Entrou: 2024-08-08 09:01:55
2024-09-05 04:47:38

I'm still trying to figure out not why but all of the changes taking place in Me mostly the mental and physical. Only maybe a month ago I was going to do my best to be a sissy and Sissy s*** is what I want to be. But I only wanted to be a sissy s*** and dealt with women and trans females no men! Today a woman came and through texting he's going to train to be a sissy well I don't want to do anything video cuz for me it's just not real and I stated to her about I only wish to he is service to women and trans females. I really love this woman too we just met but there's something between us that just clicked had not been intimately a woman in 5 years I'm whacked out over the blown I'd burst that my bubbles years ago I never been so horny in my entire life. I don't even know what it is about this woman but I love her I seen a picture of her in the very beginning of today but I forgot what you look like and I asked if he would privilege us with a picture and she is so beautiful she has been very scared and holy s*** wow knocked my socks off. Well my friend the trainer all of a sudden there was a rules for sissies on my screen. And number one was sissy must always be aware of himself and his number one purpose is to satisfy men in any way that they request and I'm thinking well it's going to let me off the hook lower down in the paragraph well it didn't so there goes my day dreams but as I've gone along today and this evening I got pretty high today and gave this a lot of thought I am going to be the best f****** sissy s*** play like ever I'm going to do the hypnosis tapes I'm going to start stretching my rectum muscles so I can take bigger toys and bigger cocks I want I get in my life I've never sucked on a cock before I need somebody to volunteer a trans female the volunteer so I can suck cock and learn and be trained to suck cock I'm going to get the nicest f****** sissy outfits and you know why and how I figured this out it's not going to be me it's going to be another person in need that will be performing and doing this I am distancing myself and I it works I'm so enthusiastic now about my trainer getting back and showing you Thursday I'm going to do this like full f****** bored you know I'm going to I'm going to make her proud that she trained to me because that's my purpose is to serve women that's what I've been so caught up in women are superior to men I wish I was a woman I am going to get my own set of tits and I guess I wouldn't what does that make me then I tranny or something I don't know whatever I am if you got to label it I'm going to be a feminine enthusiastic horny freaky kinky person who is feminine loves to have any kind of sex with anyone there is and my name is now 

Kate Birli 

Entrou: 2024-07-04 06:34:38
2025-01-30 10:42:48

I am ready to be 100 percent female