• I have been away from social media for a while, and many things have happened, many doubts and many feelings.
    In the deepest recesses of my being, something was beginning to stir. I am truly someone seeking to discover myself, to understand myself.
    The love I feel for my wife is genuine and deep; she is my partner, my confidant. However, the weight of these new discoveries is becoming unbearable. Life as I knew it is suffocating. I often revisit moments in my life in search of clues, of signs that justify these new desires.
    I have been away from social media for a while, and many things have happened, many doubts and many feelings. In the deepest recesses of my being, something was beginning to stir. I am truly someone seeking to discover myself, to understand myself. The love I feel for my wife is genuine and deep; she is my partner, my confidant. However, the weight of these new discoveries is becoming unbearable. Life as I knew it is suffocating. I often revisit moments in my life in search of clues, of signs that justify these new desires.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 597 Views
  • ⬛️⬜️
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1149 Views
  • My satisfaction as a Great ******* is to inspire my new Sub/Sissy into full submission. where as conquering my submissive mind and also making my Sub feel safe and respected. But my question is are you willing to serve a loving kind hearted the Great ******* and submit Willingly without complaint? I promise you that you're going to love being with me for real and I will train you to my best and bring this feminine inner girly girl in you by the 150rules and 6 steps of becoming this girly sissy you want all your life as your wish to be. understood
    My satisfaction as a Great Goddess is to inspire my new Sub/Sissy into full submission. where as conquering my submissive mind and also making my Sub feel safe and respected. But my question is are you willing to serve a loving kind hearted the Great Goddess and submit Willingly without complaint? I promise you that you're going to love being with me for real and I will train you to my best and bring this feminine inner girly girl in you by the 150rules and 6 steps of becoming this girly sissy you want all your life as your wish to be. understood
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1563 Views
  • Another day another saree
    Which one you liked the most...???
    Another day another saree♥️♥️💋 Which one you liked the most...???
    0 Comments 0 Shares 748 Views
  • Well is seek nobody wants to date me after all so i am here try to find somebody who's would rea ling date me here are there anybody who will be in the usa for real here or in same area i at in United States of America very close to Kentucky Ohio or West Virginia and it's local Ben is online here on this website who would be willing to date me start a life with me and a true relationship and is interested in dating me on here and is online here is trueing looking for somebody to be love by and will give them a heart full of love and a good life to
    Well is seek nobody wants to date me after all so i am here try to find somebody who's would rea ling date me here are there anybody who will be in the usa for real here or in same area i at in United States of America very close to Kentucky Ohio or West Virginia and it's local Ben is online here on this website who would be willing to date me start a life with me and a true relationship and is interested in dating me on here and is online here is trueing looking for somebody to be love by and will give them a heart full of love and a good life to
    0 Comments 0 Shares 708 Views
  • Anyonehereinusawhoverynearandrealclose to Kentucky and we'll come to Kentucky to start a relationship in a new life with me or is from West Virginia or Ohio and is local totheareahereorfromUnited States of America and is in USA around Ohio West Virginia or Kentucky who will date on here and go out with me that is online here offiits website whoisonlinehere
    Anyonehereinusawhoverynearandrealclose to Kentucky and we'll come to Kentucky to start a relationship in a new life with me or is from West Virginia or Ohio and is local totheareahereorfromUnited States of America and is in USA around Ohio West Virginia or Kentucky who will date on here and go out with me that is online here offiits website whoisonlinehere
    1 Comments 0 Shares 555 Views
  • Iwantawomanwhowillgivemesexallthetimeandwillridemydickformeallthetimeandletmecuminthemthatwanttohaveakidymeorgivemeakidbythemthatitsashemalewithadickbecauesiamagirloramanwhohashasbeingturnintoagirlfrombeingamanora girlwhousetobeamanandnowisagirlwithadickora lesbian or hey man who has become a woman who will date me go out with me and is in the USA America in the United States and it's from Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia and we'll come to Kentucky and start a life with me anditsmeyes I'm still a virgin I've never had sex with no one and I'm still single
    Iwantawomanwhowillgivemesexallthetimeandwillridemydickformeallthetimeandletmecuminthemthatwanttohaveakidymeorgivemeakidbythemthatitsashemalewithadickbecauesiamagirloramanwhohashasbeingturnintoagirlfrombeingamanora girlwhousetobeamanandnowisagirlwithadickora lesbian or hey man who has become a woman who will date me go out with me and is in the USA America in the United States and it's from Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia and we'll come to Kentucky and start a life with me anditsmeyes I'm still a virgin I've never had sex with no one and I'm still single
    1 Comments 0 Shares 2123 Views
  • Hope everyone has great Sunday have to start week lets go to Chicago lol
    Hope everyone has great Sunday have to start week lets go to Chicago lol😘❤️
    5 Comments 0 Shares 2465 Views
  • Im starting a band called the gay virgins
    Im starting a band called the gay virgins
    5 Comments 0 Shares 2653 Views
  • Hi all hope you enjoy your weekend
    Hi all hope you enjoy your weekend 😊 💋♥️
    12 Comments 0 Shares 1490 Views
  • Ready to party this weekend.
    Ready to party this weekend.
    3 Comments 0 Shares 1243 Views
  • I am very pissed off I see now that no one here wants to date me for real they just want to play mind game with me and that pisses me off I'm here trying to find someone that will date me for who I am and be with me for who the hell I am and that won't piss me the hell off if they're going to piss me the hell off they can leave me the f*** alone and get the hell off and kiss my f****** damn ass that's how pissed off I am had the one that pissing me off I'm going to say this to the ones that pissing me off go f*** yourself and suck a God damn dick and you can stick it up your damn ass now for the one tonight pissed me off to date me and go out with me and settle down and start a life with me I am very sweet kind until you get me pissed off can you see what I do and I'm very easy to get along with Down to Earth real sweet and kind until I get pissed off or somebody pisses me off then I'll tell you my mind but other times I'm sleep I'm very easy go in person and loving person and I'm down to earth laid back not today have a good time I'm here trying to find a relationship someone to be my girlfriend and love her to me so if there's anyone out there interested you can hit me up here
    I am very pissed off I see now that no one here wants to date me for real they just want to play mind game with me and that pisses me off I'm here trying to find someone that will date me for who I am and be with me for who the hell I am and that won't piss me the hell off if they're going to piss me the hell off they can leave me the f*** alone and get the hell off and kiss my f****** damn ass that's how pissed off I am had the one that pissing me off I'm going to say this to the ones that pissing me off go f*** yourself and suck a God damn dick and you can stick it up your damn ass now for the one tonight pissed me off to date me and go out with me and settle down and start a life with me I am very sweet kind until you get me pissed off can you see what I do and I'm very easy to get along with Down to Earth real sweet and kind until I get pissed off or somebody pisses me off then I'll tell you my mind but other times I'm sleep I'm very easy go in person and loving person and I'm down to earth laid back not today have a good time I'm here trying to find a relationship someone to be my girlfriend and love her to me so if there's anyone out there interested you can hit me up here
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1221 Views
  • Wellicanseenobodyheretakemeserious about wanting to date someone who's gay and has already become a girl from being a man and I'm telling the truth I want someone that's already been turned from being a man into a woman that will date me marry me and start a life with me and a family with me if no one on here believe me or takes me seriously they can leave me alone and pass me on by because I'm serious I'm tired of being alone and single all my life has reason I'm here trying to find someone to be with and settle down and start a life with and a family with
    Wellicanseenobodyheretakemeserious about wanting to date someone who's gay and has already become a girl from being a man and I'm telling the truth I want someone that's already been turned from being a man into a woman that will date me marry me and start a life with me and a family with me if no one on here believe me or takes me seriously they can leave me alone and pass me on by because I'm serious I'm tired of being alone and single all my life has reason I'm here trying to find someone to be with and settle down and start a life with and a family with
    2 Comments 0 Shares 1250 Views
  • Ihopethepeopleunderstandis imlooking for amanwhohasbeingturnintoagirlandhastransformedintoagirlandisatransitionwhoamaletofemaleoratransgenderwhowilldatemeormarriedmeanddatemeandfromamericanandwillcometokentuckytobewithmeorfromohioorWest Virginia around Charleston Huntington Ohio Columbus Ohio turnington Ohio West next to Boyd County Kentucky that's close to Morehead Kentucky and Grayson Kentucky in Carter County Kentucky or who has already transformed from being a man into a woman and is on a female hormones and looks like a woman now from being a man and will date me and work in a bar
    Ihopethepeopleunderstandis imlooking for amanwhohasbeingturnintoagirlandhastransformedintoagirlandisatransitionwhoamaletofemaleoratransgenderwhowilldatemeormarriedmeanddatemeandfromamericanandwillcometokentuckytobewithmeorfromohioorWest Virginia around Charleston Huntington Ohio Columbus Ohio turnington Ohio West next to Boyd County Kentucky that's close to Morehead Kentucky and Grayson Kentucky in Carter County Kentucky or who has already transformed from being a man into a woman and is on a female hormones and looks like a woman now from being a man and will date me and work in a bar
    2 Comments 0 Shares 1288 Views
  • AnyoNefromamericanandwilldatemewhoitsagirlfrombeingamanandlikeswearthemhairupinbunandhasasmokehotbodyandfromohioinusaonlinehereonlineandwilldatemeandcometokentuckyinamericaninusawhowillbemyloveandwillmarriedmewhoatransgenderortransitionmaletofemalewhostartoutasamanandbecomeagirlandhasbeingtransformedintoagirlnowwhonotchickentodatemenowandisfromsameareaiamfromornearmeiaminboydcountykentuckyinashlandkyinusanextstoohioandWest Virginia I'm around honey done and Charleston and 4th month Ohio and Greenup Kentucky Grayson and Morehead Kentucky
    AnyoNefromamericanandwilldatemewhoitsagirlfrombeingamanandlikeswearthemhairupinbunandhasasmokehotbodyandfromohioinusaonlinehereonlineandwilldatemeandcometokentuckyinamericaninusawhowillbemyloveandwillmarriedmewhoatransgenderortransitionmaletofemalewhostartoutasamanandbecomeagirlandhasbeingtransformedintoagirlnowwhonotchickentodatemenowandisfromsameareaiamfromornearmeiaminboydcountykentuckyinashlandkyinusanextstoohioandWest Virginia I'm around honey done and Charleston and 4th month Ohio and Greenup Kentucky Grayson and Morehead Kentucky
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1495 Views
  • The Crusty Honda may be fixed - MoT on Tuesday, all going well i'll have a back seat big enough for... well, big enough
    Fiat 500s may be cute and handle like a go-kart, but like the advert noone believed in the 70s ("You can Do It in an MG") - not unless you want the handbrake up your chuff!
    The Crusty Honda may be fixed - MoT on Tuesday, all going well i'll have a back seat big enough for... well, big enough 😛 Fiat 500s may be cute and handle like a go-kart, but like the advert noone believed in the 70s ("You can Do It in an MG") - not unless you want the handbrake up your chuff!
    18 Comments 0 Shares 827 Views
  • Arethenanymanwhobecomeagirlwhowoulddatemeandforrealstartdateandanymanwhohasturnintoagirlfrombeingamanoranygirlwhohasbeturmintoamanandstilllikelooklikeagirloramanwholooklikeawomannow
    1 Comments 0 Shares 946 Views
  • Noted. My expectations one time affordable fee is important before we begin training $200 pm open anyone interested

    Noted. My expectations one time affordable fee is important before we begin training $200 pm open anyone interested ♥️♥️♥️♥️🌹
    2 Comments 0 Shares 853 Views
  • Iamherelookingforsomeonetodatemeforrealillhavenokidsatalliminkentuckyinusaandiam49ericnormanskaggsiwanttodatesomeonewhoagaygirlwhousedtobeamanandhasbecomeagirlbyhavingasexchangesdoneandhastransformedintoagirlfrombeingamanandwillforrealdatemeonlineherewhothislookingforsomebodytodatwonherenowwent through having a sex change done and become a real girl or woman permit from being a man and will date me and marry me and it's new here online from Ohio in the United States of America in the USA close to Kentucky and we'll come to Kentucky and start a life in marry me or turn me into their girlfriend and help me to change my sex from being a man to a woman
    Iamherelookingforsomeonetodatemeforrealillhavenokidsatalliminkentuckyinusaandiam49ericnormanskaggsiwanttodatesomeonewhoagaygirlwhousedtobeamanandhasbecomeagirlbyhavingasexchangesdoneandhastransformedintoagirlfrombeingamanandwillforrealdatemeonlineherewhothislookingforsomebodytodatwonherenowwent through having a sex change done and become a real girl or woman permit from being a man and will date me and marry me and it's new here online from Ohio in the United States of America in the USA close to Kentucky and we'll come to Kentucky and start a life in marry me or turn me into their girlfriend and help me to change my sex from being a man to a woman
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1034 Views
  • Iamhere tofindsomebodytodatemeiamI'm seriously about looking for someone to date me I'm not here for jokes or the have mind games or anything like that done I'm serious about trying to find someone to date me that was a man who become a full-time woman about having a sex change done who transformed from being a man into a full-time Woman by having a sex change surgery operation done and has transformed from being a man into a full-time permanently woman if they're not anyone here they can pass me on by because I'm after the serious ones that will date me that has become a female from being a man and his willing to date me a couple of me and start a true serious relationship and interested in dating me onherewhoisonlinehereinohioorinUnited States of America in the USA next to Kentucky or West Virginia who is very very close to my location and my area and will come and be with me and it's serious about starting a true relationship with me and if interested in dating onherewhoissingleorusedtobeamanandhasbecomeawomanforreal
    Iamhere tofindsomebodytodatemeiamI'm seriously about looking for someone to date me I'm not here for jokes or the have mind games or anything like that done I'm serious about trying to find someone to date me that was a man who become a full-time woman about having a sex change done who transformed from being a man into a full-time Woman by having a sex change surgery operation done and has transformed from being a man into a full-time permanently woman if they're not anyone here they can pass me on by because I'm after the serious ones that will date me that has become a female from being a man and his willing to date me a couple of me and start a true serious relationship and interested in dating me onherewhoisonlinehereinohioorinUnited States of America in the USA next to Kentucky or West Virginia who is very very close to my location and my area and will come and be with me and it's serious about starting a true relationship with me and if interested in dating onherewhoissingleorusedtobeamanandhasbecomeawomanforreal
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1648 Views
  • Whowillstartarelationshipwithmeandletmemakelovetothemandbeenthemovermybedandgivethemsexandaverygoodfuckingandletmeripopenthemtopsandbraandfuckthemlikethemhaveneverybeenfuckbeforandbemygirlfriendforrealonhereoutofohioinusawhoitsagaygirlonhere
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1564 Views
  • Will anyoneonheredatemeatalliamheretryingtofindsomebodytodatemeiamsotierofbeingsinglemyholdlifeistimeformetofindsomebodytoseteddownwithnownowwhofromohioinusaandwillseteddownwithmeandstartdatemeonherehim pop my cherry because I'm still a virgin needing the Virgin lies and yes I'm like I said I'm still a virgin I've never been with no one or had sex with no one so who is interested in dating me from the United States of America around Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia in the US aandmuchloveafirefighterbecauesiamonethatwhatkindofworkidoorsomebodycanturnmeintoasissygirlormakemeintoagirlfrombeingamanandyesiwilldatesomeonewhoisboytogirltoaslongthemlooklikeagirlandtalklikeagirlanddresslikeoneandweargirlscloseranddosenotlooklikeamananymoreandhasagirlwomanbodynow
    Will anyoneonheredatemeatalliamheretryingtofindsomebodytodatemeiamsotierofbeingsinglemyholdlifeistimeformetofindsomebodytoseteddownwithnownowwhofromohioinusaandwillseteddownwithmeandstartdatemeonherehim pop my cherry because I'm still a virgin needing the Virgin lies and yes I'm like I said I'm still a virgin I've never been with no one or had sex with no one so who is interested in dating me from the United States of America around Ohio Kentucky or West Virginia in the US aandmuchloveafirefighterbecauesiamonethatwhatkindofworkidoorsomebodycanturnmeintoasissygirlormakemeintoagirlfrombeingamanandyesiwilldatesomeonewhoisboytogirltoaslongthemlooklikeagirlandtalklikeagirlanddresslikeoneandweargirlscloseranddosenotlooklikeamananymoreandhasagirlwomanbodynow
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1096 Views
  • Arethereanypeoplewhoaaretrustfullandcarekindandsweetpersonwhofromohioinusawhowilldatingmeandiswillingtostartuparelationshipwithmeandusetobeamanandhavingasexchangedonetotheysotheircanbecomeagirlandhasalreadyhadbeeningtransformedintoagirlfrombeingamananddonselooklikeagirlnownotasamananymoreandyesiliketransitiongirlwhowasamanandisagirlnowormaletofemaleortransortransgenderaslongtheywilldatemeandbemygirlfriendtomeonhereandstillonfemalehormones and a haverbal switched they sex Genderaround from being a man into a woman full time andisnewonhereandlookingforsomebodytodatethemonhereandwilldatemenowandtheyworkinabartoandlikeweardressandhightheelsallthetimetoandidontcarewhatracesyouareoryouragestoaslongyouare27to49yearoldandhaveredhairtoorifyoudonthavetitsornottomejustaslongyouwillbewithmeandmarriedme
    Arethereanypeoplewhoaaretrustfullandcarekindandsweetpersonwhofromohioinusawhowilldatingmeandiswillingtostartuparelationshipwithmeandusetobeamanandhavingasexchangedonetotheysotheircanbecomeagirlandhasalreadyhadbeeningtransformedintoagirlfrombeingamananddonselooklikeagirlnownotasamananymoreandyesiliketransitiongirlwhowasamanandisagirlnowormaletofemaleortransortransgenderaslongtheywilldatemeandbemygirlfriendtomeonhereandstillonfemalehormones and a haverbal switched they sex Genderaround from being a man into a woman full time andisnewonhereandlookingforsomebodytodatethemonhereandwilldatemenowandtheyworkinabartoandlikeweardressandhightheelsallthetimetoandidontcarewhatracesyouareoryouragestoaslongyouare27to49yearoldandhaveredhairtoorifyoudonthavetitsornottomejustaslongyouwillbewithmeandmarriedme
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1052 Views
  • Iamtrytofindsomeonewhoaresingleandamaletofemalewhousetobeamanandhasbecomeawomanandwilldatesomeonelikemesincesnothingofthewomenonherewilldatemearetheyanymanwhohasbecomeagirlandisatransitionmtfwhomanwhohasbetransformintoagirlandhasbecomeafemaleoratransgendergirlwhostartoutasamanandbecomeawomanfrombeingaman
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1328 Views
  • Guys, if you want to chat to the girls don't start with "I would totally *uc* you" and immediately send unwanted pics of your little chipolata, it just gets you blocked... Even if you're not bad looking.
    Go to the bother of filling in your profile properly (it doesn't need to be War & Peace, that's just me having no filter), put up a nice pic of you not holding a dead/dying fish or something worse, be *interesting*! You never know, the girls might contact you...
    We are NOT just fetish objects, we are *people*. Try to be people too.
    Guys, if you want to chat to the girls don't start with "I would totally *uc* you" and immediately send unwanted pics of your little chipolata, it just gets you blocked... Even if you're not bad looking. Go to the bother of filling in your profile properly (it doesn't need to be War & Peace, that's just me having no filter), put up a nice pic of you not holding a dead/dying fish or something worse, be *interesting*! You never know, the girls might contact you... We are NOT just fetish objects, we are *people*. Try to be people too.
    7 Comments 0 Shares 1351 Views
  • Iamstartingtogetpassynowbecauesnoonewilldatemesoiguestnobodywantstobewithmearetheyanynewpeopleonlineonherewhowilldatemewhoisatsgirlorforsomeonetogivemylovetoandheartfullofrealloveiguestthewomenwantssomeonewhogotohitonthemandiamnotthatwaybuyiguestnoonewantstobewithmearethemanylesbian who will date me and make me their girlfriend on hereoffifthiswebsiteherenow
    Iamstartingtogetpassynowbecauesnoonewilldatemesoiguestnobodywantstobewithmearetheyanynewpeopleonlineonherewhowilldatemewhoisatsgirlorforsomeonetogivemylovetoandheartfullofrealloveiguestthewomenwantssomeonewhogotohitonthemandiamnotthatwaybuyiguestnoonewantstobewithmearethemanylesbian who will date me and make me their girlfriend on hereoffifthiswebsiteherenow
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1266 Views
  • Iwanttofindsomebodywhowilldatemeandletmefuckthemburning down active never had done to him before is either a crossdresser or a man to woman or has been transformed into a woman from having a sex change surgery operation done and has transformed and still on female hormones and it has become a female permanently I am will date me come to Kentucky and start a life with me for real orturnmeintoagirlwiththemto
    Iwanttofindsomebodywhowilldatemeandletmefuckthemburning down active never had done to him before is either a crossdresser or a man to woman or has been transformed into a woman from having a sex change surgery operation done and has transformed and still on female hormones and it has become a female permanently I am will date me come to Kentucky and start a life with me for real orturnmeintoagirlwiththemto
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1492 Views
  • who wants their brains f***** out that I've never had their brains f***** out before who will start up a relationship with me and let me with them because I'm still a virgin and I'm looking for a man to become a woman and has turned into a woman and transform from being a man into a woman around Ohio Kentucky West Virginia in the USA in the United States of America who has Auburn red hair Brandy color red andis27yearoldandwilldatemeandmarriedme
    who wants their brains f***** out that I've never had their brains f***** out before who will start up a relationship with me and let me with them because I'm still a virgin and I'm looking for a man to become a woman and has turned into a woman and transform from being a man into a woman around Ohio Kentucky West Virginia in the USA in the United States of America who has Auburn red hair Brandy color red andis27yearoldandwilldatemeandmarriedme
    0 Comments 0 Shares 991 Views
  • Hi all hope you enjoyed your weekend , lovely day here bout to head out much love to you all 🫶
    Hi all hope you enjoyed your weekend , lovely day here bout to head out much love to you all ♥️💋🫶💋
    8 Comments 0 Shares 1241 Views
  • any man under who has become a woman who is from the United States very close to Kentucky will come and be with me here in Kentucky start a life with me date me has transformed from being a man into a woman or a boy to a girl that's been made into a girl and is still a boy and a c*** that won't go out with me date me for who I am and come to Kentucky or from Kentucky or Ohio or West Virginia in the USA in the United States of America or a golf dresser or a man who has become and transformed his hormones into a female from being a man
    any man under who has become a woman who is from the United States very close to Kentucky will come and be with me here in Kentucky start a life with me date me has transformed from being a man into a woman or a boy to a girl that's been made into a girl and is still a boy and a c*** that won't go out with me date me for who I am and come to Kentucky or from Kentucky or Ohio or West Virginia in the USA in the United States of America or a golf dresser or a man who has become and transformed his hormones into a female from being a man
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1513 Views
  • I am getting tired of no one wanting to date me or be with me I'm trying to find someone to love me be with me and date me for who I am yes I love email to female or a boy to girl who has been made into it girl from being a boy I want someone to date me from the United States that is very very close to Kentucky Ohio or West Virginia that will come and start a new life with me and help me into a girl or will release date me and start a new life with me
    I am getting tired of no one wanting to date me or be with me I'm trying to find someone to love me be with me and date me for who I am yes I love email to female or a boy to girl who has been made into it girl from being a boy I want someone to date me from the United States that is very very close to Kentucky Ohio or West Virginia that will come and start a new life with me and help me into a girl or will release date me and start a new life with me
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1479 Views
  • Why is noonewantstodatemefororwhousetobeamanandbecomeagirlandanygirlswhousetobeamanandbecomeagirlandisinusaaroundkentuckyandwillstartalifewithmeorsomeonenewonlineherewhowilldatemeandfromusaaroundclose to Kentucky Ohio or West Virginia in the United States of America or West Virginia who is a drag queen or used to be a man and become a full-time woman and has transformed from being a man into a woman
    Why is noonewantstodatemefororwhousetobeamanandbecomeagirlandanygirlswhousetobeamanandbecomeagirlandisinusaaroundkentuckyandwillstartalifewithmeorsomeonenewonlineherewhowilldatemeandfromusaaroundclose to Kentucky Ohio or West Virginia in the United States of America or West Virginia who is a drag queen or used to be a man and become a full-time woman and has transformed from being a man into a woman
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1590 Views
  • IsnotfartomethatnobodygotodatemewhatisamitougleforyoualltodatemeonherealliamtryingtodoisfindsomeonewhowillgooutonadatewithmeanymtforgirlswholikemeandwilldatemeoranynewoeoplewhowhoGeneration X transitionthenthismtfarealpeoplewhowilldatemeonherenow
    IsnotfartomethatnobodygotodatemewhatisamitougleforyoualltodatemeonherealliamtryingtodoisfindsomeonewhowillgooutonadatewithmeanymtforgirlswholikemeandwilldatemeoranynewoeoplewhowhoGeneration X transitionthenthismtfarealpeoplewhowilldatemeonherenow
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1086 Views
  • are theyany27yearoldwhowilldatesomeonewhois49yearoldinusinohioandwillcometokentuckyandmakemetheygirlfriendandwhowillstartalifewithmeandmarriedmeandwhoareintodatingontherwomenandwillmakemetheygirlfriendforrealonherewhoaresingleorworksasnurseorinabarone
    are theyany27yearoldwhowilldatesomeonewhois49yearoldinusinohioandwillcometokentuckyandmakemetheygirlfriendandwhowillstartalifewithmeandmarriedmeandwhoareintodatingontherwomenandwillmakemetheygirlfriendforrealonherewhoaresingleorworksasnurseorinabarone
    0 Comments 0 Shares 900 Views
  • 🥀♥️
    1 Comments 0 Shares 719 Views
  • why is it so hard I can't find a girl who used to be a man and become a woman or a man who's becoming a woman their date me and go out with me for real why is it so hard that no one on here wants to date for real and seriously and settle down and start a lifewith me andwhoaresingleoramtforatranslateortransitionmtfwhowilldateonhereforrealandifnooneisgotodatemethistimeimquitingforgood
    why is it so hard I can't find a girl who used to be a man and become a woman or a man who's becoming a woman their date me and go out with me for real why is it so hard that no one on here wants to date for real and seriously and settle down and start a lifewith me andwhoaresingleoramtforatranslateortransitionmtfwhowilldateonhereforrealandifnooneisgotodatemethistimeimquitingforgood
    0 Comments 0 Shares 872 Views
  • Whyissohard to find someone that is a male to female that would be willing to date me go out with me start a serious relationship with me and settle down with me and start a life with me that's all I'm trying to do is find someone to date me start a life with me and be serious about you
    Whyissohard to find someone that is a male to female that would be willing to date me go out with me start a serious relationship with me and settle down with me and start a life with me that's all I'm trying to do is find someone to date me start a life with me and be serious about you
    7 Comments 0 Shares 846 Views
  • Iamnothereforgamesiamtryingtofinesomeonewhoisserious about starting a serious relationship with someone I do not care or does not care is there a trans transgender or translateortransitionmale2femaleoragirlwhousetobeamanormanwhohastransformedfrombeingamanintogirljustaslongtheyhaveallreadybecomeagirlfrombeingamanseriousiamlookingforrealpeoplenotsomeonewhofakeonhereorabotonlyrealpeoplewhowilldatemefromusorohioinusorkentuckywhoworksinsideabarorfemboyorladyboyortsgirlorasomeonewhowllikedatingontherwomenwholookingforsomeonetobetheylovetotheyonhereanddoseunderstandwhoilllookingforonherenowornewonhereandonlineto
    Iamnothereforgamesiamtryingtofinesomeonewhoisserious about starting a serious relationship with someone I do not care or does not care is there a trans transgender or translateortransitionmale2femaleoragirlwhousetobeamanormanwhohastransformedfrombeingamanintogirljustaslongtheyhaveallreadybecomeagirlfrombeingamanseriousiamlookingforrealpeoplenotsomeonewhofakeonhereorabotonlyrealpeoplewhowilldatemefromusorohioinusorkentuckywhoworksinsideabarorfemboyorladyboyortsgirlorasomeonewhowllikedatingontherwomenwholookingforsomeonetobetheylovetotheyonhereanddoseunderstandwhoilllookingforonherenowornewonhereandonlineto
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1219 Views
  • Well cuz I can't find anyone to date me will anyone date me and turn me into a girl and make me their lover and start a relationship with me and turn me into a girl fromohioorkentuckyorWest Virginia whointodatingonthergirlswhoaregaygirlsoratruetransitionwho usetobeamanandbecomeagirlfulltimeandworkinabarormaletofemaletranslateortransgenderortsgirlswholookingtodatesomeoneonhereorwillgetmarriedtomeorwilldatesomeonewholikesgirlwhousetobeamanandhasbecomeagirlwhowasamanandtransformedtheysexgenderintoafemalefull
    Well cuz I can't find anyone to date me will anyone date me and turn me into a girl and make me their lover and start a relationship with me and turn me into a girl fromohioorkentuckyorWest Virginia whointodatingonthergirlswhoaregaygirlsoratruetransitionwho usetobeamanandbecomeagirlfulltimeandworkinabarormaletofemaletranslateortransgenderortsgirlswholookingtodatesomeoneonhereorwillgetmarriedtomeorwilldatesomeonewholikesgirlwhousetobeamanandhasbecomeagirlwhowasamanandtransformedtheysexgenderintoafemalefull
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1241 Views
  • Well i guest noone wants to have arelationship with me or is seek for somebody to dating then what im lookfor is the type of person who start out as a male and end up changesing them sex gender in to a female by trans formed they sex and be come agirl from beingaman and is a transgender or transition or male who is become agirl and has already become agirlnow and dose lookjustlikeonenow and from ohio or kentucky or West Virginia internet United States of America in the US a and is willing todating somebody likeme or atranslategirl who amaletofemale or ts girl who works at abar to who willdateme
    Well i guest noone wants to have arelationship with me or is seek for somebody to dating then what im lookfor is the type of person who start out as a male and end up changesing them sex gender in to a female by trans formed they sex and be come agirl from beingaman and is a transgender or transition or male who is become agirl and has already become agirlnow and dose lookjustlikeonenow and from ohio or kentucky or West Virginia internet United States of America in the US a and is willing todating somebody likeme or atranslategirl who amaletofemale or ts girl who works at abar to who willdateme
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1082 Views
  • Josie and I are currently looking for an online partner to spice things up. If you're interested let me know. Only girls at heart should contact. We are not interested in men...but if you're a girl, looking for some fun. Let us know. Josie is strictly submissive.
    Josie and I are currently looking for an online partner to spice things up. If you're interested let me know. Only girls at heart should contact. We are not interested in men...but if you're a girl, looking for some fun. Let us know. Josie is strictly submissive.
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1913 Views
  • Starting not to like this place much. Too many frauds and fake posers.
    Starting not to like this place much. Too many frauds and fake posers.
    9 Comments 0 Shares 1762 Views
  • yesterday party : )
    yesterday party : )
    2 Comments 0 Shares 2106 Views
  • Time to start the week lets go to Chicago get loaded hope everyone has great day
    Time to start the week lets go to Chicago get loaded hope everyone has great day ❤️
    8 Comments 0 Shares 3205 Views
  • I would love to have a Barbie lingerie party with some girlfriends
    I would love to have a Barbie lingerie party with some girlfriends
    1 Comments 0 Shares 2047 Views
  • Derby/Nottingham UK CD
    Posting this as it goes with my Story 'Cum Fest Part 1 - 4', it will be in the CD Stories Group xxx
    Derby/Nottingham UK CD Posting this as it goes with my Story 'Cum Fest Part 1 - 4', it will be in the CD Stories Group xxx ❤️
    3 Comments 0 Shares 1934 Views
  • Derby/Nottingham UK CD
    Posting this as it goes with my Story 'Cum Fest Part 1 - 4', it will be in the CD Stories Group xxx
    Derby/Nottingham UK CD Posting this as it goes with my Story 'Cum Fest Part 1 - 4', it will be in the CD Stories Group xxx ❤️
    2 Comments 0 Shares 1809 Views
  • Iam looking for anybody to start up a relationship with me now who its interested really and truly interested indatingmyself and beingpart of mylifeand being my lovetome and ibm dont care of youuse tobe amale andbecome afemaleor ifyouare gay itsokwithmetoimjustheretofindsomeonetobewithmeiwanttofindsomeonewhowillgooutwithmeforwhoiamandilovegirlswhohasbecpmeamaletofemaleorafemalewhosbecomeamanandwillturnmeintoagirlortransitionortransgenderandanyonewhohasgooglechatandwilltalktome
    Iam looking for anybody to start up a relationship with me now who its interested really and truly interested indatingmyself and beingpart of mylifeand being my lovetome and ibm dont care of youuse tobe amale andbecome afemaleor ifyouare gay itsokwithmetoimjustheretofindsomeonetobewithmeiwanttofindsomeonewhowillgooutwithmeforwhoiamandilovegirlswhohasbecpmeamaletofemaleorafemalewhosbecomeamanandwillturnmeintoagirlortransitionortransgenderandanyonewhohasgooglechatandwilltalktome
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1267 Views
  • Wellthis looks like they not any one at all whos really interested in dating someone lock me on here and I'm wanting to be friends or someone and the date someone from here I don't care if a crossdresser had a dick cleaner legs or not for the shemale all iwant this somebody to gooutwithme and dating me and become my friend and love tome off of here now who who this go to dothatnowand wllstartalifewithme
    Wellthis looks like they not any one at all whos really interested in dating someone lock me on here and I'm wanting to be friends or someone and the date someone from here I don't care if a crossdresser had a dick cleaner legs or not for the shemale all iwant this somebody to gooutwithme and dating me and become my friend and love tome off of here now who who this go to dothatnowand wllstartalifewithme
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1375 Views
  • Any crossdress whowill dateme and ican keep you very happy with me if you just give me ashoot at dating you allyouhave to do be my girlfriend and start dress as lady alltime forqme
    Any crossdress whowill dateme and ican keep you very happy with me if you just give me ashoot at dating you allyouhave to do be my girlfriend and start dress as lady alltime forqme
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1044 Views
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