• This goes with the Story "Mike Asked for help"
    This goes with the Story "Mike Asked for help"
    2 Comments 0 Shares 1367 Views
  • Feeling my beautiful dresses helps me so much to relax!
    Feeling my beautiful dresses helps me so much to relax! 🥰🍆
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1211 Views
  • I am getting tired of no one wanting to date me or be with me I'm trying to find someone to love me be with me and date me for who I am yes I love email to female or a boy to girl who has been made into it girl from being a boy I want someone to date me from the United States that is very very close to Kentucky Ohio or West Virginia that will come and start a new life with me and help me into a girl or will release date me and start a new life with me
    I am getting tired of no one wanting to date me or be with me I'm trying to find someone to love me be with me and date me for who I am yes I love email to female or a boy to girl who has been made into it girl from being a boy I want someone to date me from the United States that is very very close to Kentucky Ohio or West Virginia that will come and start a new life with me and help me into a girl or will release date me and start a new life with me
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1283 Views
  • Tried to hide everything but I can't help spilling out occasionally
    Tried to hide everything but I can't help spilling out occasionally 😜
    18 Comments 0 Shares 784 Views
  • Hello my loves, how are you? I would like to know if any of you could help me with the CD initiation. I have little experience and I welcome help and advice.
    Hello my loves, how are you? I would like to know if any of you could help me with the CD initiation. I have little experience and I welcome help and advice.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1266 Views
  • I have a problem growing anyone help me
    I have a problem growing anyone help me 🍆💦💦
    4 Comments 0 Shares 1259 Views
  • Getting horny anyone help
    Getting horny anyone help
    7 Comments 0 Shares 1149 Views
  • can only please The femboy datemewhohasbecomeagirlnowbecause iamwanttobethisforrealandwillpepolewhoarethiswaygooutwithmeherenoworhelpmetofindsomeonetobewithmeandimamsingleandlookingforsomeonetobewithme
    can only please The femboy datemewhohasbecomeagirlnowbecause iamwanttobethisforrealandwillpepolewhoarethiswaygooutwithmeherenoworhelpmetofindsomeonetobewithmeandimamsingleandlookingforsomeonetobewithme
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2031 Views
  • Read more
    if you are in the United States of America around Ohio or West Virginia or Kentucky next to Kentucky will date me start a true relationship with me and will become a woman and be transformed bring a man into a woman is on hormones and it's starting to turn on and become a woman I will help you date you and start a relationship with you and turn you into a woman from being a man no one will ever have to know what you was a man when you become a woman except us me and you as far as anyone else is concerned you was a girl the whole time and yes I will marry you settle down with you make you my wife now who's out there around Ohio Kentucky West Virginia in the USA is a man becoming a woman and look like a woman and has started transforming switching from being a man into a woman on hormone and we'll start a true relationship with me online here right now
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1641 Views
  • Is it just me or has this site got silly, ********'s, Dom's, guy's. Surely this isn't what this is for. Can't we just get back to girls who can share and help each other xxx
    Is it just me or has this site got silly, mistress's, Dom's, guy's. Surely this isn't what this is for. Can't we just get back to girls who can share and help each other xxx
    3 Comments 0 Shares 1998 Views
  • Iwanttodatesomeonewhoitsatransmtfortranssexitualortransgendermaletofemaleorjasbeingtransformedintoagirlfromhavingasexchangeswho had a sex change operation surgery done and has become a full female from being a man and will date someone like me and start a relationship with me and it's from Ohio in the United States of America Kentucky or West Virginia and is local and looking for someone to date them it is 27 years old with red hair Emerald date someone who's 49 years old like myself hook up with me and live with me and start a relationship with me here in Kentucky and will let me make them pregnant with my child and help them to raise it and I settle down and start a family together
    Iwanttodatesomeonewhoitsatransmtfortranssexitualortransgendermaletofemaleorjasbeingtransformedintoagirlfromhavingasexchangeswho had a sex change operation surgery done and has become a full female from being a man and will date someone like me and start a relationship with me and it's from Ohio in the United States of America Kentucky or West Virginia and is local and looking for someone to date them it is 27 years old with red hair Emerald date someone who's 49 years old like myself hook up with me and live with me and start a relationship with me here in Kentucky and will let me make them pregnant with my child and help them to raise it and I settle down and start a family together
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3047 Views
  • Looking for somebody to help me with crossdressing in or around Marion, Ohio 43302please!!
    Looking for somebody to help me with crossdressing in or around Marion, Ohio 43302😪please!!
    2 Comments 0 Shares 1774 Views
  • Chaturbate.com/b/KnowingNosis/
    CUM Join for a 30 minute presentation where u can see n interact with me live on cam. U can also help to support my Passions 4 u
    20 minutes from now or less
    Chaturbate.com/b/KnowingNosis/ CUM Join for a 30 minute presentation where u can see n interact with me live on cam. U can also help to support my Passions 4 u 20 minutes from now or less
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1415 Views
  • hello how was your day, for me another proud trans day try to help my community
    hello how was your day, for me another proud trans day try to help my community
    4 Comments 0 Shares 1501 Views
  • Well the wine won! Off to bed soon but really fancy fish n chips! or a kebab! Anyone help me out ?
    Well the wine won! Off to bed soon but really fancy fish n chips! or a kebab! Anyone help me out ? 🤣🤣🤣😍
    12 Comments 0 Shares 1157 Views
  • If you post a pic and I comment a suggestion, footwear, dress, etc its because I'm trying to help you, thats what we're all here for after all xx
    If you post a pic and I comment a suggestion, footwear, dress, etc its because I'm trying to help you, thats what we're all here for after all xx
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1082 Views
  • Hello all you sexy people, does anyone want to help me get dressed up and have some sexy fun with me. Please feel free to PM me, as im feeling very horny and naughty xx
    Hello all you sexy people, does anyone want to help me get dressed up and have some sexy fun with me. Please feel free to PM me, as im feeling very horny and naughty 😉😘xx
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2224 Views
  • Read more
    I might be a degenerate freak but I was raised with some morals and standards like you don't lie cheat and steal. I live by these values so strong that I won't even jump the turnstile to get on the subway even if I don't have it But I'll have people accuse me of lying and stealing, if anything call me an asshole for being blunt honest Maybe I should just be a sweet liar maybe that will help me get ahead instead it's just not who I am
    2 Comments 0 Shares 1335 Views
  • thank you so much Brittany for helping me to slip into my wife's dress! You inspired me and now nobody can take away from me that I did it.
    thank you so much Brittany for helping me to slip into my wife's dress! You inspired me and now nobody can take away from me that I did it.
    2 Comments 0 Shares 1426 Views
  • anyone want to help me to try on some of my wife's clothes or convince me to try on?
    anyone want to help me to try on some of my wife's clothes or convince me to try on?
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1105 Views
  • yes i need some help and guidance as well!
    yes i need some help and guidance as well!
    Can someone just point me in a direction of some one willing to train me and use me on video...Started a new group. . Help Lance be a sissy... Come join.. need help
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1110 Views
  • Feeling horny anyone want chat help me along,
    Feeling horny anyone want chat help me along,🙊🍆💦💦
    9 Comments 0 Shares 1912 Views
  • Hi guys and girls. Can you help me get to 1000 views on my YouTube vid please. Be nice to get there by the end of the weekend xxx
    Hi guys and girls. Can you help me get to 1000 views on my YouTube vid please. Be nice to get there by the end of the weekend xxx https://m.youtube.com/shorts/rAbZFvDf5EU
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2389 Views
  • Can you help me get to 1000 views xxxx
    Can you help me get to 1000 views xxxx https://m.youtube.com/shorts/rAbZFvDf5EU
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2369 Views
  • Horny as **** who will help me with this problem
    Horny as fuck who will help me with this problem💦
    3 Comments 0 Shares 1950 Views
  • So, do any of you girls dress up and go on one of those random cam chat sites? I did it earlier and a guy started to jerk off over me. I kinda liked it so did what I could to help . Anyone else done this?
    So, do any of you girls dress up and go on one of those random cam chat sites? I did it earlier and a guy started to jerk off over me. I kinda liked it so did what I could to help 😉. Anyone else done this?
    4 Comments 0 Shares 1860 Views
  • I can be in male mode for days or even weeks and have no inclination to dress as Megan, then i can wake up one morning and want to be Megan 24/7, but i can't cos of work etc, I've been in male mode these last few days, so a few months ago i went on google, did a bit of research and found the test below, it says I'm genderfluid, if this post is any help to any of you lovely ladies xxx
    I can be in male mode for days or even weeks and have no inclination to dress as Megan, then i can wake up one morning and want to be Megan 24/7, but i can't cos of work etc, I've been in male mode these last few days, so a few months ago i went on google, did a bit of research and found the test below, it says I'm genderfluid, if this post is any help to any of you lovely ladies xxx
    3 Comments 0 Shares 2112 Views
  • Read more
    Just want to thank all the eagle eyed members who report explicit images and videos, I wish everyone would pay attention to the rules but unfortunately they don't! Would also like to thank all the Supporters who help keep this site running, I know the adverts can be a pain but until there are enough Supporters they have to remain to cover the costs! Hope you all have a lovely weekend, big hugs and kisses xxx
    4 Comments 0 Shares 2875 Views
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    (How to Spot a FAKE Photo) This is a few things you can look for when spotting Fake Pictures. Of course there is also the The Very Poor Picture which can make things tricky. The old adage that says if it's too good to be true then it probably is, a 60 year old will not have Flawless Skin. As you will see Large Body, Big Hairy Arms, Large Fingers, with beautiful flawless Face, errr No, Fake. Many Ai creation Software/Apps struggle to Create Hands, Hair, Facial Skin, Backgrounds. Will expand on this .. Hands take alot of Ai processing power and many times there will be mistakes like, Six fingers, Rings that span two fingers, Hands that Blend into other Bodyparts. Facial Skin is very often not Flawless, Freckles, Spots, Blemishes, Moles, Fine Hair, Often All Missing, If it's Flawless it's more than Likely Fake, unless they are Professional Models, and not likely to be here... Backgrounds are often either Blurry or very Perfectly Random, Often not associated with any other Photo in someone's collection, Sometimes Backgrounds are set in Luxury Rooms with Gold Plated Furniture, Not usually associated with a UK Council Estate, or Someone on Job Seekers Allowance... Common Sense on much of this. Bare Feet can be tricky for Ai Software too same as Hands, Same Rules Apply. Other people in the same photo can end up Morphing ito Clothing or even other people's Body Parts, Skin near Skin of two people can be an Ai nightmare so look out for this. Scale is an Ai issue too, look out for Big Heads, Small Legs, way out of proportion Body Parts, all common mistakes. Hairy Chest, Flawless Face, - Fake. Hairy Big/Overweight Body, Flawless Face - Fake. Common Sense Prevails here, Think about who you are looking at, How Old, How Fit, Younger Fit People will use Natural Pictures as they have no need not too. Very Blurred and Poor quality photos are often used to hide something. This is just the Basics, Hope it helps.
    28 Comments 0 Shares 5090 Views
  • Gurls help me out
    What should i buy a
    A cute femboy outfit. Or
    A full length body stocking ( the ones whores wear, i think it to be pretty for a crossdresser like me)
    Gurls help me out What should i buy a A cute femboy outfit. Or A full length body stocking ( the ones whores wear, i think it to be pretty for a crossdresser like me)
    1 Comments 0 Shares 2767 Views
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    Hi everyone I have a fantasy that i feel the need to fulfill. My fantasy is to be dressed in a mini skirt & heels etc and meet up with a sexy cd or trans I will seductively roll a condom on your enlarged c!%k and use my mouth till its full. I don't want anything in return as its my fantasy. If you can help i will travel to anywhere in Warwickshire, Oxfordshire, Birmingham, evesham tamworth and Litchfield, Monday to Thursday daytime Please send me full photo(not just a dick pic, although would be useful) in the photo i want to see your face and what you would want to wear. This is a genuine ask so no ai, photo shop or catfish
    6 Comments 0 Shares 3941 Views
  • Bit emotional here. Been trying for ages to let this girl out from somewhere deep within, and I think this is the closest I’ve got.

    Love you girls, and thanks for helping me find her….xx

    Donna says thank you too xx
    Bit emotional here. Been trying for ages to let this girl out from somewhere deep within, and I think this is the closest I’ve got. Love you girls, and thanks for helping me find her….xx Donna says thank you too xx
    2 Comments 0 Shares 2280 Views
  • Who would like to help her?
    Who would like to help her?
    2 Comments 0 Shares 1777 Views
  • HELP has anyone got a pump. I am in a bit of a dark place at the moment, life is not being kind. I always managed to bounce back, but this time think my ball has a puncture.
    HELP has anyone got a pump. I am in a bit of a dark place at the moment, life is not being kind. I always managed to bounce back, but this time think my ball has a puncture.
    2 Comments 0 Shares 2907 Views
  • Oh its' 4am. err no it's 5.11 fuxs sake! Tomorrow might be my last shift in a job that iv'e done foe 8 years! I might get sacked, or put my notice in! but nobody ever calls me a F_ing lazzy cu_nt and gets away with it! especially the w_anker that I have carried for 2 years! Sorry girls I am having a rant!! so it's like this, I like to help people, and build team relationships and moral. But when someone is a little c_unt who takes the pish and uses you! well I want them to reap what theyu have sown!
    Oh its' 4am. err no it's 5.11 fuxs sake! Tomorrow might be my last shift in a job that iv'e done foe 8 years! I might get sacked, or put my notice in! but nobody ever calls me a F_ing lazzy cu_nt and gets away with it! especially the w_anker that I have carried for 2 years! Sorry girls I am having a rant!! so it's like this, I like to help people, and build team relationships and moral. But when someone is a little c_unt who takes the pish and uses you! well I want them to reap what theyu have sown! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
    4 Comments 0 Shares 2565 Views
  • I finally did it,I found the courage to ask my health provider for help with gender dysphoria.I asked them to make an appointment with a psychiatrist knowledgeable with this.Online it says they have a lot of services there for this.I will not rush into anything but feel I should take another step towards my goals.This is big,really big.I’m feeling excited and a little scared (a good scared)at the same time.The gender dysphoria is not going away so please just be supportive and incouraging
    I finally did it,I found the courage to ask my health provider for help with gender dysphoria.I asked them to make an appointment with a psychiatrist knowledgeable with this.Online it says they have a lot of services there for this.I will not rush into anything but feel I should take another step towards my goals.This is big,really big.I’m feeling excited and a little scared (a good scared)at the same time.The gender dysphoria is not going away so please just be supportive and incouraging
    3 Comments 0 Shares 2553 Views
  • Leggings or pantyhose help I can’t make my mind up tonight xx
    Leggings or pantyhose help I can’t make my mind up tonight xx
    4 Comments 0 Shares 3224 Views
  • Read more
    Yesterday was so neat. Went to have my VW Car tires worked on and the salesman called me mam. "Hello Mam, What can I help you with today." I tried to correct him. But He continued calling me mam and lady two more times before I left. Whew he explained what was going to be done to the tires he said he had recently done the same thing for his wife's car recently. (Was telling me I reminded him of his wife - he was patronizing me as he believed I was a vulnerable woman) At the end he told me "Lady/s your car will be ready soon." My wife was also there. My voice did not make a bit of difference. :) Then I went to get a pedicure. Just love Pedicures. My toes photo below. Hoping to dip my star fish toes into the ocean next week when I go to Florida.
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1038 Views
  • Enjoying a drink and it feels fantastic thank you everone who has helped the very shy Antonia to finally show herself outside
    Enjoying a drink and it feels fantastic thank you everone who has helped the very shy Antonia to finally show herself outside
    4 Comments 0 Shares 857 Views
  • Ladies, I’m having a bit of a shoes/boots issue, the biggest issue is I need some but I really am struggling with what can work best. Both sexy and elegant. Can you lovely ladies help me out with some inspo? You can send pics if you want in comments or DM, just to let you know, I do not have a foot fetish lol, I actually don’t like feet, including my own. Thanks in advance x
    Ladies, I’m having a bit of a shoes/boots issue, the biggest issue is I need some 😂 but I really am struggling with what can work best. Both sexy and elegant. Can you lovely ladies help me out with some inspo? You can send pics if you want in comments or DM, just to let you know, I do not have a foot fetish lol, I actually don’t like feet, including my own. Thanks in advance x
    6 Comments 0 Shares 2257 Views
  • Patti loves being a sissy girl, would love to dress with someone else, helping each other with makeup and hair, taking pictures of each us rubbing legs together
    Patti loves being a sissy girl, would love to dress with someone else, helping each other with makeup and hair, taking pictures of each us rubbing legs together
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1785 Views
  • So horny.... who wants to chat and help me cum
    So horny.... who wants to chat and help me cum
    4 Comments 0 Shares 1203 Views
  • Please help how do i block some one
    Please help how do i block some one
    6 Comments 0 Shares 654 Views
  • Hi so has anyone got any tips to help me talk the wife into pegging me had toy for ages but she just doesn’t like the idea she says girls don’t have cocks lol and worries she’ll hurt me I’ve told her I’d soon let her know if she was but she just says no I’ve told her she might like the power it gives her but she just doesn’t want to even try
    Hi so has anyone got any tips to help me talk the wife into pegging me had toy for ages but she just doesn’t like the idea she says girls don’t have cocks lol and worries she’ll hurt me I’ve told her I’d soon let her know if she was but she just says no I’ve told her she might like the power it gives her but she just doesn’t want to even try
    5 Comments 0 Shares 1222 Views
  • Would anyone help a girl out and help me with make up make over please. Ive never been great hence no face shots at the moment. We could make a night of it. X
    Would anyone help a girl out and help me with make up make over please. Ive never been great hence no face shots at the moment. We could make a night of it. X
    6 Comments 0 Shares 901 Views
  • Help, can someone please tell me why i keep getting an error something went wrong.when i try to upload a photo
    Help, can someone please tell me why i keep getting an error something went wrong.when i try to upload a photo🤔😊
    4 Comments 0 Shares 573 Views
  • Im having problems uploading photos. Any help please. I have a lovely dress i want to show but it won't let me x
    Im having problems uploading photos. Any help please. I have a lovely dress i want to show but it won't let me 😪 x
    6 Comments 0 Shares 678 Views