’d love to meet up, swap tips, share some laughs, maybe some naughtiness and see where things go. So, if you’re up for some fun, a little bit of mischief, and the excitement of dressing up with someone who totally understands, drop me a message—I’d love to hear from you! 😘💋✨
    7 Comments 0 Shares 2238 Views
  • I don't really have my own dresses. But some times I borrow...I love wearing them.
    I don't really have my own dresses. But some times I borrow...I love wearing them.
    6 Comments 0 Shares 1383 Views
  • Thank you to everyone sending & accepting friend requests! Truly making me feel welcomed here I will respond to your messages and comments as soon as I can so don't think I am just ignoring you. I work all day and not a lot of time to really dig into this platform. And the app is giving me a fit trying to navigate around. I would like to become a super supporter and pay for the subscription but if the app won't work right what's the point 🤷🏼
    Thank you to everyone sending & accepting friend requests! Truly making me feel welcomed here 💋 I will respond to your messages and comments as soon as I can so don't think I am just ignoring you. 💖 I work all day and not a lot of time to really dig into this platform. And the app is giving me a fit trying to navigate around. I would like to become a super supporter and pay for the subscription but if the app won't work right what's the point 🤷🏼
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1238 Views
  • As requested, here are my photos showing my highlighted hair and arched brows. I really enjoy going to the styling salon completely dressed as a woman and coming out feeling beautiful. As my stylist said "you (I) will be sleeping beauty"
    As requested, here are my photos showing my highlighted hair and arched brows. I really enjoy going to the styling salon completely dressed as a woman and coming out feeling beautiful. As my stylist said "you (I) will be sleeping beauty" 😊
    3 Comments 0 Shares 1434 Views
  • Looking forward to going out later, really wish I could go out like this instead of my boring boy clothes!
    Looking forward to going out later, really wish I could go out like this instead of my boring boy clothes!
    12 Comments 0 Shares 1242 Views
  • Going to get my hair styled later today. Highlighted and trimmed. Also my eyebrows shaped. This is a day I will dress totally feminine and my stylist really enjoys making me come out looking beautiful.
    Going to get my hair styled later today. Highlighted and trimmed. Also my eyebrows shaped. This is a day I will dress totally feminine and my stylist really enjoys making me come out looking beautiful. 😊
    7 Comments 0 Shares 1897 Views
  • Why this no body want to find some one todate themandis singleanddressupasagirlorgayladyswhowilldatemeandwillmarriedmeforrealoffofherewhonearohioorkentuckywhoaretranssexitualmaletofemalefrombeingamanandisnowagirlorfixstobecomeagirlfrombeingamanandwilldatemeonhereforrealthistimeorshemale
    Why this no body want to find some one todate themandis singleanddressupasagirlorgayladyswhowilldatemeandwillmarriedmeforrealoffofherewhonearohioorkentuckywhoaretranssexitualmaletofemalefrombeingamanandisnowagirlorfixstobecomeagirlfrombeingamanandwilldatemeonhereforrealthistimeorshemale
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2113 Views
  • To all my girlfriends have a great day! Before Ballet I loved to play Tennis. I have several sessions I took at the tennis courts. Really good photos. This is just a selection as I have almost 50 more tennis shots. I was not alone at the tennis courts but these photos were taken as I used the batter wall for practice. Would have really liked to had a hot guy playing tennis with me - yes a dream. Let me know if you would like to see more of my sports and tennis shots? Again - all my girlfriends have a great day!
    To all my girlfriends have a great day! Before Ballet I loved to play Tennis. I have several sessions I took at the tennis courts. Really good photos. This is just a selection as I have almost 50 more tennis shots. I was not alone at the tennis courts but these photos were taken as I used the batter wall for practice. Would have really liked to had a hot guy playing tennis with me - yes a dream. Let me know if you would like to see more of my sports and tennis shots? Again - all my girlfriends have a great day!
    2 Comments 0 Shares 1606 Views
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