Dross dressing what stage are you,
1. Awareness Stage
2. The denial phase
3. The exploration phase
4. The acceptance phase
5. The integration phase
6. The mastery phase
I would say I am in stage 3 to 4
stage 1, I know I like dressing in women's cloths from an early age
Stage 2, I suppressed my feeling about dressing for half my life, more because I worried about what people were going to say, if we could only turn back time I would be out there without a care in the world
1. Awareness Stage
2. The denial phase
3. The exploration phase
4. The acceptance phase
5. The integration phase
6. The mastery phase
I would say I am in stage 3 to 4
stage 1, I know I like dressing in women's cloths from an early age
Stage 2, I suppressed my feeling about dressing for half my life, more because I worried about what people were going to say, if we could only turn back time I would be out there without a care in the world
Dross dressing what stage are you,
1. Awareness Stage
2. The denial phase
3. The exploration phase
4. The acceptance phase
5. The integration phase
6. The mastery phase
I would say I am in stage 3 to 4
stage 1, I know I like dressing in women's cloths from an early age
Stage 2, I suppressed my feeling about dressing for half my life, more because I worried about what people were going to say, if we could only turn back time I would be out there without a care in the world