Not much to tell really. I am, what society dictates as 'transgender' however, I don't agree with unnecessary labelling so, I'm simply me.
There are a fair few people on this site who believe that, I have no right to still be a member (just because I've gone through Gender Reassignment Surgery) and, they will tell you some very nasty things about me, just to get you on their side.
I may well be a sarcastic little mare at times and, I suffer badly from depression (aswell as self loathing) but, one thing I will NEVER do is, go out of my way, to be purposely crappy to anyone, unlike certain members!!
Nobody is forcing you to look at my posts so, if you don't wish to see them, simply go ahead and block me, rather than being a sad little 'keyboard warrior'
Anyway, that's about it so, bugger off and, have a lovely day. xx
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