Sissy had full make up put on and her lips were a bright red with gorgeous hooker lipstick. Clip on earrings, with diamante stones were attached to her ears and then a short, blonde wig was put onto her head, and a small maids cap was perched on the top of her hair.

Sissy looked the part.


Cecile gave sissy a small soft clutch bag in pink and then took off the leash, but left the collar. Cecile told sissy to follow her and Cecile went across the landing into another room organised as a sort of office, followed by sissy holding her bag.


Madam was in the office and put her had out for sissy’s bag, which sissy gave to her. She put it on the table, which also had a bowl, a jug of iced water, a tube of lubricant and some flannels. Sissy had her hands grasped and then handcuffed together. The leash was re-attached and held by Cecile

Madam unzipped the clutch bag and took out a small pink organza pouch, with lace ruffles and little bells, tied with lace. sngine_9af1ceaf62d1fa188b514c3d736ed963.jpgFrom a drawer underneath the table top Madam took out a box and placed it on the table top. She turned to sissy who was looking at this with a certain apprehension. “Be a good girl, and stay still” she commanded. sngine_70f78831f82c09f9e07dc5e0d7ae3fe8.jpg


Placing her hands underneath sissy’s skirt, she pulled down sissy’s panties to just below knee level. There was a very small hook sewn into the front hem of sissy’s maid’s uniform and Madam hooked this to one of the little d rings on sissy’s collar, thereby raising the front of sissy’s dress to expose her clitty


Madam opened the box on her table and in it were pink clitty cages each with an anal hook, Madam took one in her left hand and opened it. She then moved to sissy and lifted sissy’s clitty to offer it to the cage. It fitted easily. Madam said that it should be tight and was obviously too big.


Picking  out the smallest in the box, she offered sissy’s clitty to it and it was very difficult to push sissy’s clitty into the tube. “This is the correct size” she said, though sissy did not think it big enough. Sissy’s clitty was enlarged with all the attention being paid to it – the humiliation of being handcuffed, exposed and women handled was really proving very enjoyable.


Madam, let go of sissy’s clitty and turned back to the table, facing away from sissy. She picked up the jug and poured iced water into the bowl. Turning back to sissy, she took sissy’s leash from Cecile and pulled sissy over to ward the table. Cecile stood behind sissy and, putting her hands on sissy’s corseted waist pushed sissy against the table. The edge of the table top pushed against the base of sissy’s helmet and with Cecile pushing her, sissy had to stand on tiptoe and let her clitty rest on the table surface.


Madam stood just to sissy’s left and one of her hands grasped the bowl and the other sissy’s clitty, pulling it upward. Madam then pulled sissy’s balls upward to join her clitty on the table top and plunged clitty  and balls into the bowl of water, causing sissy to squeal. Madam was continuing to press sissy’s clitty into the icy water.


Sissy’s clitty shrank, sissy’s balls shrivelled, but Madam kept them in the water, while Cecile made sure there was no escape. After about a minute, Madam moved her hand to hold the bowl, while sissy raised herself even more and removed herself from the bowl.


A quick wipe with the towel, and Madam lubricated sissy’s pussy. The clitty cage fitted both sissy’s clitty and the ring wrapped nicely round the base of her balls, while the lubrication let the anal plug slide snugly up sissy’s pussy. Madam smiled and attached a very small padlock to the locking ring.


Cecile then took the ball pouch and pulled it over sissy’s clitty and balls, tying it in a pretty bow. After patting the front to the pouch, she drew sissy’s panties back up to cover the pouch, though her panties were quite transparent, and threaded the little bells on their lace tethers down though the leg holes in the panties. sissy would have music wherever she went!


Madam undid Sissy’s handcuffs and Cecile took the leash, pulling sissy toward the stairs. Sissy weas warned about taking her time coming down the stairs in high heels-and she also needed to get used to the anal plug and the growing tightness of the clitty cage.


But downstairs she managed and Cecile led her into the kitchen, where another sissy maid, dressed in pink but otherwise similarly to sissy, was preparing morning coffee. Sissy found her leash being unclipped and she was introduced to this maid, whose name was Janet and who appeared to be a regular participant.


Janet was head maid and sissy was Janet’s assistant. Sissy did notice that Janet had similar bells dangling down from her panties. Whenever either moved, they tinkled!


Sissy carried the tray with the coffee and cups, while Janet carried the cakes as the two took morning coffee into the lounge.


What surprised sissy was that not only were Madam and Cecile seated in the room, but three other ladies were also there. Janet asked each lady in turn how they took their coffee and then poured it out on sissy’s tray and then placed it on the coffee table near whoever she was talking to.


Janet seemed to know what was expected as the two sissies carried the empty tray and cake stand back to the kitchen. Sissy, as she walked behind Janet, could see Janet’s bells hanging down against the stockings of her inner thighs, lightly bouncing and tinkling as she walked. Sissy could feel her own bells doing the same.


Sissy was becoming more and more aware of the tightness in her clitty cage. The very act of serving these ladies was exciting and her little clitty wanted to expand-but couldn’t. sissy was also very aware of the effect her walking around was having on her pussy – or rather that the anal plug was having.


Having taken the tray into the kitchen Janet told sissy that they must return to the lounge. Apparently, the ladies were expecting and stand in the centre of the semi circle made by the ladies 5 chairs. Sissy was quite excited at this whole situation and while her clitty was unable to erect, it most certainly could ooze. Sissy’s panties were damp, almost to the point of dripping.


Cecile then instructed the two sissies to kiss one another.sngine_f2dd74b00987f13740c70974d86586f6.jpg

 Sissy was surprised at this, but not Janet, who embraced sissy and being taller, bent sissy somewhat backwards as she kissed sissy. Janet’s lower hand moved further down sissy’s back and cupped sissy’s bottom, feeling the anal plug and slightly moving it, causing a soft moan from sissy. Lower still and sissy felt her skirt being pulled upward by Janet’s hand, exposing sissy’s pouch and visible clitty cage. Sissy felt obliged to respond in a similar manner, moving one hand from Janet’s waist, downward to her thigh, slowly moving her skirt upward and exposing Janet’s cage to the assembled company.


Light moans of pleasure came from the ladies who were staring intently at the two diaphanously covered cages. Small movements were made, as the ladies shifted themselves, clenching and unclenching their legs.


The three ladies were very interested in what was happening. Cecile told Janet to release sissy and for both sissies to go to each of the three ladies in turn, to see if they required anything. It so happened that each of the three wanted the same thing.




Sissy was required to stand right by each of the ladies, as they played with sissy’s legs and caged clitty. One by one they did the same with Janet.


Taking turns, the ladies stood up, and embraced each of the sissies, kissing them on the mouth with full french kisses. sngine_e0b71a4dad53a760953b52d76a7aa290.jpgThey lifted skirts, played with the little bells and rubbed the cages with a degree of fervour, inducing both a happy tinkling and a rapid movement in the anal plug that was very pleasant for both the sissies.


After perhaps half an hour, Madam got up and regretted that the entertainment was coming to an end, but more would be available in a few days.


The final option was, apparently, for any of the ladies to have an opportunity to spank either or both of the Maids, over their knees. The three ladies all accepted the offer with alacrity, whilst sissy was apprehensive as she was all too aware of the anal plug up her pussy.



To no avail, however as each lady promptly sat back into her chair as Cecile led Janet and sissy over to three quivering laps, with their skirts raised to the tops of their nylons and their panties damp with anticipation. They did not spank hard, but spank they did, slowly and lingeringly, enjoying every touch. As each spank landed, a pulse extended up sissy’s anal passage and a small drop of pre cum oozed out of sissy’s urethra.


And, finally, regretfully, the ladies adjusted their panties and Cecile handed each of them a panty liner, which each gratefully slipped into their gussets. Then pulled down their skirts and stood up, whispering their thanks, left the room, followed by Cecile.


At this point sissy was beside herself. she was so turned on and damp, but unable to get any release.


However, it was now coming up to 2 pm and sissy’s allotted time was soon to be over. Madam had gone to her office and sissy was not to see her again.


Cecile returned and came over to sissy, mentioning that it would take about half an hour to clean sissy up ready to leave, so sissy had a choice to make.


She had 40 minutes left and in that time sissy could continue her maid duties, or Cecile was able to offer sissy a sensual massage with a happy ending. Sissy pondered for about two seconds and went for the massage.


One of the most exciting aspects was that Cecile replaced the cock cage and anal plug with an electric dilating plug and vibrator combined.


 Cecile came out of the character she inhabited during the training, to offer this full body sensual massage.


She took off her blouse, skirt bra and panties. Her breasts were gorgeous and she massaged clad just in heels, suspenders and stockings, which suited sissy very nicely. The massage itself was quite short, but extremely erotic; then Cecile turned on the new vibrator, while sissy was still laying on her front. After a few minutes, she told sissy to face upward, and got onto the bed by sissy’s head.


And, while sissy was being vibrated by the new plug, Cecile face fucked sissy, grinding away for a good 10 minutes and leaving sissy with a very red nose and an aching, fully exercised tongue. That produced some of the most pleasurable sensations sissy had experienced, the memory of which lives on in her mind to this day.


Sadly, the two ladies moved abroad within a few months of this adventure. Sissy has been unable to find a substitute anywhere near as good.