When sissy visits Mistress Natalie, sissy is able to more properly express her devotion and subjugation to Mistress and all things feminine.


sissy has responsibilities for cleaning Mistress’ toilet and doing any washing up that is waiting in the sink. Sissy has a maids uniform at Mistress’ house and must wear it for any cleaning sissy does.


This cleaning happens at the end of a visit to Mistress. The sexual aspect of sissy’s relationship will precede the cleaning. This involves various submissive sexual acts which sissy performs on Mistress, and some penetrative training acts which Mistress will perform on sissy’s pussy.


Rather than finish at that point Mistress desires sissy to remain in her submissive role of servitude, despite much of the fervour having left sissy.


Mistress has requested and sissy has agreed, that sissy will remain dressed in her “role” clothes and make no attempt to clean herself. sissy only wants to continue to make Mistress as comfortable and beautiful as sissy is able.


sissy has developed a routine cleaning of a personal nature around areas of Mistress’ pussy and anus which sissy must clean with her mouth and tongue to Mistresses satisfaction.


Having satisfactorily performed these duties, sissy must then change into her maids uniform, curtsy to Mistress and be inspected and only then commence to perform her other duties.


sissy must clean the toilet, wash the crockery and attend to any additional personal requirements that Mistress may have.


In particular, sissy will orally massage Mistress’ stockinged feet and then take Her panties and stockings into sissy’s mouth giving them a soaking, prior to putting them into Mistress’ washing machine.


sissy realises that sissy is not perfect at all these tasks, but she is improving and Mistress did tell her  that Mistress can see that the training is certainly improving sissy’s dedication to Mistress.