When I was 13 I saw this girl who was a senior in high school holding a 12 year old boy by the hair, she thru him up against a trailer parked on the street and started slapping  him, I walked up and said "leave him alone," she said "get lost before I kick your ass, to cut to the chase she said her parents would be gone at 6oclock, to be at her house if I wasn't scared and we'd fight.

When I got to her house she opened the door stepped outside and with no hesitation punched me right in the face, I staggard backwards, she then jumped on me knocking me to my back and landing on my stomach knocking the wind out of me, I couldn't breath, she then pulled me up by my hair and brought her knee up and pulled my head down and kneed me right in the face, knocking me out cold, I saw a flash of light, when I woke up i was wearing a pink tutu slip and a pink pair of satin panties, I ran into the corn field, it was dark by now, I climbed in my bedroom window and laid on my bed in a fetal position still wearing the dress and panties, so humiliated.

I fell asleep woke up about 3 hours later, went to take the panties off and felt the elastic rub on my legs, I pulled the panties back up and masturbated, I've been wearing pink dresses panties ever since and that's the short story..