I want to be a Elizabeth

Joined: 8 months ago
8 months ago

Please support me since I have no support ever since I have been 7 I have known I was a girl I want to transition asap 

Joined: 7 months ago
6 months ago

Hi Elizabeth!

I didn't realise why i felt like i didn't fit in with the boys until later, secondary school when i realised that, unlike the others, when i looked at the girls i didn't want to fuck them i wanted to BE them! I didn't get the opportunity (although i was quite androgynous - "petite", hair to my waist, got MY bum pinched when out with girlfriends) until i was 19 and a girlfriend "challenged" me to wear a skirt after she'd complained about the gropers and i'd replied i got that too - when she dressed me and i saw myself in the mirror i knew that was very probably who i was!

I had to give up for too long (parenting, 20 years single-parenting) but when the kids moved on i was free to be myself again, it's harder after the years have gone by, but i've made a real effort - lost 3 stone (45 pounds/20kg) and gone from a UK size 20/22 to 16/18 top, 12 bottom (take off 4 from each number for US sizes) - a 38E bra for the Silicone Twins, exercising to tone my body and hoping i can get a waist an the figure i had Once Upon A Time, it's slowly working! I've been "misgendered" quite a few times when i've been out as Jacqui, mainly in clubs (dim light helps!), at live gigs seeing bands, even visits to pubs with the local kink/poly groups i found locally (off to one tonight, so can't stay long to type!) - even if it is as an ugly old  woman, aiming to look like a GILF! So it IS possible, but be aware that if you hope to "pass" a lot of work's involved, a lot of time, a lot of effort, and giving up a few things - i work out at least 3 times a week for an hour or more, bathtime's extended for hair removal from the neck down, i try to stick to a fairly serious diet (initially it was the Poverty Diet - no sweets, no crisps, no biscuits, no chocolate, lots of healthy fresh salads full of nuts, fish, protein etc.), i've spent a FORTUNE on shoes and frocks! I haven't considered transitioning fully, either socially or surgically (yet), i have a life as a boy too an i'm quite fond of the bits i have (would love permanent boobs though!), i'm erhaps a bit too old - although i know an i've heard from a lot of older people going through HRT and surgery, all happier as a result.

Joined: 8 months ago
a month ago

I want to do this and have wanted since age 7 I tried to live the so called normal life 2 wives and 3 kids I'm still wanting to be Elizabeth I have absolutely no support so nothing more to lose