I have been Crossdressing on and off as long as I can remember. My wife has seen me dressed on a number of occasions but does not really like it. While she accepts me doing it she would rather I do it in private. Ok as long as she does not know about it, her words not mine. So more she turns a blind eye rather than truley accepting it. This does mean I’m not convincing without the face mask as I have facial and body hair. Can get away with the body hair covering with my outfits. Shame but she loves the masculine me and that’s more important as much as I would love to be more feminine than I am.

Dressing is mostly sexually driven for me although I do love to spend long periods of time dressed. Thankfully I work away a lot so Chrissy comes out to play when I’m staying in hotels.

Happy to chat to others similar to me, lots of very pretty looking girls on here 🤭
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  • 01/10/1982
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