Testosterone blockers, without HRT - effects?

Joined: 2024-08-20 23:00:33
2024-12-03 17:53:09

I may have to go on T blockers and wondered how much of an effect they'll have without progesterone  / oestrogen of similar, sounds like they can result in breast growth and fat relocation to the hips, educed body/facial hair growth, softer skin - all good things as far as i'm concerned! Anyone had experience of this (it's therapy if my biopsy result's not too scary, rather than chemo or surgery if it is - fingers crossed!)

Joined: 2024-08-20 23:00:33
2025-01-25 10:40:40

Thanks, i've done a bit of research and bone density is a concern (but there are things that an be done to ameliorate, lots of load-bearing exercise for instance, so i've filed that away just in case) - good or bad, the diagnosis / prognosis isn't as bad as i feared, so i won't be zapped with radiotherapy (good) followed by T-blockers, just "actively monitored" from here on - regular MRIs (which i found quite restful! Also the good) and prostate biopsies (the bad - OK at the time, but several days after feeling like someone's swung a baseball bat rather firmly at the underneath in betweens...), unless/until anything changes for the worse!
One prostate owner in eight will suffer cancer at some point in their life - so get them checked, boys and girls, it could save your life/erection!

Joined: 2024-08-20 23:00:33
2025-01-25 22:57:20

No offensive at all, and there's no such thing as a stupid quetion :)
From what i've found out, dosages of both testosterone blockers and female hormones (estradiol, progesterone etc.) are based around blood concentrations in the individual patient under care of an endocrinologist - much the same as the regimen for puberty blocking drugs or those (cisgender) patients needing hormone suppression or suppleentation. In the UK, at least, it's very difficult to obtain the testosterone blockers and hormones without a prescription, and to get that it's necessary to follow an internationally-standardised pathway under the care of a doctor specialising in transgender treatments, which also follows extensive therapy under the care of a mental health team (psychiatrists, psychologists) also specialising in transgender therapies.