Do you think I'm trans or a crossdresser?
It is very hard to give an opinion about your Gender identification with just two lines about you. But for making some sense, Crossdressers are men who dresses up in women clothes and they appears to be, behave like and want to be treated like one. If you want to be treated like a girl when dressed up but for the rest of the time when you are in your male persona, you want to be taken as a man… then quite likely you are a crossdressers. CDs do oscillate between these two gender forms and it depends on their maturity and journey which side they lean on more. The ones who prefers to keep their male life more significant, they do not make much alterations to their body and appearance while ones who tend to lean more on feminine side they do make efforts to make changes to their body and appearance to pass as woman. Changes would include shaving the body (temporarily or permanent hair removal), altering their facial appearance by shaving, styling brows, etc., losing weight to get a slender figure or even taking hormones to have substantial changes in their body.

If you dress up as a woman, fantasize about it, relieve yourself from the buildup stress and tension and then go back to your male form… then you probably are a Transvestite. TRansvestites are more about sexual gratification and less about living and being a woman.

On the other hand, if you always despise being a man and you dislike to look at yourself being a man, you do not think like a man but mostly you think like a woman and you feel more comfortable doing girly/womanly things… you are less interested in your male organ and would prefer to have a female thing there, then very likely you are a transsexual. Sometimes, I tell people that “Crossdressing is Physical while Transsexualism is purely in the mind”. Transsexuals generally feel like being trapped in wrong body. They want to change their body desperately to match their minds. If this is how you feel then you know who you are.

Now, from couple of statements you mentioned “You look strange in a dress and you get upset when you cannot dress up”. These are pretty common feelings expressed by Crossdressers. When you buy a dress, you envision and imagine that beautiful and pretty or sexy model you saw in the catalogue and then when you wear the dress you do not relate to the image of the catalogue and probably that is what makes you upset. Yes, all CDs want to be as feminine as possible and to look pretty and beautiful… but one thing to be understood that, male body and features are much different than that of women. You may need to make some changes to your appearance as well as your expectations from the dress. One common reason for initial CDs to be upset or dissatisfied is that they usually buy cheaper stuff and very often costumes (not the dresses you might said). These costumes would make anyone look funny at the least except for those models in the catalogue. Remember the Golden Rule of Crossdressers that “A women without makeup/dress would look like a woman while a man in a dress and with makeup may not look like a woman”.

It is important as a beginner that you understand where you want to go… what is next… how do you see yourself living your life and accordingly make changes to yourself. Secondly, if you feel CDing is the thing which gets better with experience and time, try to observe women around you. What they buy, how do they dress, etc. Buy the stuff a woman would buy to wear and use. Those spike heels and bright hairs and makeup may look sexy but this is not how most women would dress up. Take baby steps, make subtle changes in your appearance, try the usual woman gear, clothes, shoes, makeup, hairs, etc. and see how you can further improve on it. I am sure, you will eventually get there… you may need to bring your expectations down and efforts and hopes higher.

All the best.

What is the difference between crossdressing and being transgender?
I'm a 21-year-old male who has sexually crossdressed since I was at least 10 years old. I like to wear women's clothing and masturbate. I don't like the idea of being a woman but I do like the idea of being weak and "girly" during sex. Am I in denial or something about maybe wanting to become a woman?
Could high intensity crossdressing lead to transsexualism in older transvestites? (I feel I'm becoming a TS after long periods of CD).
How can I stop my urge to crossdress? I have tried not to, but the desire comes back with a greater force every time. (I am a 26-year-old male and straight).
How do I know if I am just a crossdresser or trans? I like to dress FEM and take the female role sexually but don’t want to do surgery or hormones.
This is not an either/or situation. There is a spectrum between crossdresser and transgender. Your words, “I don't identify as a girl all the time”, may be important. Does this mean?

I don’t always identify as a girl, because I’m trying hard to “be a man”,
I NEVER feel female inside when I’m dressed in male clothing, OR
I identity as female sometimes, and identify as male other times, without knowing exactly the reasons why?
When you say, “I get upset and uncomfortable whenever I can't dress up”, that sounds like some measure of gender dysphoria. Experience of gender dysphoria is one classic sign

After much thought and analysis of my own behavior throughout my life I gave come to the honest conclusion , I made the transition from male to female emotionally, physically in the way dress , the way I act. Walk…think ..,react with others ..mannerisms I display in private and our in the public eye… I love my lifestyle and I love being a woman … with the use of accessories I have the look physically of that of a woman …

I wish I had come out 15 yrs earlier than I did and wear only woman’s clothes at age 18 not 33….

I missed 15 years of euphoria instead I hid behind closed doors and secretly dre

I don’t think that another person can tell you how you identify, since that is something really personal. However, I can tell you that there are a lot of different possibilities.

Transgender - you feel a definite withdrawal or emotional depression at not being able to express the gender you truly feel yourself to be. It may cause you serious depression or anxiety to not be true to yourself and that goes away when you are expressing yourself as you want to be.(there are any number of transgender identities and not all of them require transition)

Bigender - you identify as transgender but not horm

What do most women think about crossdressing?
Do crossdressers make better husbands?
I crossdress and I really like doing it. I don't like men. But the more I crossdress, the more I feel like becoming a woman. What do I do?
My wife wants me to stop crossdressing. Is that possible? I’ve had urges to crossdress since I was 5, so it’s deeply rooted in me.
How can I accept myself for being a crossdresser and how should I make it more of a part of my life if I do accept it?
Let me say right now that only you can truly say for sure. You know yourself best, and deciding what to identify as is a matter of choosing what you feel fits you best.

That said, you could be trans, or somewhere on the nonbinary spectrum, or you could be cis and prefer to crossdress. You said that you don’t identify as a girl all the time. This sounds like you could be genderfluid, genderflux, bigender, or a long list of other genders.

I think the best way to go about figuring it out is to do research. Find lists of genders and what they are, and if there’s one or more that you think could be y

You are only a transgender if you wake each morning and you want to look think and act like a girl 24/7. You only have girlish thots in your head and you want everyone to see you as the girl you want to be.

Your a cross dresser when you only want to dress part time as a girl. You only think like and act like a girl when you are dressed like one. Other wise you still think like and act ;like a guy any other time.

It is possible to be a guy and dress as a girl sometimes, that is just cross dressing.

Some say the difference between a crossdresser and a trans person is two years, others say five years. More seriously, the way to get a clue is to try to go out en femme as much as possible in different situations and see how you feel. If you are more comfortable as a woman than as a man, you should investigate further. There is more to being a woman than lipstick and stilettos, however. It is an entire life.

The first thing need to decide are you wanting to change your body permanly if so than you're wanting to become a trans person however if not and just wanting to wear female clothing your a crossdresser

I’m a crossdress Nd I don’t wanna change my gender I like being a man and. Women I wear women’s clothes as much as I can but I am straight and still find women attractive its Upto you what you wanna do don’t let other people tell you

No one can tell you this but a good mental health professional can help you make sense of it all.

Best wishes!

With this much information you could be a Martian.

What is the difference between crossdressing and being transgender?
I'm a 21-year-old male who has sexually crossdressed since I was at least 10 years old. I like to wear women's clothing and masturbate. I don't like the idea of being a woman but I do like the idea of being weak and "girly" during sex. Am I in denial or something about maybe wanting to become a woman?
Could high intensity crossdressing lead to transsexualism in older transvestites? (I feel I'm becoming a TS after long periods of CD).
How can I stop my urge to crossdress? I have tried not to, but the desire comes back with a greater force every time. (I am a 26-year-old male and straight).
How do I know if I am just a crossdresser or trans? I like to dress FEM and take the female role sexually but don’t want to do surgery or hormones.
What do most women think about crossdressing?
Do crossdressers make better husbands?
I crossdress and I really like doing it. I don't like men. But the more I crossdress, the more I feel like becoming a woman. What do I do?
My wife wants me to stop crossdressing. Is that possible? I’ve had urges to crossdress since I was 5, so it’s deeply rooted in me.
How can I accept myself for being a crossdresser and how should I make it more of a part of my life if I do accept it?
How do I know if I am just a crossdresser or I am trans? I've been struggling with it for weeks, and I feel more female than male each day, but I don't know. Please help!
The more I crossdress, the more I feel like a trans girl but I’m confused. What should I do?
I'm pretty much a full-time crossdresser but haven't come out. I don't have any one to share my passion with. Can you help somebody?
Why is it that all I think about is crossdressing, and what it would feel like to be a real woman?
Why do some guys crossdress? There must be more to it.
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