My story starts around 1996 when around the age of 8 I would borrow stuff from my step mom and step sisters closet. Eventually would create my own stash of clothes over the years. Had a few Gfs that were into it occasionally and had a lot that weren’t. Eventually got married to a supportive wife, she would buy me clothes, dress me up, do make overs and explore my girly side as long as I stayed masculine. Being almost 7ft tall doesn’t help in finding clothes that fit. Now being 36 with a full beard i do get to dress up secretly about once a week it’s hard to do that stuff after having kids.
My story starts around 1996 when around the age of 8 I would borrow stuff from my step mom and step sisters closet. Eventually would create my own stash of clothes over the years. Had a few Gfs that were into it occasionally and had a lot that weren’t. Eventually got married to a supportive wife, she would buy me clothes, dress me up, do make overs and explore my girly side as long as I stayed masculine. Being almost 7ft tall doesn’t help in finding clothes that fit. Now being 36 with a full beard i do get to dress up secretly about once a week it’s hard to do that stuff after having kids.
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