Some years ago sissy went for Maid training. She arranged the appointment over the phone and was told to arrive promptly at 10 am, wearing a suspender belt, panties and stockings under her outer clothes.

The training was at a large victorian detached house, set back from the road, in the Epsom area, in a quiet suburb.

Sissy had to phone the two Mistresses who performed the training, when she was about 10 minutes away.

At the front was a large porch, glazed with opaque glass. Sissy was told to enter the porch, close the porch door behind her and ring the bell. There was an intercom by the bell, and sissy was told to take off her trousers and wait. Then the intercom went dead. sissy was concerned, as though the area was quiet, people were walking past and she had noticed a postman a little way up the road, making deliveries.

The intercom crackled and the same voice told sissy to get her trousers off or go away. Sissy jumped and pulled down her joggers, exposing her lingerie, and the slight damp patch on the front of her panties.

“That’s better”, she was told, and then nothing for a good 4 minutes. Sissy’s erection was diminishing, when the door opened and sissy was beckoned in, by a very proper looking middle aged woman, in a knee length pencil skirt and white blouse, exposing a perfectly formed cleavage. She had black nylons and high heel, patent leather shoes with her hair done in a loose bun.

She pointed at a wicker basket and sissy was to put her tribute into it, and take her shoes off and leave them by the basket. She then directed sissy to follow her up the stairs and into a large bedroom. Another lady was standing in the centre of that room. She was in a slightly looser skirt, knee length, a pink blouse exposing another, beautiful decolletage and high heels. She was smiling and sissy began to relax a little.

sissy was told that this lady would get her prepared and ensure sissy was correctly dressed. The first lady, she was to be called madam, turned and left the bedroom, after telling sissy that sissy was to obey all instructions or be asked to leave.

The remaining lady, who sissy was to refer to as Mistress Cecile, then told sissy to stand on a circular rug, placed about 3 foot from the side of the large double bed.

Sissy had been focusing on these two ladies, but now looked around the room as Cecile walked slowly around sissy. She put her hand on sissy’s bottom and squeezed sissy’s panties. sissy had her joggers in one hand, but otherwise had her shirt on her chest and suspenders, stockings and panties exposed from her waist downward.

Sissy’s joggers were taken and sissy was told to take all her clothes off and to stay absolutely still. Sissy’s clitty was undecided about getting excited or remaining apprehensive. Though it was definitely slightly oozing. Cecile wiped the beads of pre cum from sissy’s little helmet with her fingers and then put them to sissy’s mouth to lick clean.

Cecile had done a complete circuit of sissy and was now measuring sissy’s legs, waist and bust. Sissy had provided this information by email, the previous day, but Cecile was checking herself. Sissy could see some maid dresses in pink, red and black laying on the bed, together with stockings, basques, panties, bras and layered slips.

Cecile stood behind sissy and put a leather collar around sissy’s neck. A long leather leash was clipped onto a d rind on this collar, and without any explanation sissy was pulled by the leash out of the bedroom, across the landing and into a shower room. Cecile told sissy to go to the toilet, which was next to the shower. Sissy walked over and put the seat up, only to be told “no, you are a maid, sit on the toilet”. sissy did this, facing Cecile who was looking intensely at sissy’s clitty. Sissy could not go for at least a minute and Cecile gave a couple sharp tugs on the leash. Sissy, startled, then began a very slow tinkle, which brought a wry smile to Cecile’s face. “wipe from front to back “sissy was told, which made her little clitty pop upward and then flop onto the toilet seat. Another wry smile from Cecile and thenshe pulled the leash to get sissy under the shower.

Sissy stood in the shower, leash still attached, and was told to was herself all over, including up her pussy. A razor was then provided for sissy to remove hair around her clitty and pussy, as well as underarm and legs. Sissy had to shave her breasts, but her back and lower chest were to be left.

Once completed a tug on the leash pulled sissy out of the shower and sissy was given a towel to dry herself. Then sissy was led back to the bedroom.

Cecile used a hair dryer to give sissy a final dry, telling sissy to hold her bottom cheeks apart so her pussy could be completely dried.

Sissy was then dressed by Cecile. sissy had a blindfold put over her eyes. Sissy was not allowed to put on anything herself. Cecile would place her foot in the rolled up stockings, attach suspenders, close up the front corset clasps and pull up sissy’s panties, settling sissy’s clitty nicely in the gusset. Finally Cecile told sissy to take off her blindfold and sissy looked at herself in the full length mirror.

A lovely dark ruby corset with long suspenders, formed the basis, to which glossy black nylons were attached. sissy was then stepped into a short, black tutu type skirt and Cecile fixed the clasp on a lovely black lace bra, which fitted sissy beautifully. Some open toe heels completed the look.

Sissy then had to pose in front of a white sheet at the far side of the bed, and her photo was taken

But Cecile was not totally happy with this look, and she swapped the black tutu for a proper full maids uniform in black pvc, with a full layered petticoat. Sissy looked the part.

Again, a photo was taken, and sissy realised why her breasts were shaven.