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  • So glad the temperature's raised, even if only slightly. Finally decided to get myself one of those "Tw@ Poles", otherwise known as a selfie stick !!
    So glad the temperature's raised, even if only slightly. Finally decided to get myself one of those "Tw@ Poles", otherwise known as a selfie stick !! 🤘💋
    1 Comments 0 Shares 763 Views
  • Trying a new blouse with wet look leggings/ leather skirt. Aso got a pair of ankle straps with an adjustable chain. Can even chain them together, not that I've tried to, yet !!
    Trying a new blouse with wet look leggings/ leather skirt. Aso got a pair of ankle straps with an adjustable chain. Can even chain them together, not that I've tried to, yet !! 😉💋
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2420 Views
  • S'cuse my language, but f!#k Mondays and f!#k Spondylosis
    Feels like its taken forever to get something like reasonable today, including having a shower, washing my hair, etc etc. Now in need of a huge mug of Yorkshire Tea to compensate for missing this morning. Fingers crossed the week can't get any worse...
    S'cuse my language, but f!#k Mondays and f!#k Spondylosis 🖕 Feels like its taken forever to get something like reasonable today, including having a shower, washing my hair, etc etc. Now in need of a huge mug of Yorkshire Tea to compensate for missing this morning. Fingers crossed the week can't get any worse... 🙏🤞💋
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  • Gotta love it when just 1 sneeze ruins half the week, literally brings you to your knees, crawling like a babby to get to something to try and get back on your feet, then be walking around like you've yourself... I hate this weather
    Dressed to keep as warm as possible seeing as my house feels like the Highlands of Scotland, lol
    Gotta love it when just 1 sneeze ruins half the week, literally brings you to your knees, crawling like a babby to get to something to try and get back on your feet, then be walking around like you've 💩 yourself... I hate this weather 🙄😑 Dressed to keep as warm as possible seeing as my house feels like the Highlands of Scotland, lol 🥶🥶🥶
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1288 Views
  • Definitely a "dress for comfort" day. Feels almost as cold as a Mother in Law's kiss....!
    Definitely a "dress for comfort" day. Feels almost as cold as a Mother in Law's kiss....! 🥶💋
    0 Comments 0 Shares 783 Views
  • Sorry Master.....
    Sorry Master..... 🤣🤣🤣
    1 Comments 0 Shares 939 Views
  • Snow expected tonight (?) So went and got my 40 pints of milk and 10 loaves to see me through, lol.
    Actually only went to get a pizza for later. Glad to get back and put my face on, I'm at that point where I feel naked if i dont ! Have fun Ladies
    Snow expected tonight (?) So went and got my 40 pints of milk and 10 loaves to see me through, lol. Actually only went to get a pizza for later. 😉 Glad to get back and put my face on, I'm at that point where I feel naked if i dont ! Have fun Ladies 💋
    1 Comments 0 Shares 945 Views
  • Hi Gals, and Guys. Struggling with the back and neck, and the drop in temperature ain't helping. But couldn't resist trying my first new outfit of the year....
    Hi Gals, and Guys. Struggling with the back and neck, and the drop in temperature ain't helping. But couldn't resist trying my first new outfit of the year.... 💋
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  • "Trade in everything you own, if it ain't brought you nothing but a bad time. Trade in your thinking, change your mind....
    Change up the way you dress, running round town looking like a little hot mess.
    Change up the blues... change up the blues for a red hot time....
    Feels good tonight (feels good tonight), feels right tonight (feels right tonight).
    Nothings gonna kill my vibe, cause it feels so good to feel alright..."
    "Trade in everything you own, if it ain't brought you nothing but a bad time. Trade in your thinking, change your mind.... Change up the way you dress, running round town looking like a little hot mess. Change up the blues... change up the blues for a red hot time.... Feels good tonight (feels good tonight), feels right tonight (feels right tonight). Nothings gonna kill my vibe, cause it feels so good to feel alright..." 🎤🤘💋 (Gunshine)
    2 Comments 0 Shares 856 Views
  • Last new dress for the year. Hope the next 12 months is good for you all....
    Last new dress for the year. Hope the next 12 months is good for you all.... 💋
    0 Comments 0 Shares 789 Views
  • Having a lie down after a nice curry and remembering to do the washing up afterwards. Anyone care to join me?
    Having a lie down after a nice curry and remembering to do the washing up afterwards. Anyone care to join me? 💋
    2 Comments 0 Shares 1322 Views
  • Kiss me quick before I make a cuppa ☕️
    Kiss me quick before I make a cuppa 😉💋☕️
    1 Comments 0 Shares 803 Views
  • Difficult morning trying to get some colour back in my hair, neck and shoulders now in need of some WD40 !! New dress delivered , just gotta find my white stiletto heels now....
    Difficult morning trying to get some colour back in my hair, neck and shoulders now in need of some WD40 !! New dress delivered , just gotta find my white stiletto heels now.... 💋
    3 Comments 0 Shares 1287 Views
  • Having yet another awful day regarding my neck and back problems. But another bargain pair of heels from Temu have arrived to cheer me up a little...
    Having yet another awful day regarding my neck and back problems. But another bargain pair of heels from Temu have arrived to cheer me up a little... 💋
    2 Comments 0 Shares 930 Views
  • Im all yours. What'cha gonna do?
    Im all yours. What'cha gonna do? 😉💋
    0 Comments 0 Shares 783 Views
  • And a new outfit ordered at the same time as the new heels
    And a new outfit ordered at the same time as the new heels 💋
    0 Comments 0 Shares 992 Views
  • Eeek !! 1st pair of heels ordered from Temu, not that there's much choice in my size, but these fit perfectly Takes me up to 15 pairs of shoes/ boots now
    Eeek !! 🤩 1st pair of heels ordered from Temu, not that there's much choice in my size, but these fit perfectly 🥰 Takes me up to 15 pairs of shoes/ boots now 😱💋
    4 Comments 0 Shares 1643 Views
  • Afternoon Ladies. Hope you all had a nice couple of days. I didn't really bother with anything, spent most of yesterday in bed (CBA) watching the insides of my eyelids. Far better option (for me) than watching garbage on tv....
    Afternoon Ladies. Hope you all had a nice couple of days. I didn't really bother with anything, spent most of yesterday in bed (CBA) watching the insides of my eyelids. Far better option (for me) than watching garbage on tv.... 💋
    2 Comments 0 Shares 1243 Views
  • Finally ready after getting everything sorted in the kitchen for later on. Gonna be pigging myself out on roast pork leg sarnies with haggis stuffing and Weston's Vintage Trampagne (cider!) apple sauce !!
    Finally ready after getting everything sorted in the kitchen for later on. Gonna be pigging myself out on roast pork leg sarnies with haggis stuffing and Weston's Vintage Trampagne (cider!) apple sauce !! 😋💋
    3 Comments 0 Shares 1024 Views
  • When you're alternating between trying to get yourself ready, and being busy in the kitchen. Hope you're all good
    When you're alternating between trying to get yourself ready, and being busy in the kitchen. Hope you're all good 💋
    6 Comments 0 Shares 822 Views
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