My Dad he is a Crossdresser, likes to wear a dress,
With wig and make-up on, you wouldn't even guess,
It's not the way I view my Dad, I think it very strange,
I still love my Dad, but wish he wouldn't change,
All my life he's been there as mentor and my guide,
I may just have to accept it, take it in my stride.
I've thought, I've cried to try and understand,
How can superman become a lady oh so grand,
For hero Dad to change into my mum,
To the world I know, the end has come,
His hairy chest, I once admired
Is shaven now and bra attired,
Instead of boots it's heels he wears,
Instead of slacks his legs he bares,
I'd like to support him, if I can,
But want my Dad to be a man,
My love for him is still as strong,
But in a dress it seems so wrong.
One day I may get to understand
And greet with a kiss, not a shaken hand.
Tina Cross
My Dad he is a Crossdresser, likes to wear a dress,
With wig and make-up on, you wouldn't even guess,
It's not the way I view my Dad, I think it very strange,
I still love my Dad, but wish he wouldn't change,
All my life he's been there as mentor and my guide,
I may just have to accept it, take it in my stride.
I've thought, I've cried to try and understand,
How can superman become a lady oh so grand,
For hero Dad to change into my mum,
To the world I know, the end has come,
His hairy chest, I once admired
Is shaven now and bra attired,
Instead of boots it's heels he wears,
Instead of slacks his legs he bares,
I'd like to support him, if I can,
But want my Dad to be a man,
My love for him is still as strong,
But in a dress it seems so wrong.
One day I may get to understand
And greet with a kiss, not a shaken hand.
Tina Cross
My Dad he is a Crossdresser, likes to wear a dress,
With wig and make-up on, you wouldn't even guess,
It's not the way I view my Dad, I think it very strange,
I still love my Dad, but wish he wouldn't change,
All my life he's been there as mentor and my guide,
I may just have to accept it, take it in my stride.
I've thought, I've cried to try and understand,
How can superman become a lady oh so grand,
For hero Dad to change into my mum,
To the world I know, the end has come,
His hairy chest, I once admired
Is shaven now and bra attired,
Instead of boots it's heels he wears,
Instead of slacks his legs he bares,
I'd like to support him, if I can,
But want my Dad to be a man,
My love for him is still as strong,
But in a dress it seems so wrong.
One day I may get to understand
And greet with a kiss, not a shaken hand.
Tina Cross