• Iamlookingforagirlwhowilldatemethatwouldtakemeasthemgirlfriendandyesidodressuoasawomaniwanttofindagirlwhowilldatemeansmakemethemgirlfriendandwillmarriedmewhoonlydateontherwomanoramanwhohasturnintoagirlbyhavingasexchangesdonetochangesthemsexintofemaleanditsatranswomanwhoshemaleoratranslatemtfortransitionortransgenderoramanwhodressuolikeawomanandhaschangestheybodytolooklikeawomanandweardressandhighheelswhhowilldatemeandmarriedmeanddoselikeweardressandhighheelsallthetime
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2033 Visualizações
  • Anycrossdressortransgirlortsgirlorshemaleoranyonewhowilldatemewhotransgirlorcrossdressmtf
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2902 Visualizações
  • Imtrying to find somebody whoare single trans girls that use to be amandanandhasbecomeagirl whoiswilling togoouton adate with mefrom here off line and is in ohionoware there any ladyswhodosenot have anybody todatethemoranykindofarelationshipatallorusedtobemarriedanditsnotmarriedanymoreorstillisandwantstofoolaroundandwillleverthemformeaslongyouareatransgirlormaletofemalewhoarefromusainohioorkentuckyareaorWest Virginia andwillstilldatemenowhitmeuponherenoworasinglemomtowholookingforgirlfriendiwilldategaygirltooranymanwhobecomeagirlorhasbecomeatransgirlfrombeingamtforashemaletypeofgirltonowwhowilldatemethatusetobeamanandhasbecomeagirlforrealonhere
    Imtrying to find somebody whoare single trans girls that use to be amandanandhasbecomeagirl whoiswilling togoouton adate with mefrom here off line and is in ohionoware there any ladyswhodosenot have anybody todatethemoranykindofarelationshipatallorusedtobemarriedanditsnotmarriedanymoreorstillisandwantstofoolaroundandwillleverthemformeaslongyouareatransgirlormaletofemalewhoarefromusainohioorkentuckyareaorWest Virginia andwillstilldatemenowhitmeuponherenoworasinglemomtowholookingforgirlfriendiwilldategaygirltooranymanwhobecomeagirlorhasbecomeatransgirlfrombeingamtforashemaletypeofgirltonowwhowilldatemethatusetobeamanandhasbecomeagirlforrealonhere
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2890 Visualizações
  • Crossdresser Veronica: Barefoot Beauty in Leather https://youtu.be/jLdf4Xt4oBE?si=KwePaH4kS75efkeU #crossdresser #crossdressing #femboy #crossdressers #mtf #fashion
    Crossdresser Veronica: Barefoot Beauty in Leather https://youtu.be/jLdf4Xt4oBE?si=KwePaH4kS75efkeU #crossdresser #crossdressing #femboy #crossdressers #mtf #fashion
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 863 Visualizações
  • Leggy Crossdresser Veronica in High Heels... Video on Youtube! https://youtube.com/shorts/kCjNliGQGEg?si=QnTqaQFzzCCgihQO #crossdresser #crossdressing #femboy #crossdressers #mtf #fashion
    Leggy Crossdresser Veronica in High Heels... Video on Youtube! https://youtube.com/shorts/kCjNliGQGEg?si=QnTqaQFzzCCgihQO #crossdresser #crossdressing #femboy #crossdressers #mtf #fashion
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 928 Visualizações
  • Crossdresser High Fashion on Youtube: https://youtu.be/oBXrUvDsmjA?si=hWNhGp9wLD4dM0HP #crossdresser #crossdressing #femboy #crossdressers #mtf #fashion
    Crossdresser High Fashion on Youtube: https://youtu.be/oBXrUvDsmjA?si=hWNhGp9wLD4dM0HP #crossdresser #crossdressing #femboy #crossdressers #mtf #fashion
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1788 Visualizações
  • Iamtrytofindsomeonewhoaresingleandamaletofemalewhousetobeamanandhasbecomeawomanandwilldatesomeonelikemesincesnothingofthewomenonherewilldatemearetheyanymanwhohasbecomeagirlandisatransitionmtfwhomanwhohasbetransformintoagirlandhasbecomeafemaleoratransgendergirlwhostartoutasamanandbecomeawomanfrombeingaman
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1250 Visualizações
  • Anysingletransitionmaletofemalewhofromohiowhowilldatemeortransgendermtf.ormanbecomeagirlsanddressuplikeawomanorhadasexchangedonetochangestheysexgenderintoagirl
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1262 Visualizações
  • are there anyone out there who is interested and going out with me dating me that is a trans Genderortransitionmtforwho is a c*** Emerald date me and settle down with me and marry me and make me their b**** to them
    are there anyone out there who is interested and going out with me dating me that is a trans Genderortransitionmtforwho is a c*** Emerald date me and settle down with me and marry me and make me their b**** to them
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1367 Visualizações
  • Anybody whoarerealcrossdresswhoaremtfoortsgirlwhowilldatemeonhere
    Anybody whoarerealcrossdresswhoaremtfoortsgirlwhowilldatemeonhere
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1447 Visualizações
  • Aretheyanycrossdresswhowilldafemeortransitionmtf
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1705 Visualizações
  • Who am I, huh? MTF? Crossdresser? Femboy? Bet you can’t guess on the first try! Or maybe I’m a sexy mashup of it all, just a little bit of each? Plus, I’ve got that slim waist, long-ass legs, and a juicy booty—full-on yin and yang in one hot package, your little angel and naughty devil sharing a bar counter… Check on Youtube! https://youtube.com/shorts/kPuQFwZaxMo?si=tkK_VHO-gkip25g9 #crossdresser #crossdressing #femboy #crossdressers #mtf
    Who am I, huh? MTF? Crossdresser? Femboy? Bet you can’t guess on the first try! Or maybe I’m a sexy mashup of it all, just a little bit of each? Plus, I’ve got that slim waist, long-ass legs, and a juicy booty—full-on yin and yang in one hot package, your little angel and naughty devil sharing a bar counter… Check on Youtube! https://youtube.com/shorts/kPuQFwZaxMo?si=tkK_VHO-gkip25g9 #crossdresser #crossdressing #femboy #crossdressers #mtf
    3 Comentários 1 Compartilhamentos 3740 Visualizações
  • IsnotfartomethatnobodygotodatemewhatisamitougleforyoualltodatemeonherealliamtryingtodoisfindsomeonewhowillgooutonadatewithmeanymtforgirlswholikemeandwilldatemeoranynewoeoplewhowhoGeneration X transitionthenthismtfarealpeoplewhowilldatemeonherenow
    IsnotfartomethatnobodygotodatemewhatisamitougleforyoualltodatemeonherealliamtryingtodoisfindsomeonewhowillgooutonadatewithmeanymtforgirlswholikemeandwilldatemeoranynewoeoplewhowhoGeneration X transitionthenthismtfarealpeoplewhowilldatemeonherenow
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1035 Visualizações
  • why is it so hard I can't find a girl who used to be a man and become a woman or a man who's becoming a woman their date me and go out with me for real why is it so hard that no one on here wants to date for real and seriously and settle down and start a lifewith me andwhoaresingleoramtforatranslateortransitionmtfwhowilldateonhereforrealandifnooneisgotodatemethistimeimquitingforgood
    why is it so hard I can't find a girl who used to be a man and become a woman or a man who's becoming a woman their date me and go out with me for real why is it so hard that no one on here wants to date for real and seriously and settle down and start a lifewith me andwhoaresingleoramtforatranslateortransitionmtfwhowilldateonhereforrealandifnooneisgotodatemethistimeimquitingforgood
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 842 Visualizações
  • MTF Crossdresser Veronica Blondie Style Check on Youtube: https://youtube.com/shorts/_nBxdgmWMCI?si=eyMmUX2XPX0vH7Os #crossdresser #crossdressing #femboy #crossdressers #mtf
    MTF Crossdresser Veronica Blondie Style 🧞‍♀️🧞‍♀️🧞‍♀️ Check on Youtube: https://youtube.com/shorts/_nBxdgmWMCI?si=eyMmUX2XPX0vH7Os 😘 #crossdresser #crossdressing #femboy #crossdressers #mtf
    3 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1550 Visualizações
  • Are theyonetherewhogotodatemeatallonherewhowanttomakemetheygirlfriendanditstransgendermtforgaygirlwhowantstodatemeatall
    Are theyonetherewhogotodatemeatallonherewhowanttomakemetheygirlfriendanditstransgendermtforgaygirlwhowantstodatemeatall
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1240 Visualizações
  • Crossdresser Veronica: Dark Desire on Virgin Couch https://youtu.be/YXzUT54NWpw?si=Fj5wvSFIP3zqSk8a #crossdresser #crossdressing #femboy #crossdressers #mtf
    Crossdresser Veronica: Dark Desire on Virgin Couch 😋😋😋 https://youtu.be/YXzUT54NWpw?si=Fj5wvSFIP3zqSk8a #crossdresser #crossdressing #femboy #crossdressers #mtf
    1 Comentários 1 Compartilhamentos 4175 Visualizações
  • I am serious I'm not here joking about trying to find anyone today I am serious about that I'm from Kentucky next to Ohio and West Virginia in the USA in the United States of America I'm looking for someone to date me and United States of America in the US of life are there anyone out there who is Amtfwhowilldatemeonlinehereorwillturmmeintoagirloramanwhobecomeagirloranymanwhowillbecomeagirlforme
    I am serious I'm not here joking about trying to find anyone today I am serious about that I'm from Kentucky next to Ohio and West Virginia in the USA in the United States of America I'm looking for someone to date me and United States of America in the US of life are there anyone out there who is Amtfwhowilldatemeonlinehereorwillturmmeintoagirloramanwhobecomeagirloranymanwhowillbecomeagirlforme
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2396 Visualizações
  • Iamlook for anybody who mtf who willdate me fromusa inohioinusa who is a male to female for real emulate me from United States in the US a way around Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia or no words for the ladies to understand and everyone I'm looking for a woman that has become a woman from being a man a long time ago I was born as a man and become a woman now if you're that way that's what I'm looking for todateyoufromherenoworoftheyarenot willanyman whowillbecomemyfemaleandhaveasurgery change done and change their sex Ginger from being a man into a woman for real for me or changemysexintoafemalesurgerytomademe afemale ortheirsexgenderintoafemaleforme
    Iamlook for anybody who mtf who willdate me fromusa inohioinusa who is a male to female for real emulate me from United States in the US a way around Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia or no words for the ladies to understand and everyone I'm looking for a woman that has become a woman from being a man a long time ago I was born as a man and become a woman now if you're that way that's what I'm looking for todateyoufromherenoworoftheyarenot willanyman whowillbecomemyfemaleandhaveasurgery change done and change their sex Ginger from being a man into a woman for real for me or changemysexintoafemalesurgerytomademe afemale ortheirsexgenderintoafemaleforme
    2 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1800 Visualizações
  • Any single mtfonhere whowilldateme and from usa inohio orkentuckyinusaonhereorlineherenow
    Any single mtfonhere whowilldateme and from usa inohio orkentuckyinusaonhereorlineherenow
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1405 Visualizações
  • Iwanttodatesomeonewhoitsatransmtfortranssexitualortransgendermaletofemaleorjasbeingtransformedintoagirlfromhavingasexchangeswho had a sex change operation surgery done and has become a full female from being a man and will date someone like me and start a relationship with me and it's from Ohio in the United States of America Kentucky or West Virginia and is local and looking for someone to date them it is 27 years old with red hair Emerald date someone who's 49 years old like myself hook up with me and live with me and start a relationship with me here in Kentucky and will let me make them pregnant with my child and help them to raise it and I settle down and start a family together
    Iwanttodatesomeonewhoitsatransmtfortranssexitualortransgendermaletofemaleorjasbeingtransformedintoagirlfromhavingasexchangeswho had a sex change operation surgery done and has become a full female from being a man and will date someone like me and start a relationship with me and it's from Ohio in the United States of America Kentucky or West Virginia and is local and looking for someone to date them it is 27 years old with red hair Emerald date someone who's 49 years old like myself hook up with me and live with me and start a relationship with me here in Kentucky and will let me make them pregnant with my child and help them to raise it and I settle down and start a family together
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 3149 Visualizações
  • MTF Barefoot Diva in Leather... on Youtube! https://youtube.com/shorts/QwB0QC50A2Y?si=RqMbh08ewWnyGK5W #crossdresser #crossdressing #femboy
    MTF Barefoot Diva in Leather... 😘😘😘 on Youtube! https://youtube.com/shorts/QwB0QC50A2Y?si=RqMbh08ewWnyGK5W #crossdresser #crossdressing #femboy
    3 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2253 Visualizações
  • Cananyonewhoamantowomanwhodressupasawomandatemeortranssexitualortransgendermtforanygaygirls
    3 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2338 Visualizações
  • Are there any man who has be come a women from being a man out there United States who is willing to dress up as a girl or who dones that now or any gay girls who will dating me and was onces was a male and be come female or shemale or sisy girl or transsexual mtf or transgender who will date some one like
    Are there any man who has be come a women from being a man out there United States who is willing to dress up as a girl or who dones that now or any gay girls who will dating me and was onces was a male and be come female or shemale or sisy girl or transsexual mtf or transgender who will date some one like
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2182 Visualizações
  • About last night !

    A MaleToFemale (MTF) Photographic Studio Visual.
    Becoming Femme and Feminizing as my alter ego model Valentina Valentine.
    Hair & Make-Up ready.
    Love the skin you’re in.
    Being androgynous is not a sin.
    Please enjoy. Comments are always welcome.

    #transfluid #femboy #mtftransition #femboycosplay #maletofemale #crossdresserslut #crossdressermodel #crossdressing #crossdresser #femboylegs #femboyheaven #transworld #justcrossdressers #transpinupgirl #Androgyny #femmeworld #pridemonth
    About last night ! A MaleToFemale (MTF) Photographic Studio Visual. Becoming Femme and Feminizing as my alter ego model Valentina Valentine. Hair & Make-Up ready. Love the skin you’re in. Being androgynous is not a sin. Please enjoy. Comments are always welcome. 💞💞💞 #transfluid #femboy #mtftransition #femboycosplay #maletofemale #crossdresserslut #crossdressermodel #crossdressing #crossdresser #femboylegs #femboyheaven #transworld #justcrossdressers #transpinupgirl #Androgyny #femmeworld #pridemonth
    4 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 3096 Visualizações
  • A MaleToFemale (MTF) Photographic Studio Visual.
    Becoming Femme and Feminizing as my alter ego model Valentina Valentine.
    Hair & Make-Up ready.
    Love the skin you’re in.
    Being androgynous is not a sin.
    Please enjoy. Comments are always welcome.

    #transfluid #femboy #mtftransition #femboycosplay #maletofemale #crossdresserslut #crossdressermodel #crossdressing #crossdresser #femboylegs #femboyheaven #transworld #justcrossdressers #transpinupgirl #Androgyny #femmeworld #pridemonth
    A MaleToFemale (MTF) Photographic Studio Visual. Becoming Femme and Feminizing as my alter ego model Valentina Valentine. Hair & Make-Up ready. Love the skin you’re in. Being androgynous is not a sin. Please enjoy. Comments are always welcome. 💞💞💞 #transfluid #femboy #mtftransition #femboycosplay #maletofemale #crossdresserslut #crossdressermodel #crossdressing #crossdresser #femboylegs #femboyheaven #transworld #justcrossdressers #transpinupgirl #Androgyny #femmeworld #pridemonth
    4 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 3359 Visualizações
  • Love this cute outfit.

    A MaleToFemale (MTF) Photographic Studio Visual.
    Becoming Femme and Feminizing as my alter ego model Valentina Valentine.
    Hair & Make-Up ready.
    Love the skin you’re in.
    Being androgynous is not a sin.
    Please enjoy. Comments are always welcome.

    #transfluid #femboy #mtftransition #femboycosplay #maletofemale #crossdresserslut #crossdressermodel #crossdressing #crossdresser #femboylegs #femboyheaven #transworld #justcrossdressers #transpinupgirl #Androgyny #femmeworld #pridemonth
    Love this cute outfit. A MaleToFemale (MTF) Photographic Studio Visual. Becoming Femme and Feminizing as my alter ego model Valentina Valentine. Hair & Make-Up ready. Love the skin you’re in. Being androgynous is not a sin. Please enjoy. Comments are always welcome. 💞💞💞 #transfluid #femboy #mtftransition #femboycosplay #maletofemale #crossdresserslut #crossdressermodel #crossdressing #crossdresser #femboylegs #femboyheaven #transworld #justcrossdressers #transpinupgirl #Androgyny #femmeworld #pridemonth
    6 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 3459 Visualizações
  • Veronica MTF Queen in Leather on Youtube https://youtube.com/shorts/lkcDhuHJoU0?si=MzpX9ezVVqLct1oS #crossdresser #crossdressing #femboy
    Veronica MTF Queen in Leather on Youtube 💥💥💥 https://youtube.com/shorts/lkcDhuHJoU0?si=MzpX9ezVVqLct1oS #crossdresser #crossdressing #femboy
    3 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2997 Visualizações
  • Learning to keep lean and in shape will eventually give you the results you need.

    A MaleToFemale (MTF) Photographic Studio Visual.
    Becoming Femme and Feminizing as my alter ego model Valentina Valentine.
    Hair & Make-Up ready.
    Love the skin you’re in.
    Being androgynous is not a sin.
    Please enjoy. Comments are always welcome.

    #transfluid #femboy #mtftransition #femboycosplay #maletofemale #crossdresserslut #crossdressermodel #crossdressing #crossdresser #femboylegs #femboyheaven #transworld #justcrossdressers #transpinupgirl #Androgyny #femmeworld #pridemonth
    Learning to keep lean and in shape will eventually give you the results you need. A MaleToFemale (MTF) Photographic Studio Visual. Becoming Femme and Feminizing as my alter ego model Valentina Valentine. Hair & Make-Up ready. Love the skin you’re in. Being androgynous is not a sin. Please enjoy. Comments are always welcome. 💞💞💞 #transfluid #femboy #mtftransition #femboycosplay #maletofemale #crossdresserslut #crossdressermodel #crossdressing #crossdresser #femboylegs #femboyheaven #transworld #justcrossdressers #transpinupgirl #Androgyny #femmeworld #pridemonth
    4 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 3149 Visualizações
  • About me..

    Hi all, first of all I hope everyone is living their best life.
    Introductions feel awkward to me for whatever reasons. I will be brief to start out but you will soon find out I can be a chatty Patty, sometimes.
    So I'm Danielle Cross (sometimes), I live in Jacksonville Florida, I am 62 & I am an avid MtF crossdresser. And have been doing so for the majority of my life, started in my adolescent years actually. I've been active more so over the past 25 years. For me it's like a light switch, I turn it on and turn it off when I get that itch. If you know what I mean

    Dressing feminine has always thrilled me, enlightened me, excited me & empowered me. From doing my own makeup, wearing wigs, skirts, dresses, short shorts, tight jeans, heels to bras, panties, garter belts, stockings and anything else fashionably feminine.
    I've been in public fully fem'd out, bars, restaurants, either with other crossdressers, females/girlfriends. And I have had encounters with the male species a handful of times. All of which were very exciting times without a doubt.

    I've become so involved, so engulfed in the whole experience at times that it scared me. Because I loved it so much that I started changing the course of my life as far as who I was as a whole. I've lived this double life for so long that I don't really believe I wanted to be a girl full time. I still enjoy the male side of me for many reasons.

    It's been a year now since I flipped the switch and now I've got that itch again. I'm feeling the urge, the desire to dress & it's going to happen again. As some may relate, this life we lead and what we do, namely we purge. We wind up getting rid of everything we bought & collected, all the clothes, heels, makeup, wigs and pics and videos, gone sadly.

    So I will begin to build my collection once again and as I do I will share more with you all as I go along this journey yet again.

    Love & kisses to all...
    About me.. Hi all, first of all I hope everyone is living their best life. Introductions feel awkward to me for whatever reasons. I will be brief to start out but you will soon find out I can be a chatty Patty, sometimes. So I'm Danielle Cross (sometimes), I live in Jacksonville Florida, I am 62 & I am an avid MtF crossdresser. And have been doing so for the majority of my life, started in my adolescent years actually. I've been active more so over the past 25 years. For me it's like a light switch, I turn it on and turn it off when I get that itch. If you know what I mean 😉 Dressing feminine has always thrilled me, enlightened me, excited me & empowered me. From doing my own makeup, wearing wigs, skirts, dresses, short shorts, tight jeans, heels to bras, panties, garter belts, stockings and anything else fashionably feminine. I've been in public fully fem'd out, bars, restaurants, either with other crossdressers, females/girlfriends. And I have had encounters with the male species a handful of times. All of which were very exciting times without a doubt. I've become so involved, so engulfed in the whole experience at times that it scared me. Because I loved it so much that I started changing the course of my life as far as who I was as a whole. I've lived this double life for so long that I don't really believe I wanted to be a girl full time. I still enjoy the male side of me for many reasons. It's been a year now since I flipped the switch and now I've got that itch again. I'm feeling the urge, the desire to dress & it's going to happen again. As some may relate, this life we lead and what we do, namely we purge. We wind up getting rid of everything we bought & collected, all the clothes, heels, makeup, wigs and pics and videos, gone sadly. So I will begin to build my collection once again and as I do I will share more with you all as I go along this journey yet again. Love & kisses to all... Danielle
    12 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 4030 Visualizações
  • A MaleToFemale (MTF) Photographic Studio Visual.
    Becoming Femme and Feminizing as my alter ego model Valentina Valentine.
    Hair & Make-Up ready.
    Love the skin you’re in.
    Being androgynous is not a sin.
    Please enjoy. Comments are always welcome.

    #transfluid #femboy #mtftransition #femboycosplay #maletofemale #crossdresserslut #crossdressermodel #crossdressing #crossdresser #femboylegs #femboyheaven #transworld #justcrossdressers #transpinupgirl #Androgyny #femmeworld #pridemonth
    A MaleToFemale (MTF) Photographic Studio Visual. Becoming Femme and Feminizing as my alter ego model Valentina Valentine. Hair & Make-Up ready. Love the skin you’re in. Being androgynous is not a sin. Please enjoy. Comments are always welcome. 💞💞💞 #transfluid #femboy #mtftransition #femboycosplay #maletofemale #crossdresserslut #crossdressermodel #crossdressing #crossdresser #femboylegs #femboyheaven #transworld #justcrossdressers #transpinupgirl #Androgyny #femmeworld #pridemonth
    4 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 3882 Visualizações
  • Iamlookingforfulltranssexuital mtfandhasbeingturnintofemaleandwilldatemeonhereandwilldatemeandbemygirlfriendandlovetomeormaletofemalewhoshadsasurgery operation surgery switched the mac sex Genderaroundandhasbecomeafemalefullingfrombeingamanorshemalewhowilldatemeonlinehereoffthiswebsitehereinusanearohionearkentuckyforreal
    Iamlookingforfulltranssexuital mtfandhasbeingturnintofemaleandwilldatemeonhereandwilldatemeandbemygirlfriendandlovetomeormaletofemalewhoshadsasurgery operation surgery switched the mac sex Genderaroundandhasbecomeafemalefullingfrombeingamanorshemalewhowilldatemeonlinehereoffthiswebsitehereinusanearohionearkentuckyforreal
    7 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2510 Visualizações
  • Are theye anyoneatall who go to date me atall onhere whowillfuckme who abandon maletofemalecrossdress orsissygirl orfemboy or who any mtfcrossdress ortgirlsorshemaleswhowoulddatemeturnmeintoasissygirlandturnmeintotheygirlfriendandmakemegaywiththeynow
    Are theye anyoneatall who go to date me atall onhere whowillfuckme who abandon maletofemalecrossdress orsissygirl orfemboy or who any mtfcrossdress ortgirlsorshemaleswhowoulddatemeturnmeintoasissygirlandturnmeintotheygirlfriendandmakemegaywiththeynow
    2 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 4036 Visualizações
  • if there's any one outthere who its interested in dating me and you have to move to kentucky to be with me who wants to be with me and its a male to female tape of girl who use to be a man and be come a girl or its just be coming a female from being amale and its a real people not fake online or a transsexual mtf or transgender person who mtf or sissygirl or crossdress or a man who on hormones to become a girl and it's becoming a girl who's already has changed and starting to look like a girl and who from usa nexts to kentucky or near by kentucky very close to ohio and West Virginia whowilldatesomeonelikemyself for real and ibm ampland single want to find somebody to date me and married me iam very kind care and single afirefighter iam living alone and i m still ihave neverybe with anyone before andiam verysweet andkindanddowntoearth and easytogetalongwithandveryfriendingtotapeofperson
    if there's any one outthere who its interested in dating me and you have to move to kentucky to be with me who wants to be with me and its a male to female tape of girl who use to be a man and be come a girl or its just be coming a female from being amale and its a real people not fake online or a transsexual mtf or transgender person who mtf or sissygirl or crossdress or a man who on hormones to become a girl and it's becoming a girl who's already has changed and starting to look like a girl and who from usa nexts to kentucky or near by kentucky very close to ohio and West Virginia whowilldatesomeonelikemyself for real and ibm ampland single want to find somebody to date me and married me iam very kind care and single afirefighter iam living alone and i m still ihave neverybe with anyone before andiam verysweet andkindanddowntoearth and easytogetalongwithandveryfriendingtotapeofperson
    3 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 4289 Visualizações
  • Whope usetobe a man andwhowilldatemesissyortranssexual mtfortransgendermaletofemale
    Whope usetobe a man andwhowilldatemesissyortranssexual mtfortransgendermaletofemale
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 3369 Visualizações
  • Iwantsomeonewhowillmakeababywithmeandbeinarelationshipwithmetowhoacrossdressorfemboyortranssexualmtfortransgendermaletofemaleforrealonhereandwilldatemeto
    6 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 3741 Visualizações
  • Whowantstodatemeandyesiamlookingformtfcrossdressoratranssexualortransgenderorsissygirlorfemboywhowilldatemeonherenow
    2 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 3743 Visualizações
  • Whowantstobemyloveonhereanditsacrossdressor transsexual ortransgendermtfandwilldateme
    Whowantstobemyloveonhereanditsacrossdressor transsexual ortransgendermtfandwilldateme
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2864 Visualizações
  • I am looking for onlymtf whowilldatingmeand willturnmeintoasisygirlwiththeyandwillbesinglenktmarriedandwhowillmarriedmeforrealandbemylovetomeoronceswasamanandhavebecomeagirlinreallifeanditsasissygirlortranssexualmtfortransgendermtfforrealorcrossdress
    I am looking for onlymtf whowilldatingmeand willturnmeintoasisygirlwiththeyandwillbesinglenktmarriedandwhowillmarriedmeforrealandbemylovetomeoronceswasamanandhavebecomeagirlinreallifeanditsasissygirlortranssexualmtfortransgendermtfforrealorcrossdress
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 3973 Visualizações
  • Im not here to player abandon round or play games im here to fine somebody to date me a crossdress or sissy girl who a male to female or transgender or transsexual mtf tape who use to be a man and has turn into a girl who will date me and turn me into a sissy girl with they outthere in ohio or kentucky in the usa or works in a bar and its gay woman who will dating a older manwho 27 yearsold girls i want to be turn into a girl for real no joke
    Im not here to player abandon round or play games im here to fine somebody to date me a crossdress or sissy girl who a male to female or transgender or transsexual mtf tape who use to be a man and has turn into a girl who will date me and turn me into a sissy girl with they outthere in ohio or kentucky in the usa or works in a bar and its gay woman who will dating a older manwho 27 yearsold girls i want to be turn into a girl for real no joke
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 3967 Visualizações
  • Iamlookingforanysissywhomtforwillturnmeintooneoracrossdressmtfortransgirlm2f
    Iamlookingforanysissywhomtforwillturnmeintooneoracrossdressmtfortransgirlm2f andwoulddateme
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2720 Visualizações
  • Iamwanttodatingsomebodywhoasissygirlmtforcrossdresswithadicksotheycanfuckmeto
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2380 Visualizações
  • Whoheretodateandwillchatwithmeanditslookingforsomebodytobethemboyfriendandwillmarrieduptomeiaminkentuckyinusaimsingleandlivingaloneandtrytofindsomebodytodatemeiam48yearoldandafirefighteriwantsomeonewhousedtobeamanandhadasexchangesandbecomeagirlfromchangesthemsexgenderintoafemalefrombeingamaleortransgendermtfortranssexualorcrossdressmtfwhousetobeamanandhadasexchangessurgery operation done
    Whoheretodateandwillchatwithmeanditslookingforsomebodytobethemboyfriendandwillmarrieduptomeiaminkentuckyinusaimsingleandlivingaloneandtrytofindsomebodytodatemeiam48yearoldandafirefighteriwantsomeonewhousedtobeamanandhadasexchangesandbecomeagirlfromchangesthemsexgenderintoafemalefrombeingamaleortransgendermtfortranssexualorcrossdressmtfwhousetobeamanandhadasexchangessurgery operation done
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2691 Visualizações
  • A MaleToFemale (MTF) Photographic Studio Visual.
    Becoming Femme and Feminizing as my alter ego model Valentina Valentine.
    Hair & Make-Up ready.
    Love the skin you’re in.
    Being androgynous is not a sin.
    Please enjoy. Comments are always welcome.

    #transfluid #femboy #mtftransition #femboycosplay #maletofemale #crossdresserslut #crossdressermodel #crossdressing #crossdresser #femboylegs #femboyheaven #transworld #justcrossdressers #transpinupgirl #Androgyny #femmeworld #pridemonth
    A MaleToFemale (MTF) Photographic Studio Visual. Becoming Femme and Feminizing as my alter ego model Valentina Valentine. Hair & Make-Up ready. Love the skin you’re in. Being androgynous is not a sin. Please enjoy. Comments are always welcome. 💞💞💞 #transfluid #femboy #mtftransition #femboycosplay #maletofemale #crossdresserslut #crossdressermodel #crossdressing #crossdresser #femboylegs #femboyheaven #transworld #justcrossdressers #transpinupgirl #Androgyny #femmeworld #pridemonth
    5 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 5659 Visualizações
  • Iamsingle and trying to find somebody to dateme are there any one who woulddateme whoatransgirlfrommtforcrossdressandwouldturnmeintoagirlanditsfromohioortransgirlwithacocksothemcanfuckmelikeagirl
    Iamsingle and trying to find somebody to dateme are there any one who woulddateme whoatransgirlfrommtforcrossdressandwouldturnmeintoagirlanditsfromohioortransgirlwithacocksothemcanfuckmelikeagirl
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 3172 Visualizações
  • Crossdresser Veronica: Final MTF Transformation https://youtu.be/NhgMdxgho34?si=V7rjWyw_sjUPv6RP #crossdresser #femboy #mtf #crossdressing #crossdress
    Crossdresser Veronica: Final MTF Transformation 💋 https://youtu.be/NhgMdxgho34?si=V7rjWyw_sjUPv6RP #crossdresser #femboy #mtf #crossdressing #crossdress
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 4139 Visualizações
  • Happy Valentine's Day . . .

    A MaleToFemale (MTF) Photographic Studio Visual.
    Becoming Femme and Feminizing as my alter ego model Valentina Valentine.
    Hair & Make-Up ready.
    Love the skin you’re in.
    Being androgynous is not a sin.
    Please enjoy. Comments are always welcome.

    #transfluid #femboy #mtftransition #femboycosplay #maletofemale #crossdresserslut #crossdressermodel #crossdressing #crossdresser #femboylegs #femboyheaven #transworld #justcrossdressers #transpinupgirl #Androgyny #femmeworld #pridemonth
    Happy Valentine's Day . . . A MaleToFemale (MTF) Photographic Studio Visual. Becoming Femme and Feminizing as my alter ego model Valentina Valentine. Hair & Make-Up ready. Love the skin you’re in. Being androgynous is not a sin. Please enjoy. Comments are always welcome. 💞💞💞 #transfluid #femboy #mtftransition #femboycosplay #maletofemale #crossdresserslut #crossdressermodel #crossdressing #crossdresser #femboylegs #femboyheaven #transworld #justcrossdressers #transpinupgirl #Androgyny #femmeworld #pridemonth
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 5758 Visualizações
  • A MaleToFemale (MTF) Photographic Studio Visual.
    Becoming Femme and Feminizing as my alter ego model Valentina Valentine.
    Hair & Make-Up ready.
    Love the skin you’re in.
    Being androgynous is not a sin.
    Please enjoy. Comments are always welcome.

    #transfluid #femboy #mtftransition #femboycosplay #maletofemale #crossdresserslut #crossdressermodel #crossdressing #crossdresser #femboylegs #femboyheaven #transworld #justcrossdressers #transpinupgirl #Androgyny #femmeworld #pridemonth
    A MaleToFemale (MTF) Photographic Studio Visual. Becoming Femme and Feminizing as my alter ego model Valentina Valentine. Hair & Make-Up ready. Love the skin you’re in. Being androgynous is not a sin. Please enjoy. Comments are always welcome. 💞💞💞 #transfluid #femboy #mtftransition #femboycosplay #maletofemale #crossdresserslut #crossdressermodel #crossdressing #crossdresser #femboylegs #femboyheaven #transworld #justcrossdressers #transpinupgirl #Androgyny #femmeworld #pridemonth
    3 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 7921 Visualizações
  • Get to see me in the full without all the bitching of why we as models do this for a living.
    Everyone spends more on beer then what it costs for a month on my onlyfans.

    A MaleToFemale (MTF) Photographic Studio Visual.
    Becoming Femme and Feminizing as my alter ego model Valentina Valentine.
    Hair & Make-Up ready.
    Love the skin you’re in.
    Being androgynous is not a sin.
    Please enjoy. Comments are always welcome.

    #transfluid #femboy #mtftransition #femboycosplay #maletofemale #crossdresserslut #crossdressermodel #crossdressing #crossdresser #femboylegs #femboyheaven #transworld #justcrossdressers #transpinupgirl #Androgyny #femmeworld #pridemonth
    Get to see me in the full without all the bitching of why we as models do this for a living. Everyone spends more on beer then what it costs for a month on my onlyfans. A MaleToFemale (MTF) Photographic Studio Visual. Becoming Femme and Feminizing as my alter ego model Valentina Valentine. Hair & Make-Up ready. Love the skin you’re in. Being androgynous is not a sin. Please enjoy. Comments are always welcome. 💞💞💞 #transfluid #femboy #mtftransition #femboycosplay #maletofemale #crossdresserslut #crossdressermodel #crossdressing #crossdresser #femboylegs #femboyheaven #transworld #justcrossdressers #transpinupgirl #Androgyny #femmeworld #pridemonth
    2 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 6694 Visualizações