• Imlookforawomanwhowillbemygirlfriendtomeandisgayandwilldateme
    0 Comments 0 Shares 904 Views
  • Are theyonetherewhogotodatemeatallonherewhowanttomakemetheygirlfriendanditstransgendermtforgaygirlwhowantstodatemeatall
    Are theyonetherewhogotodatemeatallonherewhowanttomakemetheygirlfriendanditstransgendermtforgaygirlwhowantstodatemeatall
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1008 Views
  • Iam looking for anybody to start up a relationship with me now who its interested really and truly interested indatingmyself and beingpart of mylifeand being my lovetome and ibm dont care of youuse tobe amale andbecome afemaleor ifyouare gay itsokwithmetoimjustheretofindsomeonetobewithmeiwanttofindsomeonewhowillgooutwithmeforwhoiamandilovegirlswhohasbecpmeamaletofemaleorafemalewhosbecomeamanandwillturnmeintoagirlortransitionortransgenderandanyonewhohasgooglechatandwilltalktome
    Iam looking for anybody to start up a relationship with me now who its interested really and truly interested indatingmyself and beingpart of mylifeand being my lovetome and ibm dont care of youuse tobe amale andbecome afemaleor ifyouare gay itsokwithmetoimjustheretofindsomeonetobewithmeiwanttofindsomeonewhowillgooutwithmeforwhoiamandilovegirlswhohasbecpmeamaletofemaleorafemalewhosbecomeamanandwillturnmeintoagirlortransitionortransgenderandanyonewhohasgooglechatandwilltalktome
    1 Comments 0 Shares 822 Views
  • Welliguest therenobodyherewhowantstobewithanyonelikemeiguesteveryonewantstodatinganybodyatalloffofthiswebsiteidocareanymoreandidontcarejusthowugleyouarejustasalongyouwilldatemeandbemytrueloveandwillstartupatruerelationshipwithmeidontcareifyouareamanorgirlouttherejustifnoonethisthatinterested in starting a relationship or a date with me and is gay or lesbian or tsgirlorbigirlwhowillturnmeintoagirlandtakemeastheygirlfriendimamgonetoquitforgood
    Welliguest therenobodyherewhowantstobewithanyonelikemeiguesteveryonewantstodatinganybodyatalloffofthiswebsiteidocareanymoreandidontcarejusthowugleyouarejustasalongyouwilldatemeandbemytrueloveandwillstartupatruerelationshipwithmeidontcareifyouareamanorgirlouttherejustifnoonethisthatinterested in starting a relationship or a date with me and is gay or lesbian or tsgirlorbigirlwhowillturnmeintoagirlandtakemeastheygirlfriendimamgonetoquitforgood
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1628 Views
  • why is it so hard for anyone that's gay to go out with me and date me on here and start a true relationship with me that had become a woman from being a man thatalliamwantissomeomeonewhogonetodateme
    why is it so hard for anyone that's gay to go out with me and date me on here and start a true relationship with me that had become a woman from being a man thatalliamwantissomeomeonewhogonetodateme
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1627 Views
  • I'm looking for hey man who has become a woman had a sex change and switched his sex Ginger around and done away with these manhood and permanently become a woman and its a real people who its transition male to female who this single or a man on female homones who has just start be comingafemale from beingamanintheusa inohio or livesinusa who willready dating me onhere and is trying findsomeone to be inlove or inlove with meonhere andwill hookupwithme and has already become awomanfrom beingamanoffofhereonthiswebsiteoratsgirlor any crossdresswhowantsmetobethemandtheyhaveredhairandlookslikeagirlanddresslikeagirltoandwillbemygaylovetome
    I'm looking for hey man who has become a woman had a sex change and switched his sex Ginger around and done away with these manhood and permanently become a woman and its a real people who its transition male to female who this single or a man on female homones who has just start be comingafemale from beingamanintheusa inohio or livesinusa who willready dating me onhere and is trying findsomeone to be inlove or inlove with meonhere andwill hookupwithme and has already become awomanfrom beingamanoffofhereonthiswebsiteoratsgirlor any crossdresswhowantsmetobethemandtheyhaveredhairandlookslikeagirlanddresslikeagirltoandwillbemygaylovetome
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2482 Views
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  • Got to say, my Bio is a little out of date now, I dress to go out on the town normally to gay clubs not to get picked up by anyone, no just to be out there feeling great without anyone caring about how I look most of the time I try to look as I do here, however sometimes I don't shave my face hair or put a wig on, I just wear a dress and still feel great just like the old day when I started this journey
    Got to say, my Bio is a little out of date now, I dress to go out on the town normally to gay clubs not to get picked up by anyone, no just to be out there feeling great without anyone caring about how I look most of the time I try to look as I do here, however sometimes I don't shave my face hair or put a wig on, I just wear a dress and still feel great just like the old day when I started this journey
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1645 Views
  • Any man who has been framinto afemale from being and having a sex chages done to turned youinto awomanandotingmeinusanearmeandateakntheusaa man who had starting turningintoagirlallreadyanditsneabeandimlookforaremawouldbemylovewilillbemewhohasandbemynowandbemyloveandcomemranswantstobemymust be from your United States from Ohio Kentucky damn West Virginia in the USA and his friends alarmed we're coming a woman being born as a man and we'll and start a new life with me as being a girl not as a man any local who will date me and local andlikestobeagliketodressupasagazsinadressandhighterorhightbootandlotsofmakeuptowhois27yearoildtowhoattogetasextoanddoes not have Peter anymore or a dick has been cut all for chopped off by a doctor Emerald date me and marry me with auburn Brandy red hair and is a full-time woman who is gay or not that used to be a man
    Any man who has been framinto afemale from being and having a sex chages done to turned youinto awomanandotingmeinusanearmeandateakntheusaa man who had starting turningintoagirlallreadyanditsneabeandimlookforaremawouldbemylovewilillbemewhohasandbemynowandbemyloveandcomemranswantstobemymust be from your United States from Ohio Kentucky damn West Virginia in the USA and his friends alarmed we're coming a woman being born as a man and we'll and start a new life with me as being a girl not as a man any local who will date me and local andlikestobeagliketodressupasagazsinadressandhighterorhightbootandlotsofmakeuptowhois27yearoildtowhoattogetasextoanddoes not have Peter anymore or a dick has been cut all for chopped off by a doctor Emerald date me and marry me with auburn Brandy red hair and is a full-time woman who is gay or not that used to be a man
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1872 Views
  • Who are male whosingle and here to date somebody and this starting to transformedd into become a female from being a men for real and hasturn into girl for good now and has done so and from ohio inusa and kentuckywho likes to dress up as agirl or from West Virginia inusa or and crossdressor transsexual orsisygirlsormaletofemaleor transgirls shemale or gay girlswho areinmy area andnexts to my localwhowillbeinterested in me and dating me in any man who's had a sex change surgery operation and has switched from being a man into a true woman andwilldatemeoffofherenow
    Who are male whosingle and here to date somebody and this starting to transformedd into become a female from being a men for real and hasturn into girl for good now and has done so and from ohio inusa and kentuckywho likes to dress up as agirl or from West Virginia inusa or and crossdressor transsexual orsisygirlsormaletofemaleor transgirls shemale or gay girlswho areinmy area andnexts to my localwhowillbeinterested in me and dating me in any man who's had a sex change surgery operation and has switched from being a man into a true woman andwilldatemeoffofherenow
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2009 Views
  • Whoitsamanwhohasbecomeawomanandhasturnintobeingagirlfrombeingamanandwilltakemeandmakemeintoagirlwithyouandbemylovetometoandusbetogethertoandstartupanewlifetogetherasgirlsfriendsandsisytoandbothofusbegaygirlstogether
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1610 Views
  • Why itsthennoonewilldatemeouttherefromoffthiswebsiteherewhousetobeamanandhasbecomeagirlorgaygirltodateorcrossdressortranssexitualmaletofemale
    Why itsthennoonewilldatemeouttherefromoffthiswebsiteherewhousetobeamanandhasbecomeagirlorgaygirltodateorcrossdressortranssexitualmaletofemale
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1581 Views
  • Why this no body want to find some one todate themandis singleanddressupasagirlorgayladyswhowilldatemeandwillmarriedmeforrealoffofherewhonearohioorkentuckywhoaretranssexitualmaletofemalefrombeingamanandisnowagirlorfixstobecomeagirlfrombeingamanandwilldatemeonhereforrealthistimeorshemale
    Why this no body want to find some one todate themandis singleanddressupasagirlorgayladyswhowilldatemeandwillmarriedmeforrealoffofherewhonearohioorkentuckywhoaretranssexitualmaletofemalefrombeingamanandisnowagirlorfixstobecomeagirlfrombeingamanandwilldatemeonhereforrealthistimeorshemale
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2102 Views
  • Cananyonewhoamantowomanwhodressupasawomandatemeortranssexitualortransgendermtforanygaygirls
    3 Comments 0 Shares 2254 Views
  • Iamlookingforsomeonetodatemewhowomenwhousedtobeamanandbecomeawomenfromitsandwilldatemeoffofhereorcrossdressorsisyorshemaleortransitualortransgenderorgaywomenouttherewholivinginohioorkentuckyinusawhoworksinbartoordoctorwhousedtobea.manandbecomewomanandwilldatesomeonelikemeandtranssexitualwhousedtobeamanandisawomannow
    0 Comments 1 Shares 4641 Views
  • Are there any man who has be come a women from being a man out there United States who is willing to dress up as a girl or who dones that now or any gay girls who will dating me and was onces was a male and be come female or shemale or sisy girl or transsexual mtf or transgender who will date some one like
    Are there any man who has be come a women from being a man out there United States who is willing to dress up as a girl or who dones that now or any gay girls who will dating me and was onces was a male and be come female or shemale or sisy girl or transsexual mtf or transgender who will date some one like
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2085 Views
  • why is it so hard that no one wants to step up and date me office website four and start up a true relationship with me and be my true lover and my girlfriend to me I want to date someone that is a crossdresser transgender or used to be a man and become a woman or a man who's becoming a woman or any gay women out there who's willing to date me and turn me into a girl with them and will come and live with me and the United States of America here in Kentucky very close and near Kentucky like from West Virginia or Ohio area
    why is it so hard that no one wants to step up and date me office website four and start up a true relationship with me and be my true lover and my girlfriend to me I want to date someone that is a crossdresser transgender or used to be a man and become a woman or a man who's becoming a woman or any gay women out there who's willing to date me and turn me into a girl with them and will come and live with me and the United States of America here in Kentucky very close and near Kentucky like from West Virginia or Ohio area
    1 Comments 0 Shares 2289 Views
  • Are themanybodywhosingleandusetobeamanandbeturnintoagirlorisgaygirlonlyorshemaleorasisyortranssexuitalortransgendermalerofemalewhoacrossdressorfemboyor ladyboyoramanwhohasasexchangeosurgery done to transform into a woman from being a man anditsawomannowandwilldatemeoffofherenow
    Are themanybodywhosingleandusetobeamanandbeturnintoagirlorisgaygirlonlyorshemaleorasisyortranssexuitalortransgendermalerofemalewhoacrossdressorfemboyor ladyboyoramanwhohasasexchangeosurgery done to transform into a woman from being a man anditsawomannowandwilldatemeoffofherenow
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2331 Views
  • The Democrats and the lunatic left make transgender and gay people look like absolute lunatics and they are using you push their agenda and you idiots drink up all the f****** Kool-Aid when they're going to burn down your lifestyle they are not saving you
    The Democrats and the lunatic left make transgender and gay people look like absolute lunatics and they are using you push their agenda and you idiots drink up all the f****** Kool-Aid when they're going to burn down your lifestyle they are not saving you
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1140 Views
  • Who willbemyfriendanddatemeto and its willingtodatingmewhousedtobeamanandhasbecomeawomanoritsashemaleortransgirlifnoonegotodatingmeyoucanlevermealoneillwanttobeawomanwithsomeonewhowantstodatemeforreallookiamsingleandtryingtofindsomeonetobeinmylifewithmeandwhowantsmeastheyloveofffhereanditsstilllookingforsomebodytobewiththemtoanditsgaygirlanditsayoundertowhousedtobeamanandhasbecomeawomenandanylesbian who is single and looking for someone to date
    Who willbemyfriendanddatemeto and its willingtodatingmewhousedtobeamanandhasbecomeawomanoritsashemaleortransgirlifnoonegotodatingmeyoucanlevermealoneillwanttobeawomanwithsomeonewhowantstodatemeforreallookiamsingleandtryingtofindsomeonetobeinmylifewithmeandwhowantsmeastheyloveofffhereanditsstilllookingforsomebodytobewiththemtoanditsgaygirlanditsayoundertowhousedtobeamanandhasbecomeawomenandanylesbian who is single and looking for someone to date
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2077 Views
  • I am after someone to date who has become a girl from being a man and has turned into a girl and will ride my **** to and will be my love to and be from usa in ohio or kentucky in usa who used tobe a man and has turned into a female from being a man for real who would be my girlfriend to me and married me who gay girl or trans girl or transsexual or transgender or male to female or man who has a sex change d one to be a girl from being a man who has changes them sex gender into a girl from being a man now on here off this web site here who on line here now
    I am after someone to date who has become a girl from being a man and has turned into a girl and will ride my cock to and will be my love to and be from usa in ohio or kentucky in usa who used tobe a man and has turned into a female from being a man for real who would be my girlfriend to me and married me who gay girl or trans girl or transsexual or transgender or male to female or man who has a sex change d one to be a girl from being a man who has changes them sex gender into a girl from being a man now on here off this web site here who on line here now
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1587 Views
  • Whowouldmindifillfuckthemlikegirlandwouldletmefuckthemandisgayandwoulddatemeoffofherenowandforrealturnmeintoafemalefrombeingamanforreal
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1576 Views
  • I'm trying to find someone to dating me for real who will let me eat them out and make sweet love to them and yes i will date any one who shemale or crossdress or male to female or dressing up like a woman as long them will let me of them will let me stuck them dick and them **** me like a girl and dress me up like a girl to and them have to be from usa in ohio or kentucky and its gay girl or has being turned into a girl from being aman into girl have they sex changes into a girl from being a male and changes they gender and if they are married lever they man and be gay with me and us both be girls together for real and willing to date me off this web site here who on line here now and 27 year old
    I'm trying to find someone to dating me for real who will let me eat them out and make sweet love to them and yes i will date any one who shemale or crossdress or male to female or dressing up like a woman as long them will let me of them will let me stuck them dick and them fuck me like a girl and dress me up like a girl to and them have to be from usa in ohio or kentucky and its gay girl or has being turned into a girl from being aman into girl have they sex changes into a girl from being a male and changes they gender and if they are married lever they man and be gay with me and us both be girls together for real and willing to date me off this web site here who on line here now and 27 year old
    2 Comments 0 Shares 3339 Views
  • Any gay woman or male to female who wants to dating me or women who will leave them man for me who wants to be gay with me and us be love s to and from usa in ohio or kentucky who was aman and become girl and would let me **** them or a man who likes to dress up as a girl and its across dress or trans gender or transsexual male to female or she male who would hookupwithme
    Any gay woman or male to female who wants to dating me or women who will leave them man for me who wants to be gay with me and us be love s to and from usa in ohio or kentucky who was aman and become girl and would let me fuck them or a man who likes to dress up as a girl and its across dress or trans gender or transsexual male to female or she male who would hookupwithme
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3242 Views
  • Who its single shemale orgaywomenwhousedtobeamanandbecomeawomennfromisandwilldatemeandlikeshavingthemasssmart onandwouldbemygirlfriendandlovetomeandlevethemmanformesowecanbegaygirlstogether
    Who its single shemale orgaywomenwhousedtobeamanandbecomeawomennfromisandwilldatemeandlikeshavingthemasssmart onandwouldbemygirlfriendandlovetomeandlevethemmanformesowecanbegaygirlstogether
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3320 Views
  • Are theye anyoneatall who go to date me atall onhere whowillfuckme who abandon maletofemalecrossdress orsissygirl orfemboy or who any mtfcrossdress ortgirlsorshemaleswhowoulddatemeturnmeintoasissygirlandturnmeintotheygirlfriendandmakemegaywiththeynow
    Are theye anyoneatall who go to date me atall onhere whowillfuckme who abandon maletofemalecrossdress orsissygirl orfemboy or who any mtfcrossdress ortgirlsorshemaleswhowoulddatemeturnmeintoasissygirlandturnmeintotheygirlfriendandmakemegaywiththeynow
    1 Comments 0 Shares 3805 Views
  • Are they any one who willing to go out with me and will start up a relationship with me on here from usa near kentucky or ohio who a male to female transsexual or transgender or gay girl who a crossdress or femboy or ladyboy or use to be a man and be come a girl and will date me and turn me in to a female or any sissy girls who are single at all on here or nurse or females doctors who used to be a man who has become a woman from being a man or girls who become a man who on hormone and has transform ed in to a girl from being a man or has turn into a man from being a girl who will date me now
    Are they any one who willing to go out with me and will start up a relationship with me on here from usa near kentucky or ohio who a male to female transsexual or transgender or gay girl who a crossdress or femboy or ladyboy or use to be a man and be come a girl and will date me and turn me in to a female or any sissy girls who are single at all on here or nurse or females doctors who used to be a man who has become a woman from being a man or girls who become a man who on hormone and has transform ed in to a girl from being a man or has turn into a man from being a girl who will date me now
    1 Comments 0 Shares 3794 Views
  • I took the step today and told my manager at work about nicola. Guess what. She already guessed with how i am around the ladies clothes and off course my nice nail varnish. She loves it and wants to come out with us to the gay village so pleased i told her. Very proud step for me. The first of many i hope. Xxx
    I took the step today and told my manager at work about nicola. Guess what. She already guessed with how i am around the ladies clothes and off course my nice nail varnish. She loves it and wants to come out with us to the gay village 😆 so pleased i told her. Very proud step for me. The first of many i hope. Xxx
    11 Comments 0 Shares 2183 Views
  • Im only looking for sissygirls or crossdress or women who are not married atall and this only single or was a man who transform eddie into a girl from being a man and has turned in to a girl now sinces their no more real girls out there any more or works as dances in abar or nightculb or somebody willnot dating them who are gay or alesbian or sissyer who will date me or has asexchanges surgery operation done to become a woman from being a man in ohio inusa or kentucky who willturn me into a girl with they or sissy girl not one who married only single or veryyounger and will dating a older man and turn me in to a female with them for real
    Im only looking for sissygirls or crossdress or women who are not married atall and this only single or was a man who transform eddie into a girl from being a man and has turned in to a girl now sinces their no more real girls out there any more or works as dances in abar or nightculb or somebody willnot dating them who are gay or alesbian or sissyer who will date me or has asexchanges surgery operation done to become a woman from being a man in ohio inusa or kentucky who willturn me into a girl with they or sissy girl not one who married only single or veryyounger and will dating a older man and turn me in to a female with them for real
    1 Comments 0 Shares 3902 Views
  • Im not here to player abandon round or play games im here to fine somebody to date me a crossdress or sissy girl who a male to female or transgender or transsexual mtf tape who use to be a man and has turn into a girl who will date me and turn me into a sissy girl with they outthere in ohio or kentucky in the usa or works in a bar and its gay woman who will dating a older manwho 27 yearsold girls i want to be turn into a girl for real no joke
    Im not here to player abandon round or play games im here to fine somebody to date me a crossdress or sissy girl who a male to female or transgender or transsexual mtf tape who use to be a man and has turn into a girl who will date me and turn me into a sissy girl with they outthere in ohio or kentucky in the usa or works in a bar and its gay woman who will dating a older manwho 27 yearsold girls i want to be turn into a girl for real no joke
    1 Comments 0 Shares 3836 Views
  • I saw another ladies post about apps we use, I'm on grindr as Megan, also on tvchix as Megan _Roe_1969, I'm also a member of the following Facebook groups, all of them are private;
    Gay and bi crossdressers uk
    Leeds Last Friday (LFF)
    Nottingham Invasion
    Cross dressers in closet
    I saw another ladies post about apps we use, I'm on grindr as Megan, also on tvchix as Megan _Roe_1969, I'm also a member of the following Facebook groups, all of them are private; Gay and bi crossdressers uk Tvchix Leeds Last Friday (LFF) Nottingham Invasion Cross dressers in closet
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2443 Views
  • Ladies.. this site is becoming a great place for us for sure, lovely to see your pics, share mine and chat about whatever.
    BUT! I'm a straight CD, as many of us are, and I'm tired of seeing men posting on here, with content that is in no way related to CD'ing. So I want to ask the question, and I'd really like you to respond so the admins (and me) get a better view of how we feel about this.

    Am I the only one here who wants CD-only content in here? This isn't a gay site, and personally I feel this isn't a place for 'admirers' to post naked pics that do not relate to crossdressing. This is OUR space, our community.
    Ladies.. this site is becoming a great place for us for sure, lovely to see your pics, share mine and chat about whatever. BUT! I'm a straight CD, as many of us are, and I'm tired of seeing men posting on here, with content that is in no way related to CD'ing. So I want to ask the question, and I'd really like you to respond so the admins (and me) get a better view of how we feel about this. Am I the only one here who wants CD-only content in here? This isn't a gay site, and personally I feel this isn't a place for 'admirers' to post naked pics that do not relate to crossdressing. This is OUR space, our community.
    22 Comments 0 Shares 2890 Views
  • Blocked another FAKE Sissy Anyone using Ai Apps, Filters, Photoshop, and Faking will all be Blocked, including Gay Men, Sorry x
    Blocked another FAKE Sissy 🤣😅😂 Anyone using Ai Apps, Filters, Photoshop, and Faking will all be Blocked, including Gay Men, Sorry x
    2 Comments 1 Shares 1997 Views
  • No disrespect to anyone.. but there is an increasing number of man posts in here, either naked or using a cam filter.
    This is nothing to do with CD'ing. I'd kindly ask members to refrain! And admin to delete.
    Most CD's aren't gay, I have no interest in men. Post on gay sites.
    Thanks 🙏🏻
    No disrespect to anyone.. but there is an increasing number of man posts in here, either naked or using a cam filter. This is nothing to do with CD'ing. I'd kindly ask members to refrain! And admin to delete. Most CD's aren't gay, I have no interest in men. Post on gay sites. Thanks 🙏🏻
    2 Comments 0 Shares 1450 Views